Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Sep 1932, p. 27

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the woumaws club> booms. We are hoping that 'ail the niembers of the church and Presbyterians of Wiimnette, and thosýe who have no church homeé will, join us il) these services. The pastor will preach on the theine, *'Gret Words of Jesus-KNOCK," continuing In the serjes begun in, the union services. The Sunday school willI be heid at q..30 o'ciock .and we are iooking foi- -à raily ln ail departinents. The session of thé churcli will mleet Mfonday evening at 8 0'ciock aC the pastor's home. 721, Nlnth street. The Womfan's Society Will Iiold tts firpt meeting of the fali Tuesdav, Sep- tember 13, at the. Womnan's club .roois. RANDLES ForaserIy Danne mark Etesic C. Everything Electrical 1151 Wflmette AVe. Phone Wahnette214> PUSH-UP$39 PERMANENT $ ANY THREE- 0 FOR Hair hIbm on", Wave Mot Oit Rub Duart Caler Rinse Shampoo,' Arch Finger Wav. Manicur . Facial Malce-up Thorough Brushing Vibrain, treùtman4 the ladies are ini t the cd to Our Drayer meetings wi.Ili be resurned on Wednesday evening, September 14, in the executive room 0of the. Womani's: club rooms;" at 8 o'clbck. We wiii s9tudy the Parable 0f the Ten Vu-gins, Mat- .thew 25. We Invite you to join us in these studies. Our faîl Communion service will be held on Sunday morning. September 18. Neuw members wili be receiv*edr into the ehurch feiiowship. The Christian Endeavor society wiii begin its meeting Sunday. September 18. The mnusical proffrani by Miss Round.s. piantst. and Mr', Otis,. soloist. wIl be as1 foilows: Prelude, "Reve Ang elique,"' Rubenstein: -Postlude, "Jubilate Deo." Silver; Solos, "Spirit Of God," Neid- linger, and "Open the 'Gates." Kap S.John's Lutheran ,Wiimette and Park avenues, Wilniette Herman W. Meyer, M. A.. pastor * 406 Prairie avenue TelephoDne. 131)f Church telephone 3111 - Services 9 :15 A. M. First service and serm-on. 9 :30 A. M. Sunday school and Biblec il,:00 A. M. Second service and "ermnon. Meetigs' Monday-7 :45 P.' M. 'Choir rehearsal. Tuesday-7 :45 P.meeting of %vot- Ing, memfbers. On Sundav, -September,18, In the Il o'clock service. Hoiy Communion wili be ceiebrated. Ail members. wishing to partake of the Lord's Supper are asked t(> announceý their intention to the deacons in- next Sunday's 11 o'clockj Re-V. Adoiph G. A~. Kreiss wii occupy the pulpit at both services next Sunday. ham on fetred nlamabn ist h appont hAm; onfete man v benelt hichppoiot ment -of a dlay of rest in each woeek. on which man la to be freed f rom lahor and toiil. andthe, bestowal of a soecial bIes.sinLr, upon ail who observe this day properiy. A truc Christian iil eniploy it foi, the o-nr f God and the good of lus, own soui., H., wili eniffioy it for the. glory of Godby urayer. n.raise, singing. and the confcmniation 0of the goodness. and> merci' of God which he has experience 'd durinea the past week and aIl the days of bis life.. H-e il e-niilov it for the zood of hi's nt 2 lead1 be gi newc Mesdi icers wil nés TL. E. Bishop E. L. Waldorf, the: new res-7 dent Bishop for' the, Chicago Arkea,an his family are now living -in, the'eiei- 'ýopal residence 'in Wilmette. The Girl Scout troops of this church will begini their, regular meetings as follows: Troop 1-Thursday, September 15,, at 7 :30-Miss Millie Mae Hum-phries, cap-ý tain. Troop 4-Thursday, Septenîber .22, at 3 :45-Mrs. L.. P. Denoyer, captain. Troop 5-T1uesday, September 20, at :45-Miss Lillie Mae Humphries, cap- tain. Brownie Pack No. 2- Wednem&daY, September 21, at 3 :30-Mrs. B. A. Poîzin, Brown Owl. F irst Con gregaional. John G.,I4ndley. minister Next Sunday wIil be Home-Coming Sunday. After- a delightful sumrrner's exper)ence of union services with the Baptist .a»4.Presbyterlan. churches. we will resuime Individual worship serviçes, ln our own church. Mr. Hindley will p)reach the keynote sermon, "Living Deeply." Mrs. Beulah Casier Edwards will be tue soloist. with Emily Roberts at the orzan. The service wili begin-at il o'clock. The Church schooi wiil meet, at 10 o'clock. 