Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Sep 1932, p. 24

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with ail the enthusiasm and expec tation of reai freshiman. There wili. be many "Freshmien this year fromn Wiirnette w'bo entervarious colleges in the Unite States. Mary junie Milier, dauglite of Mrs.: Lenoir> Hood Miller, 104 Sixth. street,. is going* to Grininel colleg-e in Iowa. Laura Baughat daughter of, the ýF. J. Bauglhans 1609 Spçiàcer avenueý, will leave Sep. tember 15 to enter Oberlin collie Ohio.. Ann Boyd Linii, 214 Pi f t street, will be a freshman at Vassar this fail, and Elizabeth Balhatciîet 725 Tenith. street, ýwiil leave soon for WVelleslev college for lier first..ý'ear. Dapline Bjorkluiid, daugliter of the John R. Bjorklunds, 507 Washîing- ton avenue, wii depart on Septeni ber .13 for Bristol, Va., to enter Sul- lins coilege. Eleanor .Culver, 10.3 Broadway.avenue. will attendl North- westerni universitv. this fall as a freshmàn,, and first year Rockford coll ege students will be Margaret Louise Ebelng, 726 Nirth strect, and Mrs. Daniel R. Brower. Miss Marion McDonald. oangliter of the C. Miles McDonalds, wiIl re-, turni the latter "part of September f or, lier' senior year. at ýWeIlesIev. George. Darling, son of the. Clifton L.' Darîings,ý. 1538 Highland avenue. will leave this Sundav to 1pursue lus junior studies at the Universit-V of Roc hester, New York. Hie is direc- tor of the freshùian camp, there. His brother, Clifton, Jr., wili be a senior at the same university and is retuiri- ing September 13. Lester Gilgis wili be & juniorat the Universitv- of Illi- * nois. Gaylon Harvey, 214 Ninitl street '_ will resume bis. studies at the University of Kentucky mliere lie will be a third class niemiber. Thonias L. Grisaniore, _Jr.. 411 Lake avenue, will return to 1lusnmedi- cal1 studies at the Unliversit\- of Clhi- cago. Robert 'Kinig, son* of the Kari D. Kings of Wiimctte, t 'v i Il continue his studiés at Dartmouth. Aiiiie. Sherwin -of 102ý9 ,Greeinwoodl avenue will be a junior at the Universitv of Illinois. Miss Mariani Flenitve, 919 (V.nral avenii ue hn. Iia heen at- Will Continue Fall Work The Union church giuId of Kenil- worth wiil resumne its fail mneetings on Monday, October 3.. Ïo at 4:30 o'clock by the Rev. Leland H. -Danforth and .was followed by a re- ception. Thue bride looked charming ini an Iivory colored veivet gown of em-. d oire fashion. An ivory colored tuile. ,r veil was held by a smiali pearl cap.' 6 The bridai bouquet was of gardenias. Iand liles of the* vailey.- Miss 'Lun- dahil's sister. Miss Jane Lundai, as *maid :of honor, -,wore peony colored velvet and cÇarried iink roses,., The liridesinid were Mrs. Paul Cutier (Dorothy 'Pearson) and Miss Emiorie, rHuf of Eylanston. Thev wore vel- vêt gowns of wine color, and carried *bouquets of dahlias. Ali!the atteidv- ants wvore, bats, slipers, and short gloves. to match thleir gowns. Dr. Charles W. Crowe.of W\'ilmette wvas Mr. Pearson's best man. There w ere îioushers. Out-of-town gue sts vho camnefor theý weddinLy.were the L-roorn's grandmother,, Mr s. Allen Boyer, and his uncle and aâunt. Mr. and Mrs.. C. Richardo,.âlo Goshien,bInd.rdoalo *Xenthe bride and groomi return f"rom ithieir wedding journey thev -vil inake tileir home iii Evanston. *Last S.att-rday- Dr. and Mrs. Crowe * cntertaincd tlie br.idai partv at a,(iii- ner dance at. the Edgewater Beach hiel. Mothers Will Discuss Children's Problems Thle Young Motliers club of i- iuette ivili have its first mleetinig of thie season MonçlaY evelning, Septemi- ber 12, at 7:45 o'ciock at the home of MrtËs. E.. G, Petry, 1207 Sixteeth street. Mrs. Carlisle Boger andj Mrs. W'. J. *Cliapnan '.vill bI. assistanit hostesses. The group will be given a present- tation of the view point. of Angelà Patri iii relation, to child traiiîxi..1 avid guidance. Mrs. H. C., Pifer avilI analvze bis -port rayvl of moral. train- ing and dia racter buildng of chli- oreii. 