Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Sep 1932, p. 3

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*Don't try to play the "Emergency Labor Market" short. Don't merely "throm," work at the *"uiielnployel". as one might throw a bone to a dlog. There are men in WVilmette, Iiun- dreds of them, who want work just as certainly as a, hulngry. canine wants a bone, but it isn't- smart, or clever to pay a man less than a liv- ing wage, just bcaàuse onie '"ca:îget ail the men needed at that, figure.". Even the. slave holder of pre Civil1 war days. saw. to it that his slaves were assured at least food andi %heI- ter. Intereet lacreases Xilmette showed sorneý interest ini the "War Against Unemploynîent." during the past week, but I nmust ad- mit that it has not yet developed in- to anything. that looks like "fervor" or "excitement." ThIe comnmittec e~Arnestly appreciatestecoerin it bas rceived,_ but, folks, I believe that we can, really bring into the "picture" a lot more color than ive have put into it, and that it wil re- quire just that to. make it rt ".framîing." There is an outstanding illustration of the kind of cooperation hoped for, and of- what might bè done,. riglit here in Wilmette.. You will.find it in, the "I1600ý block" on Highland ave- nue-both sides of the street. That block put its hearts into the task, as well.as its heads and shoulders, long before the committee wvas organizcd to invite aIl of Xilmette to enlist, and it is continuing its interest. E. Eari 'McDow has succeeded in 'de- veloping ini bis blockc a "going" in- terest ini the Wilmnette MIan-a-Blç'ck plan,. that the commi-ittee would like to sec (uliiated in ever7.v block in Our to-wtf. More 'for Honor Roll These narnes, which should be ad- dedto 'the "ROlI! of Honior," pub- ished several Weeks ago are:I H. B.' (ireeli. 1600 Highlanld avelne. H .DavidIksn, 1605 Highland aveinue., A. limiter Barry, 11606 Highlandave-. nlue. Franik J. Patvli#cek, 1609 Highland ave- nue. Josep)h 0. Converse, 1610 Highland avenue. J. W. McClinton. 1612 Highland ave- nue. E. Earl McDowr. 1615 Highland ave- nue. *Mrs. Charles. b. Johnson, 1616 High- In comparibg the two Augusts it was found that the use of books on banking, economîcs. investments, science and periodicals had doubled and great jucreases had been made in . philosophy, psychology, business> literatx'.r-e, travel and biography. There was an increa se of 30 percent in. fiction reading. With such, tremendous increases i the use of boks, 'the librarv trustees' are wondering ,hë%v they will mieet the heavv denîands1 of the..winter. A librarv in a village the size of %VVl- mette is etxpected to. have at. least one and one-haîf book per. resident. which inXilmette's- case would mean a collection of 22,950 books. Actually Wilmette has 16,965 vol- urnes, .and 5,000 of these are chil- dren's books. The interpretation of, these figures means that tlhe Chul- dren's roomn is superior to the 'stand- ard and that the Adult departffient is 30 percent below standard. Lib ra4ry Books Suffer' ýFroin Continued Usage The .Wilnîette public library has, beeni filling up the -chinks ini its. fic- tion collection by buying a number of, popular reprints. Tt: was, discov-, ered. after. the largest week s- circu- lation: that the shelves looked as though aý swarm of locusts had passed over. The increased use of the li- brary lias flot meant increased pur- chases of books,, and consequently, the wear and tear on the volumes on1 hand is se ding most of themn to an early grave. Recent additions include: Ashitoi-" Backgrotund' for Caro- line.", Beeding-"'Four Arnourerg." Beeing-"League of Disýcotitenit. i dloss-"_Mystery Reef.". Doyle- 'Sherlckholmes Stories." Gaboraru-"ýFile No. 113." Galsworthy-"'Man of Propeirty.*" Kelland-"Dynasty," Marshall-"Skyli ne Of Spruce." Miln-"2In a> Yun-Nari-Courtyard." Morgan-"My Name Is Legion." Morrow-"Dievonshers." Oppen heir-"ýTrea sure of Martin Queen-"French Powder Mystery-." Queen-4'Roniàn Hat Mlystery,." Sinclair - 2Roman 'Holiday."' WVhite-"Back of 'Beyond." Villagersý wishing to make con- j tril)utions of this nature are in- vited to communicate with the board 'at Wi1mette 5397. Articles, Will be called for, but those prè.