Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Sep 1932, p. 1

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CONTRACT LET, Wilmette Will Bear $12,034 of $32,609 Cost for Paving Last Highway Gap Conul)letiofl of the north Maini stre et ~ileingad paving improvement ini WVilmette-, the one renîaining link iii the iiew through bhighwvay vich extends f roin McCormick boulevard In Evains- ton along tbe west side oQf the Chicago and North Westei r rilvay rigbit-of- %vay'to the. south limits of CGetitoe, is expected tbis fail as a result of action taken by the Wilmette Board of Local im1provements Tuesday nigbt. heboard Jet a contract to the M. Foley company of Evanston for the Village*s portion of the vork, wvhich in- volves tbe widleuing and paving of Main strect f romi Elmwood avenue north to th e Kenilworth litnits. The width of tie strect, is àto be fifty-two) feet,: the samne as the already completed portion, 'l'lie countv , il I pay fo r the cenitra4 forty fecet of tbis. Unider the Foley conipany bid, 1 vhich totaled . $32,669.02, the counity will pay $ý20,634.86, and, the Village $12,034.16. Thelie counlty is understood to lbe ready and willing to go ahead witli its slîare of the work, and. vas, 01113-,awaiting action by the.Village so that the, entire job can be bandled at one time. It is expected that the counit% will let the contract for its part of the work imme- diately. Village t. Pay in Warrants 'l'lie Village's share iii tbe cost of the imiprovement is greater than the C0unity's in proportion to the. width of paving eacb> pays for. T1his is exzplained. *by1 the f act that» the county is rea.dy to pay tbe contractor cash for its shaàre of' the %vork, while the Village ean pay hini onily ini tax anticipation wvarrants. O1141 one other bid besides that of- *the Foley companiy vas stihmitted Tués- day nigbt. The H4. G. Goelitz Conistruc- tion'conipany of Oak Park entered a hid -to dlo the job for a total of $32,- 998.25, sliglitly more thanfl three bundred dollars, above the Foley bid. v river Suffers Leg Fracture in Crash Driving a car, south on Ridge road shortly before 1 o clock Sun- day morning, Victor Glander, 870 - Buckingham aven ue, Chicago, crashed inito the rear of another.-ma- chine which had stoppeil for the stop. lighit at. Wilmette avenue. Olande r suffered a fracture of the right leg, and Ivan Johinson of Kala- môzoo, Mfich., who w-as ridingwith hiým wheni the accident occurred,, had three stitches taken'in his nose. Both nmen were taken to the Evanston hospital. Leo Brewer,. 1119 Pitner .avenue, Evanston,. driver of the car into which. Olander's machine crashed, signed a complaint against, Olander, charging reckless driving. The case bas. been set for Saturdav afternoon, September 10. at 4 o'clock before Police Magistrate. E. A. Pettibone. Brewer escaped 'injuryi as did three others who. were riding with 'hitu, E~ric Sinipkins, Liflian WVatson and Catherine Wilson, ail of Eývans,-- ton. New Trier',Girls' Club Ready for, Busy. Season The Girls club. at New Trier High school Which, through its scholarship f und, assists girls to continue their edu- cation,* is. on the .job early- this year with its lnoney-raisinig projects.. Here we have the first announcement tbat in- dicates the club is ready for a busy season: "Wben the excitement of your first, day at Newv 'frier bas worn off and your ston-ach begins to demand a littie reenforcement, talce a tip f rom an "old timetr" and > go over. and inspect the Mess hall The New Trier Girls club wiIl supply you wvith somte dandy homne- made sandwiches and refreshing codld. drinks, guaranteed to satisfy both.your purse. and, your appetite, Also, for the accommodation of ýthe teachers, a luncheon of sandwiches, de- licious salad and coffee will be served in the f aculty diing room. Even Regarding P. 0. The Wilmette Village board at its .rgular meeting on Tuesday night. September 6., unanimous!v concurred in the. economy sentiment expressed b. Village President-C. P. Djubbs in bis recent* reply to a letter from _Coiigressman Carl R. Chindblomn. Ili tbis, letter the congressman had a sked how the Xilmette public felt about his recommendation to- the Federal government that it spend, $200,000 of its $100,000.000 enîergency construc- tion appropriation for the purchase of a site and erection'of a new post.office building in Wilmette. President Dubbs' letter of replyý, in which the Village board concurred unanimously. at its meeting'Septem- ber 6, bad -the following gist:. The people of, Wilmette realize.that the matter of the postoffice should he de- terniined f rom an economic stand- point; that is, if it is checaper for the, g overnment ta build a 1ostoffice in X 'ilm'iette than to. rent space, for one,ý thenh the.postofice should lie built. "To proceed> on. any other bas-is, President Dubbs furtber stated'in his' letter,- "would be, an extravaga nce and would mneanincreased taxes, and that.is wbatevery intelligent per.,on. desires to avoid and Wilinettë people are no exception to the rule." Farewell to Summer; Beach Closes Sunday The Wilmnette- beach vvill close Sunday night, Septemibet, 11, it vvas announced this week. During the. season there lias.l)eeni a total, regis- tered attendance of more than .125,- 000. The largest single dtay's attend- ance wvas 5,220 on July. 20. These figures are ilot a.true indica- lion of the popuiarity of the beach during tbeý summer months, however, if ls pointed'onit. Huindreds of per- sons use the beach who do flot take advantage of the locker rooni facil- ities and are therefore tiot ilicludcd iii the registererl 2ftenidance. Efforts to Get Parents- to L-oani Funds- Disappoôinting; Shut- clown H4eld Probable Results of' tbe meetings, of Wil- mette parents lheld 'last week in an effort te raise f unds to operate' the ,Wilmette puiblicscheol were far from encouraging, and it is, doubtfül if the schools Will, open 'on Monday, Septembeir 19, ýthe'date. tenitatively scheduled for the start of. the 1932- 1933 terni. Les than $8,000 was pledged at the four meetings,, two of which were held at, the Howard school and two at the Stolp building.- The meetings weré attended by lfiftb, sixth, seventb and eightb grade parents.. Tbe fact that not more, than one- fourth of the parents who. should have attended the meetings did turn out makes the picture more gloomy, according to Supt. J. R. Harper. Al parents received notices that the mieetings Were te be held. Unable toOpenlm Scko.Is The -board of educiation has no funds to operate the schools and un- less a sufficient sum can be raised tbey will rénmain closed, it was statéd definitel.y and emphaticajly this week. In the hope of opening the schools the board of education worked out a plan by whicb each parent would boan to the schools ten dollars per motith for the next five months as part pay- ment toward the expense of each child, the first instalîment to be paid at oônce. It was to explain this plan that the meetings of parents were held last week. Meetings Areý Sclae<Laeu Similar meetings are being heldthis, week, as follows : Tuesday night, east side third and fourth grade parents, Stolp school; Wedr'esdav night, west side third and fourth grade parents, Howard school: Thursday nioeht, east while the. motoring publicelias been rid- ing over one of the roughest streets on the north shore. Eventually the new through blighiway will be exten<led tbrougb Glerncoe to thé Lake, county hune., The route the road. F'rom Glenicoe south t-he new high- way follows Lindeni avenue in Hubbard Woods, Center street in Winnetka,i Green Bay road ini Kenilwo rth, Main1 street ini Wilinette. and West Railroad1 avenue ,inIEvanist.oti.1 tract was let for the Village's Por- hold its next regular meeting Mon- ýn of the work. Rollowving the Board day nigbt, September 12. The board Local Improvements meeting, the ordinarily meets the first Monday of ýard of Trustees considered several each month, but berause of the iness matters before adjourning at Labor day holiday. last Monday, the :13 o'clock, Wednesday,,mtorning. Meeting. was .postponed a week.

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