1\rs. Paul Stade, avili disliîss the parents' side of t he.sChI1prob-. lein, and Mrs. 'Chapniaîi wili talk of the ciiildren ini the homie. To Resume Faîl Meetings The Mothers club of Alpha Xi Delta sororit%, wilI resuine its work on1 October .3 at. a meeting at the chapter bouse iii Evanston. i iNoman uptt1orIîe, r. P. os- worth, and Mrs. W. H. Weber. The officers elected at the annual spring luncheon and program are: Marie Moll Pettibone, president; Sarah Ida Perry Bush, vice-president; rFrances Anderson, program chairman; Dorothy Pouind,. sccretary;ý Madelîie Vaughan, treas- urer; Fay Palnmer Kreer, social and pu.1)Icèity chairman; Dorothy Rae; mem- i)ership 'clairman. The directors are: Ann' Chinlund. Caroline 'I-arnsberger, Hazel Wells Moody,. and Helen Lercli. * Electa Austin Gamron, pianist;,,Fay Palmer Kreer, contralto; Caroline Harnsberger, violin ist ; Adelle Helndra, sqprano,' and Brenda Holter, pianist, are the ilembers w~ho will perform on a misceilaneous program. North-Shbore Couple te Observe Golden Wedding M:r. and Mr>s. M.. B. Cottrell. 112 Sixtli street,,Xilniette, will celebrate their. golden wedding annivers~ary on 'jtuesday-, September.13. at an informai ."at hominii the èveiing. There aret to he 110 invitations so the Cottreils are just telling their friendIs to "~drop in."* rhe Cottrelis %were mnarried in Clar- ence, Iowa, in 1872. Thev have hbeti residing inilmirette for about tel] Years. They have three -clildreiî, Mr,., Carl Peterson of W),ilmette. M rs;, Cxenevieve Perfitt, whio resides with ber parents, and a son, Durant, of Mne apolis. 'Mrs. -Cottrell:s sister, Mrs~ . J. Pe~arson, of New York City wvill at- tend the anniversary reccption as will lie. Cottrell's son and bis \\vifc. School té Open Sept. 15 Vie -Rovcernore sehool in Evans ton ývil open on Tîursday, Septemiber 15 Nirs.ý Keith Pres 'ton of E-vàt.ston *'is associate Principal anîd Miss Rebecca Ashley is prýincipal and 'secretary treasurer. The menmbers of tle board of. directors include Robert' W. Caniphel ,of Indian :Hill. cliairmnan Carleton. Vai of Highland Park, president; Edwiin G. M1ilis of Ev- 'itnvice president. The other directors are Nelson L. Buck, W'Vil-. liain F. Hanchett, Charles G. Littie, T. E. Quisenberry,. Josephi A. P\,Rusbý ton, aid* Edwin E. Siieridan, aIl of iF vaflston. preview movie of. "Love Me Tonight" next Tbursday evening wil be Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cushiman, Mr. and Mrs. lfarry Edmonds, Mr. and -Mrs. Roy Bard, and Mr. and Mrs. Mark Cresap, ail of Winnetka, f 3 o'clock until 5 at the home of Miss Dorothy Heinke, 3240 Lake Shore drive, Chicago. Characteristic pictures of sports and otber college activities wili be shown as part of the prograni, wbich will stress sociability. Mrs. Raymond Atwood of .Glencoe, is chairman of the tea,, and she will have as her , assistants Mrs. George Spaulding of Glencoe, Miss. Heinke, Miss Margaret Clark,-Miss Florence Huth, and Mrs. Maurice Elgutter of Chicago. Assisting at the tea besides the' corn-, mittee wilI be the officers eiectéd at the annual meeting: Mrs. James J. For- staîl of Wînnetka, president, Mrs. Homer Horton of Glencoe, Miss Kate S3mith, