Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Sep 1932, p. 7

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the board of directors ofthte w i- mette Civic league bas just formu- lated for its own guidance a set of policies consisting of fourteen points. These points will be sent to ail. league members, but for the infor- mation. ôf other Wilmette iizà are printed below: L Al the. taxing, bodies of the coinmunity should endeavor to workf out long-t erm programs of. opera- tions, Iooking to: developmleflts over the next 10 Or' 15 years.. and $hould give such programs, widespread pub- licity. 2.Short-term programis of such goverrumenit agencies,, insofar as 1ossible'anid practicable, should liar- inonize with the -greater progranis. hoth financiall1v and ,pbhysically? Comnend Officiais 3. We: comniend- the officiais of local taxing bodies for reductions mnade thus far, in their expenise bud- gets,- and. advocate continuous _cur-ý tailmernt ini every possible, way.- 4. Cooperatioin is. pledged with the national movemleit' to- curtail na-' tional, state and municipal tax bur- dens. 5. We advocate citizen coopera- tion with. local officiais to obtain nieces sary funds to. preserve local goverimnent. 6. We advocate m easures bv l 1ocal1 officiaIs to secure tax collections and to red.uce ,the cost of local govcrin- nient by the reduction of extra- ordinarv interest expenses. Want UWide Publicity" 7. Wide publicitv shouid be.given any contemplated changes in the municipal ordinances before tiiese changes are enacted into law. 8. It is to the best interest of the citizens of Wilmette that ail built.-up sections within the corpor- ate limfits *of the village be under the jurisdiction of one school dis-. trict. 9.it shciuld be on the future pro-. gramn of the Wilmette Park. district to.assist ini the eýtablishing of par-ks West of Ridee road. 10. Frjendlv overtures should be miade withi "No Man's Lanid," look- ing to the çontrol of that territory by Kenilwnrth or Wilj!ette., cag'o. The board of directors of the league bas changed the usual date for these mnonthly lunch-discussions in the Ioop from the fourth Friday of the month to the third Friday, so a-s fot to run'into so-many holidays. But. the firstý one. coming in war m weather,. is being field: over, to the fourth Friday. The subject for dis- cussion will be announced. later. Nathaniel Armel Wins Wilmnette Golf, Titie For the second, successive year Nathaniel Armel of Chicago won the Wimette Golf club chamipionship last, week-end., The event wvas a 72-hole low gross 'mecal affair. -Armel's scores for each, of the eighteen holes were 81- 83-78-84 for a total of 326. Staver Mouiding of Wilmette, the club cham- pion in 1928. and 1930, was runnerup %with a total.of .331., His- scores were 82-76-88-85. ýThe Class, B champion- ship, a 36-hole low gross event, alsol was completed'at the Wiftnettte Golf, club last week-end. C. T. Davis of \Vinnetka was the witiner, with a score of ý86-86-172.1 R. D. Weller of Chi- caowas runner-up. His score was 87-89-176. 1 Glenceoe Men Officers in 1 Club Which. Plans Exhibit I-ercv NW. Armstroiig. and Paul L. Battey. both of Glencoe. are recording secretary and treasurer. respectively, for the Chicago Region Meni's Garden club) whbich is sponsoring a falflower ex- bibit at the Garfield Park :coiîservatory f rôm 1 o'clock in tthe afternoon until .10 at night, on Saitirdav and Sunday, Septeniber 10 and Il. GOVERNM&ENT.POST OPEN, The Ufnited.States Civil, Service commission bas announced thatý until 1September2, 1932, it will accept ap- 1pl ications for the position of super-, intendent of national militarv park 1to fi a vacancy in the War Depart- 1ment at Gettysburg National Miii- tary Park., Pa. Full information ina b obtained from jennie D. -R.d 4Itaspberre Very 'tastyl,15 per box Delicious, per box 19c or ae Best for juice, 3 dozen ........$ Gree &Wax Das Home grown, gg qt. Home grownt basket ... H'ts s nt Home grown9 3 bunches..... C. . D. and TelePhone Or der$ Caretllly Pied CoSMASDRS 5 Frç. DeLiveries DaLIy 1143 Wt1tntte Ave. Phone Wilmette 2693-2694 IF IT 13 A FRUIT OR VEGETABLE, WE HAVE IT!1 Member Wimette Ckamber of Commerce OF COURSU Wls.BgmPROUS Don't you beam with pride when your f r i e n d s compliment y ou r cooking? We have-huùn d red s-of: frieinds who tell us that our goods are the best they çver ate. VEIDAY An ènitirely di ferent pie, new flavor............ League Meets Sept. 23' In commentinZ upon the fourteen points the league board said: W believe these policies are gane and broad eénouph for any one to sub- scribe to them. They' reflect some p WIImette WIImuiettO, ms,-ms WILMME 144 Phone KENuLwo.tTH .4775 Mrmbet Wflmette Chomber o! Commerce I On. 0rders si/je and 11> - ~0"~ -4 OM. ........................ *"4"1

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