Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Sep 1932, p. 35

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residential street ln itUbba Winnetka 1127.. 56: KT-TRAC. 5 RM. APT., FR1i tMe bath, Ige. liv. rn. Near trans. Wlnn. 2144. 4 ROOM FLAT AND BATH. lst floor. Phone Wilmette 31 W. a 57 FOR iirENTFUerN. ApTS. 5RM. APT., FIJRN. IN MA.1OGANY. Prigidaire,, tle: bath, 5 ciosets. Near trans, and park. Winnetka 2144. 57L18-I tl FURNI.AHED 1 AND 4 ROOM APTS., convenienti3rlocated., Phone Wilmette 2399 or Wilmette 2427. .57LTN17-tfc. se WANTrED iTO RENT---APARTrMENTrS *1 OR 4 RAI. HEATED APT.* ORFLAT, flot over $35.,2 adults. 1 child. Wrfte 1-159, Box 40, Wilmette, Ill. GOODRENTALS A pleasant %ix rooin home, se. poreh,. tel] heât. $75 a mo. .Attractive'bouse, 3 bedroonis, slp). poÉch. 'I i.a ths. sunporch, oi.t heat. elec. re- *f rig, Att. gàr. $115 a mo-. ,Charmine nearly liew home in Eat Winn., 5 bedrmis.. 3 baths. library. s. porch. oil heat, elec. 'ref. 2 car att. gatr. Lge. yard wlth playhouse. $200 a m o. Frances J. \'inscott 902 Spruce St. Winnetka '1267 60LTN18-1 te r, U 1L VALUE RENTALS COME, READY TO MAKE DEPOSIT on the bouse meeting your needs. A big 7 rm. hse. near "~L" station for as 1ow as $85. A 10 rm. lise. ini Wiimette foi- only $140. Others in Evanston, %Vilnette, Winnetka, Olencoe fron-î *$75 up. See our compleete listings. *BILLS REALTY, Inc. N>Mans Land Wilmette 3740 60LTN18-1te ATTRIACTIVE BRICK HOUSE, 5 *bedrms.. 3 baths. extra lav.. oil heat. electnici ref.. Att. 2 car garage. $175. BDrick bouse. 4 bednms. 2 baths,>extra 10,N. *Att. 2 car garage. $125. Many other good ývalIues., Mfrs. Lang. Winnetka 1194. 60LTN18-ltp 60LTN18-Ite 820 GREÉNLEAF AVE. GLENCOE NEW HOUSE. 5 BEDROOMS, 3 BATHS PHONE OWNER. GLFINCOE 49, 6OLTN18-1te, 6 11100M MODERN BJOUSE S. ýE.ý -Winn. 011 heat. Double gar. Sun and sl g m.$85. SMIITH & GOSS 725 Elmi St. Winnetka 142 _____________6OLTN18-lte FURN. OR Lt.NFLTRN.> 7 R~BRICK colonial, 2 haths, sun. porch, S. E. Glnonr. 5Cl0015 and transi,. Reas.. IMi's.Si'în, ogers. Park- 8422.ý 6OLT18-1 te ,OR RENT OR SALE-8 RAI. HOUSE., very .desirable east side location, beautiful lot. Rent $85. in: case of sale 'ow.ner will help finance deal. Ph _Wilmette, 416. 6OLTN17-2tc IN WINNETKA., 8 ROOMS, OIL heat, frigidaire, garage, ne agents. Phonp Wlnnetka 1686. COLTrN17-tfc COT1'AC.rFOR RENT. $30 4 rn.al mod. conv-, mcl., garage and y a rd. Ph. Wilnmette 949. 60LTN18-Ite Sl FOR RENT--FURN. Hougue r-)ELUITO1UrPtTFURN. HOME FOfl rent-near sechools and transp. Very reaonale.Ph. W ilmette 3069. 61LTN18-lte sa2 WANTrED -To RENT-HOMES RESPONSIBLE CLIENTS WAITING for ustelace theni in North Shore homes. mMs Fuller & Wmi. Pickard 1618 Chicago Ave.. Greenleaf 7220 62LTN16-tfc 6'()PR 7 ROOM HO 0USE IMODERN EV- aniton or north; $50 to 260; may want opt ion to buy about $10,M9. Po-ssess. *Out 1. Write B-157, Box 40, Wilmette. 62LTN18-ltp RESIONSIBLE FA.%ILY WILL PAY yeî"s' rent in advance for, moderately priced 6 roorn bouse. Mrs. John Rosen, Winnetka 3633. 62LT18-Itp 63 WTD. 10 NENTr-FURN. .I4ES. ADULT FA.MILY (3) 0F REFINE- nijent will give your home exquisite eare duning winter, paying running expenses tnd,.t;nall rental. Best refer. Write B-460, Box 40, Wilmette, Ill. *E. KEN jiWoffRTH - NEAR LAKE. Mod. 9 nu, bouse. 3V2ý baths, elec. 66 FOR RENT-STORES & OFFICES refn-ig., gais heait. 2 car gar. $200 per F'INE STORE ROOM. 601 CH-ESTNÙT nîonth, net to o.wner. Wiliiiette 2427. St.. Winnetka. across street fremi pb- 60LTN18-1te lie achool. Winnetka 690. fi6LTN53-tfc aiso Icebox, scales, meat slicer, cof-~ fee-mlll and cash register, ready to place stock on sheives. Rent reason- able, inquire 341 Park Ave., Glen- coe. Ph. Glencoe 100. 