Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Sep 1932, p. 30

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il i0~ I Here's a comfortable 5-room Berwyn home. IDuring the last hesting season it cosc $154 to heat this jbouse with gas under the present house-heating rate. Write jfor our new illustrated bookiet telling ail about this dean, carefre. (ueL Publie Service Company of Nofthru Illiai& Latest Lifetime Guaranteed Supeawlut Cord Tires SENSATIONAL BARGAINS! Finer Quality- Lo0we'r Prices, than, in any pre-' vious summer. iac. Miss Yohiko Kunugi is enrQliîngý in t/se.Nationtal College of E~d*tca- tion* this fail to acquire an acquaint- ance wsth AMerican tnethodç to take back to her, native lapon. She is a graduate of one of,. the 'finest kindergarten training schoo.ls in, japan. She, bas assisted ini the. first nursery school to be, established in Japan and bas been sent here. expressly -to COM- plete.ber training in order that she lnay be' tbe frst Japanese leader in this field. ,Among other new foreign students ýwiM b. Mis. Leenida Rooberg -of. Tai- linn, Esthonia, who cornes with an ex- tensive experiençe in nursery scbool work, having spent over a year in the Rachel McMilIan nursery, scbool in London and a sirnilar period in the Merrili Palmer nursery school in De- troit. -Sbe wilI return to 1Esthonia after conipleting the work for the hachelor of education degrees at the college. Regi traion at the:college will be - dents enroiling that day and Satur- day, wbile the olci students wiIi register Monday and Tuesday. Classes wilI be- gin Wednesday, Sept. 14. Advânce ap- ,plications indicate an enteinig-claiss of the saine sire as Iast year's. Pres, Edna Dean Baker .wilI address the opening assernbly of studetîts, and *Miss Marian. Dunn, president of the senior class, will assist in welcomingt the new students. The faculty wil meet the new students at a tea in the dormitory, Marienthal, Sunday after- noon,and numerous excursions for their entertainment are being planned for thet opening days by Miss Jessie Weiler i rector of recreation.erdi Because of the hiesitancv of cer- tain of the city fathers to place their stanip of approval upon this event which will stimulate art shows hield frequently in Paris and New York, to_ name just, two well known chties, this specialI shoDwing has, been ar- ranged. so that if they find, any fea- ture to frown upon they may, do so before the public is given its oppor- tunitV to.view the show. Approximately 70 artists' had indi- cated their intention of participJating in the exhibit when the entry list, closed Saturday night,ý according to Paul von Klieben, chairmpan of the Little Art gallery, which is 'sponsor- ting. the, show. Coopierating withi the, gallery in- making the arrangemients have been the North Shore. Art league, the, Evanston Art center *and the RaviniaSketch club, and aIl these' organizations* will he represented by their mnember artists' A* numnber of Chicago artists also have entered. To Present Festive Scene Their paifitings will be grouped ini a series of booths, each artist being given a space six feet square. The booths wiIl be arranged lu circular effect and will be interspersed with tables and chairs arranged, under beach umbrellas for the convenience of the visitors. *Gay pennlants- and, lanterns will be bung overhead, and, balloon men and singing troubadours. will wend their *way. throughi the. crowds. Arrangements have also been made> for the serving of refreshments. A numiber of*. artists will engage Ini sketching .in a separate cornier of the show, and visitors nîay stop there to have their portraits dra.wn. * Onîe of the most colorful of the, eikhibitors will be Lowell Gardner, theý traveling artist, who lias a studio -on. wheels. He camne to Chicago for the outdo .or 'art -show recently held ,thére. and. when lie.heard about the Evah.ston shjowý decided 4o remain. Over to participate here. .AmrnogChicagoans cntered, are. thé Albrights, Ivan Le Lorrain *and Mfevlin, two .well-known artists; XViI.. Minm Schwartz, an important n-od- ernist; and Todros Celler. Ope7A., 740 TweIfth St. -Mem ber Wimette Mto 9 P. M. Phone WL 691-696 CIam ber of Commerce Phaone. Wil.32 ,ý% Lv,±.rý .i. flcen of 1009 EIm- woodaveuefor about ten days. Twenty-tbird street recently4 spent their vacation visiting in. Gibson1' City,II. and Fox Lake. 4 i i

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