- ferring to deliver the clotbinig themselves are advised that the articles will be received at. the board's headquarters, o.N Elc tric place. If the charitv offic es are' closed the articles wiIl be accepted at the Village hall. Catholie Sehools Open New Term This, Week St. Joseph's and St. Francis Xavier parochial school.s iii. Wilmette opened Tuesday, of this eek. with a. coin- binied enrolîment of approxiinately eight: hundred 'pupil s. Mallînckrodt Higb school for girls is Echeduled, to open today (Thursday). 'Upper class- m~en at the school have been askedl to appear in uniform on the openling day. "Book day" for the Mallinc- krodt students was held Tuesday in order that: the girls niight go to the school and make arr angemients for the necessary texts and schoQl mate- rial. Highcrest Pupils Return to Classes Next Monday- Pupils of tlie Higlicrest school, *which serves District No. 40 wvest of' id.ge. road, are. preparijîg to retii to their classes next w,,eek. Monday, Septemiber 12, is the day the High- crest board of éducation has set for the opening of the 1912-1933 termn. Tl'le pupils will assemibk- at 9 o'clock -in the 'morning for regý1istration. TI.ey wil then îe' disinissed for the day, and; the r egular class schedule, will start Tuesday. The Avoca school, located on Ashland, avenue in the tortiwest,,section of Winmette, open- ed Wednie$day of. this 'week. 14taiy , are 417rI VuAIiiig tA I u mI 1- mer vacations to be here for the teacb- ers' meetings scbieduled for the latter part of the week. Although the school officially does tiot open %intil Septemnber -12, there was inuch activity in the offices and cor- riosthis week. -In order, that the students may purchase the necessary text books, the book store is being kept Ppe- three nornings. Thursday, Friday and Saturday -of this week, from,9' .to 12 o'clock. Avait Rogitraute As announced last week the two deanis, Frederick A. Kahler for the, boys and Miss Elizabeth E. Packer .for the girls, will bç in -their officesby appoinitment Vriday and Saturday morning. of this week to register stu- dents entering the high school, who have tiot already.eurolled. The first teadhers' meeting of the year is scheduled for Friday morning of this week at 9 o'clock. This will be for the administrative group, including, the departiment 'heads and adviscr chair- men. A meeting of the entire facuty will be held Satturday morning at 9 o'clock. Gaffneyin Seconmd Year The f aculty, wic numbersý more than a hundred, is practicaily the saine as last year. M. P. Gaffney is begin- ning his second year as superintendent., lu accordance w th a (Iras ic ec3n'imy plan -worked out by the New Trier board of education, al. teachers' are taking a ten Percent reduction in sal- ary. The econorniy program also ini- cludes the slashing of operating' ex- penses in ail departmeuts, increauing the size of 'classes, the continued sus- pension of al'building activity, and drastic re-trictions in expenditures for maititen;..ice of the piant. Sehool District Merger Before Township Board, The board of township school trustees was scheduled to 'meet We'dnesday night of 'this week, wlien action on the proposed consolidation (tiiose wtio are now employed, einher in their own business, or as wage earners)- to create "around: the bouse" at least one hour per week, at -not. le ss than, fifty cents per hour, for somne unemployed resident of Wilmnette. But wbere a househoider requires the services of 'a mechanic, such as a plumbet penter, painter, etc., il is *ex that the man, whom the coir may send, wiii receive hist scale for the work doue fort tuai time put on the job. Note: Economy Shop ducted by the Woman's Wiimette. Proceeds are to charity. -III is. con- Club of directed

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