Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Sep 1932, p. 5

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Chievalier .rre- v ew party scheduleu to be hield in the gardens of Mrs. William Gold Hibbard's homne at 840 'Willow road, Wiin-etka. The per- forniance begins at 8:30 o'cilock anîd wiJl .bc followed b.v, danic.ing. Pro- ceeds will gointo tlî coffers of thé, IlIinois League of Women Voters ini the hope'.that the.funds reccived wil be sufficient te defrav the ini- itial expense.of publishing 'flicI11i- nois Voter, organ of the state or- ganization, wvluch will have its fiyst: issue ini October. Scial arrangement. have*l)eeii mnade, througlî the courtes%. of John Hertz of thîe Parainonnit, kirgaî-iîxa- tion bv whiclî coîîlIete sonin(j l aiî othier equipuient lias bee i installe<l te give a perfect p)ortrayal of Love .M.e Ton)tiglît," Clîcvalier's Iateýst picture, which liasitot vet la'en sho wtt xfi Ille C(Itcago.are.a. Beautiful Setting Ileralded as Clîevaliër's stellar performance, 1IC e Nel (longhît" will be shlow.vnill a Setti,îg oi lunex- celled attract%ie.ss.l'flie i Iîbbhar4 garden-s raiîl< wîth the iinost beauit1- iinl on thîe nortli. shore. 'l'île trees, tue tflowers. the 'pool anld. (ýf COUrse, NI r. NIoon . will contrive to creatc ai) atiiiospheicre thtat cailîn Lau l t eiplliasize the charin of flie grc-at Frenîch star's n et prdç o whîch also star-s.,tlie eautilll aild golden-voiced.11Jeanette \Iàcl)oiial. Arrane 'nîîts for thePr-ie party hiave bee» inIi rogres.s foi- seir- eral davs ith àa inmbet'of promi- mnent north shore wvomien assistinig! * Mrs. Hibb)ard. Varions tovu-i coin- nîittee imeétiîgs Ilave bec» hld atId e very detiil of the party givein care- ful attention. AIl the 'Voters leagtFe uits from Evanstoni to Lake Forest. inclusive, are participatiing tô ilîsure, *the 'success of this benefit. Wilmette Represented Mris. C. ýL. Clarke, presidemît of the XV1ilnette leagtîe, heads thé comiiiÎt'- tec-e for thlis village and is assistcd. by Mrs. Williami H.' Rehfield, Mrs. H. E. Rimgholm, anmI Mrs. Murdo Ross., Twelve debutaîîtes uinder die di- rection of Miss 'Margot Atkin wil act-as ushers and anîong tIheni are, 1.Jctober* 14I, iîis 5armounced. 'l'le polis will be open on these two days for the purpose*of registra- tion f rom 6 o'clock in the niorn-, ing until 9: o'clock at night. Voters expecting to be ouit of town on the two registration dates 'shouîd, write to Robert M. Sweitzer, Coýunty clerk,, County building,, Chicago.. stating the facts., They, will th*eni receive a, fort» which cati be filled out and filed accordinig to the instructions accompanying it. SWilmette Post 46 A merican, Legi.,Qn The dr ..n and bugle, corps of XVil- mette Post No. 46 ýwill take part, as %vill Evanston corps and înati others. iii the Anierican Legion bene fit air meet at Sky Harbor, airport Sunday'. September .11. . R. NV. Sclhroe- der of Sky Ijarbor, Lllairnian. of the air ineet, was busy Iast week-end at Cleveland where lie secured, soine of the wvrld's l)est pilots to perfortn at Sky, 1larbor on Sïinday. E, M. Laird, designer and- racer, Betitv Howard, Chicago air mail pi- lot,ý D)ick Granere, Dunciani Hodges, Loni Yancey, and nmany others w ho starred ini the national air races 'at. Clevelan~d last week wilI. give local resîdents an idea of wvhat it looks like to travel four or five miles, a minute. iThe entire proceëds go to the Legion .County Service fuîid for un- employmient' relief,. I Wihnette, tickets inay be had at Renneckar's or W\inibérg's drug stores, or from memnbers of the drumi corps.ý This is the largest local, flying event of, the v car and is easily accessibleï from \Vilmette. The airport is on Duîîdée road; west of Waukegan r-),ad. The next regular. meetingà of Wil-ý mette Post. No. 46 will be held at Si. Augustine's Clubhouse Tuesday eve- ning, September 13. Election of offi- cers for 1933 is the main interest at this meeting, to which' aIl eligible inviteii to attend. At a recent executive imeeting many plans were presented by the various chairmen, promnising a year of activities. While no regular meetings have been held during tbe past two months, activities 'have flot been suspended entirely. Tlîe Dra- nia, Study group, under tlhe leader- ship of Mrs. I. G. Stccker, and. theý philanthropy3ý comlnîittee, Mrs. P. J. Church, chairman, have "carried on" through the« surnmer. Under Mrs. Cburch's supervision inembers have donated oraniges. eaclî week for the sick'and for babies.in faîil iegý unable to provi(le theni. These :oratnges Were distribnted by- MÀ%rs. Lillian Nortlîanî, village char- ity worker. DANCE AT SKY HARBOR The 'Highland Park Young Men' s1 club held a dance at the Sky. Harbor' airport clubhouse, last Sundav îîight. The public was invited, Vrs. B. B. 'Watson of Little Rock, rkleft Friday after spending a nMon"] with lier sister and fanilv, the Charles Sonthwards, 306 Oxford road, Kenilwortlî. 'M-rs.,XWatson will soon open a private school iiin ber homie.> Mfrs. W. . King of 61U Forest avenue, entertained' her Tuesday bridge,,clubat.luncëheon thiis week. Ilncluding Orange Peel,~ Toffee, Fruit Cordials, Creams and :a hundred and one other varjetiès. Rlegular $1.50 and $2 value. 2-$102 Incltidiiiw Govt. Tax NOW ONLYSc A QUART ..... SPECIAL DOUBLE. CONES ýOR DIXIE CUPS ti Your. Choice of These Delicious Flavors BanaxiaToffee,_'FretnchiLemon, Custard, Chocolate Chip,,Choc:- olate, Vanilla, Strawberry, Ma- plenut, Peppermint, Orange Ice. DUTCH MILL 1187 WILMETTE. AVE. Stores in Evanston, .Glenoo Lake Forest Yes, We Deliver 1 !,. 1 "'tHas No Baker y Taste'_____ 3 DAYS-THURS.- FR1. - SAT.-3 DAYS *Putre Ahu@iid Maoawoonu.. 5 Ibo- THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 *Devils Food Loal Cake,'-9 Cho0>colate Pecan ,Icing.,........... * ........ln.......120 ,doz. SAT .... . ........ tg Cook of 211 Broadway avenîue was their guest durinig the entire time. Daphne- Craig.. daughter of., the Harvey Craigs, 716 Lake avenue, en- tertained ber bridge, club hast Thurs- day. I Phoe WL M I 1129 Cenral Ave., Wilmgfto Phone WiI. 2998 ____________ e.>berWfImette Cham ber. of 508 Maln St.. Evansfon Phone G. 6832 Commerce RIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 'AmtI

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