'Thiswill be Registration Day. and a full attendance.,0f former as Weil as prospective new. pupils is desired. Teboard of trustees will meet Mon- day, September 12, at 7 :30 p. mi., in the church parlor. Englisk Lutheran Greenleaf avenue and Seventh street Wilmette A House of Worship * place. :son, F. Rev. David R.. Kabelipastor ç'unday achool.......9 :4e a. M. Mornipg' worship ..............1 a. hi. Mrs. May Belle - Hagenow-Jackson, director of music Special music-September Il Prelude-Chant Triumpha....... .Gaul Anthem-'Lo It is 1-1. Faure-Shelley Offertory-Cantus Adortio . .Stoughton1 Postlude in F.... ........ Gulmant On Wednesday evening, Septeniber 14, there will be a service of prayer and praise, with a message on a. Bible theme by Dr. Allison. Saturday evenlng, September 10, the Seirchoir wIll hold a ceiara at 8 'clock. Next ýSatu rday, the Aduit class I l planning a golfing. picnice t >thé North- western golf course and forest préserve., If you wish to be among those playing .golf, picasýe notify Mr. HeErens by Fri- day evenIng. There will be other recrea- tion for those who do natt-play golf. Make: this a family occasion; bring .Žveryone. Týhe Woman'eS ocietyr holds its fIrat meeting of the fail nextFriday after- noon (tom)orrow>, September 9, on the pjarsonage lawn,,at 2 o'clock, Dr.,,Alli- son. will review several of the new, re-. liglous books. The music, will be fur- nished by Arthur Weldon, violinist, ac- comipanled by Mrs. F. G. Guthridge. Hostesses. will- be the members of Link R, Mrs. Fred Borgfeidt, chairman. Any-orgaization wishing a notice in the weekiy church caiendar la asked to ha.ve it in. the chr1hl office by Thursday, Af each week. iSt. A. ugustes Sunday, September 11, wiii be the 16th Sunday a.fter Trlnity. There *,will be Ro1y Communion at 8 a. mi. and IMorn- Ing Prayer with Sermon aet 1il a. m. St. Augustlne's Church sehools will open Sunday, September 18. There Is to be a Church school convention Satur-. day and Sunday, Sep)tember 10 and il at Grace church; Oak Park, preventing our Church school opening~ until the following Sunday. The women of the East Cirele of our WVomei's Associa.ted G3uiid have been busy ail summer, meeting regularly at the homes of members. They are mak- ing preparations for a tee, te b. given in the Parish House Friday, Septemn- ber 23 wjxen there will be on dlsplay a rare collection of old quilts exhib1ted by Elizabeth Wells Robertson of Ravinia. A conférence of Church school teachers:and officers of the diocese wili be held at Grace church, ,Oak Park., Saturday and Sunday, September 10 and' Il,, beginninrg, Saturday at 2:30 and elosing Sunday afternooA at 6. Over- 'night hospitality willi be provided free of charge for' those who register before- band. Delegates .will. nai'for their àwn Chiurch Council will y evening, Septeniber Extra ure IHuntaL .the enurcn. Ail nîgn sebool b ýtudent-s; are cordiaily invited and urged to attend. STh e Wornan's Aid' society 'meets to- d ay,' ThurFday, at '10 o'clock for (e- eral Aid Sewing. The ExecutWe coin- mittee wiil meet at 1:3.Luncheon will be *er-ved at xnoon ,by the Fifth Sunday mnorn.ing with a. fuîl schedule of. ictivities, beginning with the. Church James and Thomas Seng, 1222 sehool ln aIl departnients at ý:30 Chestnut avenue, left by motor for o'clock. Ail teachers and members of classes are ex-pected to be in their Tampa, Ela., Iast Sunday. Thomias places, ready for a good start. In the wilI enter St. Leo's school in Tamipa. morning worship at Il o'clock, the Froni Florida james wiIl go to chorus choir wýill resume lts ministry Washington, D., C., to continue his under the leadership of Madame Gilde- roy' Seôtt. The ]Rev. George D. Allison, studies at the, Catholic university' pastpr, will preach-a keynote sermon there.* Phoüe WL ý37

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