1412 EImnwood Avenue, Wilmette breaking the state constitution and Wilnett 297 Wiu.ta ~ also bringing up a generatian of ig- _______________________________ oramnuses. But ini the more irn- ___________- . j ediate sense the non-opening of the Willmette grade schools nieans t~ Z 4~~ Q. fsomnetbing like this: Thiere is a threatened lôss of a yeaî C O L'JM N IOf education 'of Our .children; or. ai 0 las alaefraction to of a year, and Jf the fato i oolarge ta make When in youth we got Our thrills 1up, it nill- be the sainîe as thleloss of f tom climbing ail over the homestead .in entire year. This inîans delay ini roof. jumping off the barn-or. was it aduation into highi sciîool. which in a garage in your caIse?ýtreasing littie 'urn mcnans delaý- in gradluation. into sitter, or making life unpleasant for a pcollege, juta bsinesordmti stray dog, did we blame ourselves and life. not "Pa" or "Ma"' for, our .occasianal Bu alniiost, more important than chastisement? this delay 'would bc e wastefuil shiftless-. If we1 did blame ourseIves,. then we; iîess. inculcated. in a. year of hanging. oughrto be Wtoday. or some day. a suc- arou.id - arounid what?' Goodness cess in life. But in ail prabability j I n.4 knows. Onie1 cannhot estiniate, sort of neglected ta blame ourselves. and;Itedaaeii re r i-noflicte or If we are successful taday. we have had s"cb idleîîes. and lack (lproeo Ie larn the habit of blaming ourselves, direction. ..s tO~~~ Would . parentssad fo.is first of ail, for things that.go wrong. SoII o hn ugthv ed o .This valuable habit bas to be learnledi But those who lave lefay e lby rnost of us,> and it's worth a gaod sources, either phîysical or mental, riany dollars ta the. manf who acquires would endeavor to. bri4ge, ov-r sc ~t. fa calamnitv. And liew woul( t1iîiý.bc When we just about pass out with an mrmt colIe atack of. indigestion, do we'blarne aur-,aiel r tknfodth selves' for that attack? One or' two of!I n atriwr ae rn h tùs, maybe,ar inclined ta do just that. eprec iGecels itr But most of us prefer to allme the féod liere WvOuld, be an immiiediate scurrV- lwe aie. Our own responsibility for flg roin( oin e e i ahrs eating that kind, or, quantity.,of, food' uleans 'te'e oe h ecir is sort of neglected, even tbough werol i Xitte5(iOltera- resolve ai the rime ta be more carefl~ in the future... I And because we ýforgerta blame aur-. I selves, the lesson we ought to learn front the painful experience just fadesI The good ahi "school of bard knocks": isn't haîf as good a college for us as it would be if we jusr :could get a strong hold on, the habit of, blam- inig ourselves-for rhings that go 'wrong With. us. The-power for snccess ini this simple' -old idea of willingness ta shoiilder blame is amazing once we. really put lit ta work for us. It's a foot-lever on the s'uccess adde r, s0 recagnized. by business. leaders every- w~here. 1 At aur two stor( by aur niistakes ai reputation of being Just Arrý we have now eni Afiliated twith Snider-Cazel Drug Co.-JL B. Seyler, Mgr. Ridge sud Lake Ave.. Phone Wilmette 316 Miss MicMahon At Wortbnts 1 148 Wilmette Avenue I n twudotheofutmsare the obligations Of praperty owni- as much as the present çost per pu- ers others than parents, or of local -pil in our grade schoois. Maréover, business meni. . It is nat fitting liere ,f the mecetings would probably have to ta suggest whlat shoulcl be the share sbe held in private homes. inuch to of sucli tax payers. There are those the discomfiture af the oivners there- alreadv. carrying burdens for thi> r of. Shah I1 mention the inability of iclentical purpose perhaps greater t mothers ta go ta, the- citv to shop,. than. those ofý the parents., TheV Ior to attend club, or' parties? But, have an obligation in the aggregate. meanwhile the children 'of parents at But* to a bystander it would seem fpresent financially e m b a r r a s s e d logical, that these people cannot 'be * oud egrawing like a multitudemet witb a very convincing argu- of Topsies. ment if the citizen-salicitor for fundsý * Does. this nmean ayhnt.real. canniot: shom* a-pretty cdean slate far estate values, ta ,local merchants, ta0 parents. There are. now, on1 duty. Wilmette's reputatian? os as- numerous ýcammittees of parents, or- suredly. And the guess is thiatlhow%- gan ized by grades. an bath the east ever unfair may have been some of the and the %vest sides of the village. excessively. bigh jumps, in taxes Of Zany May it l)eart fruit! Wilniette real estate owiiersý the di- 1 h eletShos rect slump in the value of their prp- 1 Meantinie, whule. we are about IL. erties naw beinigoccasioned hy )-%thetax nîay tiot a1 few words be said about strike and its attendant circumistanes, j the 1perenniial, neglect af ail parents bias already resulted. in a loss tov.ard the schoal systems tliese severaIltimes ail tire excessive taxes m'ian y years ak I a eeth they m:ght hiaveý paîd. One sympa- ha~bit. of Wilmette citizens to. avoiîd thizes with the excessivelv burdened, scbool elections. Ont of scycral' tax payer *(who isn't se burdened) thousand parents. the normal poil fbut seefuigiy the cure is worse t han I east is, froin 25 to 75. Ih is the'hiabit the disgase. Thiere lias becin sole- ýof inanv mien ta forge~t they are pa)r- tngof a lîttle sprîrt in .rentuiig ents. in sofar as the sclîool activities biouses for faîl occupancv thi., suin- are concerne(l. 'Tbe eveer attend nier,,but nothiing like the dein iidu:iarenit-teachier -meetings. except -on sububancaminunîties just.:tîd tat e occasions. 1w fact most of Coo conty~vler* tîisstrke ndtlîes e meetings are held in -theafter- deia"v in tax ,payniei.ts. are ..1tot 1001oo. Almost neyer dIo aiv, ideas serionsý, for instance iin Highlanid reg<a r(hi.irr e<ncation 'or educatîein al Park., We miit add lierelthat it is ess go from the bodv- .of par- îîot onlvý renters frein Xillette W1h10 ents ini an order1v faslîion te) the 1%re struggling te relocate ; other board(of elt catioin. IBut when the nortb shore villagces near lis are likc- present. crisis began te culmninate euee %vise losing cîtizens actually or potein- lhard pleiitv of verv loose anîd îdic tially. With ail the present vacant talk about "eûaieà rillîs." re- houses il! our owvn village, oic \\'()Il turu to the tbiree R's," "abanidon d(o- guess the population is standing ,tili. mesýtie Science and inanual trainiing. That mneans no immiiediate advaniceÀ i ' fî vtne lobsb.î real estate vleneoincr(-es Ili CalUgh i o)afwtie h building, no increase ini thie îîumîer 2-brsions la ýnobafetli nis thè. of patrons for loçal businessme.M expsion)aealtu amr' increased local eiii pl.-lovmeiit. Xe 's, ':'The elections te thé Wilin ette dec idely the seliooils, are a factor i «'lool.,l)oard hiave l)eeii frec freipo- \Vilmette life. itical s trife for maii1v1 vearsý . 'filie Shew. General, Apathy ,vscmis iuncjualifiedIly 5ICf(ll.\i- Now. thé ainazing tbiug about thîs mette ileed nieyer question t'le coin- eri'sis is that 4during the recent c--e- ' J)titivC standing'cf WXVilmette >ciîil- cleavor ai the Xilrnettc board of e*d- i reîî ii Ne % TrierHgisho on uication. to have. direct contact wvith pr îred Witli those frein Keuiilwortlî; ail the parents cf the present gen- W\\ilietka or Glencee. lle svstenî eration af school chiidren, se as to lias falien upon cvii (lavs. If iiîonlev avoidl this ,alanmit, more .than 75 can Fie fouind ta open the scllools , Liuu&at%.u 1--lu ul lit ioe o arJL uîicuit ta mai-e civic contacts andi lu this situation the school authori- who doni't'-kniow what it is ail about, ties have suggested that parents as the job couid be done. It is 'a good the first responsible parties lend z~uess that the extreme calamity aof maonthly, on the pay-as-you-go plan, the school situation will not be per- $10 per child, the money ta go on initted ta break on the heads of Our, seoltxswhen due, or the Itanis -idret.. Somnethin.g tmust be, doue.