Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Sep 1932, p. 12

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The Church schorol re-opened laet Sunday Morning with an attendance of more than three hundred. It Is expected that the attendance will be even large>' next Sunday mot'ning. AI' departments and classes. ieet at 9.:30J with the. ex- ception of the Friendly Circle, Miýen's- class, and Young ýPeop1e'A- department which begin at 9 :45. There are classes for ail ages. The Wonîans Foreign MissioÜary so-, ciety meets today,. Thursday, Septemý, ber 15, at 2 o'clock. Devotions: Mrs. J. C., Martin,' There will be annual re- ports, and thé Installation of new of- Alcers willI take place. ýHostess3eH: Mesdames L. E. Matson, F. P. Proctor, and C. AX Lundberg. The choir will meet f or rehearsal this evenIng (Thursday) ait 8 o'clock. Ail those interested, ln serving the church in this way are urged to be in attendance. A Womnan's Home Missionary society northern district. rally will be held Thursday, September 22, at 10 o'clo<'k at Berry, Memnorial chureh. The, Woman's Home Missionary so- ciety September _meeting Will be held Friday, September 23, at 2 o'clock at the chureh. This. is to be 'Guests and Dues Paying Day." Devot ionâ: Mrs. AI- be'rt Varléy., Tolle: -Jesus, th~e reat, Teacher." Programû leader: Mrs. F. P. Proctor., Hostesses,: Mrs. HanaWalt's, group. The Girl Scout and Boy Scou t tropps sponsored by this church *ill continue their.regular meetings as follows:. Girl Scout Troop I,-Tonight_(Thurs day) *at 7:15 . Pm. Girl Scout Troop 4-Thu rsday, Septem- ber 22' at 3:-45 p; m. Girl-Scout Troop 5-Tuesdav, September 20, at .:45 p. m. Brownie Pack 2-F-iriday, September 21, at 3:30 P. M. Boy Scout Troop 3-Thursday, 'Septem- ber 22, at 7:30 p. mi. Ba>itist Church Wlmette and Forest avenues. Georke D. Afilson, mnse "A. Chuirih That-1(arýesa* Our Sunday program begins at 9 :30 oMcock In the morning wîth the conven- Iing of the ('hurch sehool hii ail depart- The mornning worship. of the churcli bhegtns. at il 'clock. Dr. Aili-son wilI iise for the themne of the sel-mon: "Belng Brave Togther." At ~ 53 l "Is.irSnAa,, eueninzthe I-oly Commniont at 8 a. mn., Church school and Bible classes at 9:45 and Morning Prayer with sermon mt Il a. mi. Our Church schoois, Primary, Junior and Bible clarses begin their autumnn sessions Sund Y, September 18. The Prirnary scho A', including- Pre7-mehool, Kindergarten, and grades 1. 2 and 3, *111 meet In, the Club Housei 1126. Wil- mette avenue. The Junior Rchool, Includ- lng grades 4, 5, 6, 7,- and 9, will meet ln the church, as" will also the' Bible classes, after which theyr will go to their respective roorne. The Vetrywiil meet in the rector'e office W'ednesday£ Sepîtember,.21,, at 8 P. M. Th e Girls' Vested choir îvili holà re- hearsais each Wednesday; ,.for younger girls at 4 :15, and for older girls at 7 p. m. The East End circle of t he Women's Associated Cuilds will hoid a tea for ail womfen of the parlsh and theirguests in the Parish House the' afterfloon of September 23 when El.iz.abeth Wells Robertson, -nat ionaliy known teacher, lecturer and craftsman, will exhibit her own rare collection, of quilts 'and will lecture on ber work. The' East End circle ejwil meet at the herne of Ml-s. Royal D. Smilth, 706& Elai- wood avenue, on Friday of this week at, il o'clock for sewing, ih luncheon at 1o'clock. The' West End circleof the' Women's Associated.GuiltIs will>,meet at the home o? Mrs. R. DeVlnny,-:1760 Washington a venue, Friday, September 16, for luncheon at 1. o'clock. * The' rector and. a couple' ef other reprsentativJes o? St-. Augustine's at- tended the autunin conference of 270 Church school temchers aoýd officers of the' diseheitIntt Oracoe hureh, Oak Park, l<ist Saturday and Suntlay at whîch the' rector presided as chairumin of the' Diocesan department of Beliglous Fducation. *The Presbyterian treop of Boy Scouts iuueets each Thursqday evening ini our- ilarish Ilouse. E4glish.4Lutheran (Freenieaf avenue, and Seventh, stî'eet Wilmette AHotuse c' «f h Bev.> David, R. Kabele. paistoi,' Suluday Servieg Sunday scbool........... 9 :45 A. M, NMoirn ing worshiD..........: 00 A. M. *Mrs. *ay Belle Hagenow-Juc(ksoni Director ef Music Speril31Mui-74epfember Is Prielude--Andante.........~ ' Anthern-Bild Thet' Mor'e Stately ng t gramt. ,or rurtn dinfler Corne to the' friendiy church we' the' way ls made elain. First Congre gational John ,G. Hindie3r, minister, Next Sunday ie Promotion Day in the' Church school, and the, grAduating classes will advance ln ahl departmeflt-s-. Ahl members o? ýaIl classes should be on1 hand thiat they may be assIgned to their departments and ready for the- fal pro- gram cf their group. Primary, Junior, and Intermediate groups will meet at 9:30,, Nursery and Beginners at I o'clock. The' Sunday merning ser-vice or worship la held at il o'clock. Mr. HintI- ley will preach on the' subjeet, "Suai- moned," a timely message on the' cali Ô? tht' hour. The musical progu'am wil be as follows: Prelude-"Praeluu........... Corelli Solo -"Come, Ye Faithful People, Come !" . .......... Scott Offertory-"Crhan>soýn" ..... Gal Solo-"But the' Lord lis Mindful ut. Hi.s Own........ ... ý.. Mendelssohn Postlude-"March in D m ajor', ... . . . . . .. .. . . . .ýG uilm aiit Mrs. Ethél'Heide WishoVt'r will be the soloist. The fait, .epening <meeting t>? the' Nelghborhood Circle'will be held next Tuesday, September 20, at theý home o? Mrs. D. * H., Nicholes, 816 -Fore st ave- nue. Mrs. M. H. cMi lien_ Mrs. C. G. Everson, and Mrs. F. J. Newey will he the as.-isting hostesmes,. T!.untche"'n i wil lie served at 12 :30 o'cioek. Tht' progra i of l"î'dayvinorning mIetinigs * sponsored hy the' 'oigrega- tioilal Womien's Msioaysociety alid beld iii Rtoom 1327, 19 South L.tSilie street, (Chicage,, wiil begin . Friday-, Septem-ber 16. Mrs. W. H. C'ameron wil presie, and IMr.s. A. B. Bell wiiI have (bar'ge or devotions.. The address c f thé'. mioÉrning,."WcmaenhÈocd andI the ('ht'ç,h,"ý wili be deliveretI by. the' Bey. Walter A. ~Mrgah, cf the' New First C<ngregation- ai chuîrch, ('- hic!ago. These meetings he- gin promptly. at 10 o'clock, andi are open te the. wounen of al(Congregati<>n- ai chti'ches in! the' Chicago area. St. Joh'n's Lutheran Wilinette and 1I«iu'k avenues, Wilmetle 1 lermian W. .Meyer- M. A.,, pastr 406 Prairie avenue Telephone 1.39t; Churcb Telephoire.5379 9 :15 A. M. !) :30 A.NI., 10:45 A. M. andI Sermonu. l and Bible se1.vi('t' learned. St. John's coî'diaiiy asks you to attend itt services. Kenilwortlz Union Kenilworth avenue and Warwickc road Dr. H-erbert«L. Willett. minister Dr. Willett'as ubject for Sunday.,Sep)- tember 19. wiIî be "Youth and the Schools." The church service is at, Il n'cl6ek. The' Sunday school will meet at 9:45 a.M. Ail children between, the ages of. 3 and the hlgh echool1 are cordiaily in- vited and urged te visit and beconie regular nmembere. Pirst Presbyterian. Wonan's club -rooms Treuth xtreet at Greenleaf avenue .Janies T. Veneklasen, ninister Our worship service i-z held at Il 0'vock. Fioiy Conîmunieli ivili be cele- brated and new menîhers wililbe. 'e- ceived. The pastor will give a. brief communion address on 'the ' subject: "Great Words .of Jesus--DiRINK."* We urge ail the' members of the' church to be present,.and we eordially Invite those who have no chureh borne to worship- with us. "ihe musical program arranged by Miss, Rounds, pianist, and NMr.. Otis, soloist, is as follows-ý: 'elude, "Pre- lude," (Suite Bçrgamae,(ue) by De- bUssy; Postlude, "Triumph'il March', by, Buck. Solos "I Soùgigit the. Lord" by Stevenson, 'and "I Heard the' Voice or Jesus Say,*" by Harris. Oui' Suniday scbeol uneets at 9~:30 o'clock, and. we invite y"u to jmin us ini the' study of the Bible. The' Men's Bible cfia.ss wviliIresumi.' its .Sessiouis Sunday ut i :40ili the t'xc1_u- tiv-e roomi, and Mre will continue the' stjudy of the' Gospel of John. The Young Wom>nen)'s Bible N v ~'ill alsmo resumne jtsmeeting.s. Tht' Christian Edao society wil hcegin tc meeti1ngs S$untday at 5 :30. o'clock, the' place to be announc.e1ed. Dudley VeneklasenWili lead the mheet- ing, the topic *,ror diseusio big "l)oes God Reaiiy ('ar-e?" AIl the young pecople or high sc'hooIl agê' arc invited to atenjd.ý il,'here wiIi 1w a jitmeigo h rlesdecon.s, and: trustees MNTonday, evnn t:1R i'clock id th4e V\illage hall. Our prayer meeting mill be held. on V (liInesîiay eveluifg at x e<"dock at the' WVonan's clui> roonmus. e will study The' L'arable orfTt'*tnfruitful Tret', Mat- thew 25. We invite you to joeln us. Rally andI Proinotiou Daty in the Suii- day school bas been set for 'Sunday, September 25. a play ln the' church auditoriumn, en- Our C(onfiriation chuss wil be or. titled "Tht' Tnightèë Cos. Follow'ilug ganized and instruction wili begin Sun r, thie there will be ai social time in the dlay morning. Septembe>' 25. during tir c downstalrs roms. Sunday echool heur. Confirmation fi-ai an old estahlished custom whicb bas The' Young People havie set Friday, cerne down to us troni the earliest ages. th September 30, for their annual "Fali In the' Lutheran church confirmatio)n ji ol Kick-Off." It wlll be a supper thjis year, ftn nid honored custom and Is univers- Ld served at 6:30 o'ciock. Aih commissions alIy, puactlced throughout thet' church. r" Under thet' ins aIse set - tht' Lordi ,rd's Day or e fromui the' was speeialliy ýe for this purp)ose fby eword lintsix tIays ;eventh. tt 'stament teChris- a day for worshi'1 Cod, namely, the' y. oni which Christ aend on which tht'l Thursday Girls' sewing cire le......7:30 p.rn. Friday Prayer .. ... . l'l.. Mr'. Newliagen, speaking. Tuesday, Sêiitembher 20 Sacred concert by Mrs. N. .Olsson. of Pltteburgh. Pa.

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