66L18-1tun 72 FOR SALE-HOUSES OWNER W111I Sel or Lease ATTRACTIVE, ENGLISH HOME. 7 rnis.. 2 baths. studio living - mi. 3 blocks te Kenilworth station. A-180 consider trade. Must have imniediate action. 1345,Ashland Ave.. Wilmette BAIRD & \VARNER 522 Davis St.. Evanston, Greenleaf 1855 72LTN!8-lte INDIAN HIL CLUB G ROUNDS 1% 'ACRES. WITH HUGIE .WILLOWS- High location- with- gorgeous views of golf course. lst mortgage of $19j500 runs t0- 1934, and may be- subordinated to building boan.: Higlîly restrlcted. Paid $32.000. Offered, for quick sale at $22.000. Mrs. Fuller'& XVi. Pickard 1618 Chicago Ave. Greenleaf 7220 72LTN18-Ite REAL OPPORTUNITY A elear home in 'South Winnetka with 5 bedinis., 3 baths, library. sun rooni, oul beat. garage att., grounds 80x230. Drapes and carpets included In sale. Termns, finanicing. andprice are very attractive., Will recnt reas. Caîl Win- netka 1800. 72LTN18-1tc 73 WANTED TO UUY-HOUSES WANTED BEST AND CHEAPEST bouse that about $2,00 cash will handie. lst' Apt. 2124 Estes. Chicago. 73LTN18-ltp 74 FOR SALE-VACANT Beautiful Westrnore 'rail SEVERAL BUILDING SITES AVArL- able at vrevahling prices. Why noi select your future hornesite now and take advantage of i)res.ent conditihis? This preperty has ail thîe reauislter- that a famlly may desire for a pberma- nent residence. For,, further Information cali HILL & STONE 5643 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka 15644 74LTN3-ýtfi» 75 WANTED TO BUY-VACANI BEST VACANT LOT FPAST OF' SKd-, kýie. $800 cash will buy. Write B-161. B 0 x40. Wilinette, Iii. 75L'Nl8-ltc suite; finest quality double bed, box springs, mattress. large chifferobe. dresser, night. table, chair, cost $800, seil $75. Chaise lounge $5; 3 attrac- tive matching WIlton rugs, new $6. Lawn, mowekr $3; beau tiful framed fine Ige. fictur. $.. Ph. W Imette 6073.8LT1-t BURL WALNUT BEDROOM SUITE. Beds, cots. odd mattresses, furniture. rug, carpes. porch. furniture, lampa. ornanients, pictures, marbie garden, bench, oil jars, sewing machine, Ever- ready. sunlight- lamni, fur auto robe, golf sticks and bag.- 180 Euclid &.ve. Glencoe 1356. , 86L'ËN18-ltp COMPLETE BEDROOM AND BREAK- fast. rooni sets. Aisé. lampe, etc. Ph. Wilmette 1510. 86LTNI18-ltc 87WTi. ,TO BUY--HOLD. SOODS EITHER. STEINWAY OR.,MÂSO)N Ilanilin grand pianotin excellent coud. Not% over $300. Winnetka 2799. 87LTN1-ltp REF'RIGERATOR 75 to 100-lb. .capacity. iu good cond. and cheap. Winnetka 3831. S7LTN18-ltu 131 FOR SALEt-MIBCELLANEOUS GIRLS' SCIHQOL CI4QTHESl, 7-11, Chiid's lied, table, chairs. liail rack. Vibrator set. Men's clothes. Book House set for children. Winirtka 2934.8S8LTN18-ltc PIIE-WAR &AUER DOUBLE BARREL shotgun. F'ull choke. 30 lnchee. Krupp~ Qteel barrels. Fully engraved. Worth $275; cash $100. Winnetka 1717. 88LTN18-lte STAIR CARPETING - EXCELLENT condition. $20. Ph. Winnetka 851. 88L18-ltp 89 WANTED 10 SUT-MUSC. ANY USED BICYCLE PRAMES, wheels, etc. Cash. Ph. Glencoe 323. 89LTI<18-ltc NOTICEI TIREASUBY DRPAIRTMENT Offie e oftte Cemputrlelofthte Cur. rency, WashIuaton, 1). C. July SI,,1982 Notice le hereby given to ail persona who > may have dlaims against "The Firat 1-ational Bank of Wllmette," WI1- mette, Illinois, that the same mue b présentaid to )elvln B. ricono Xe- cever, with the legal proot threof 'wlthln three mentha from ttde, date or they may be disallowed. J. W. POLE. Comptroller ef" the Curreuçy, July 3lst, August, September and October. LiE-te WJLMETTE LIFE Phone WJLMETTE 4300 ... .FORMOELAN 20 YEARS THE :'HOME PAPERO0 THE COMIfUNITYPY 1.

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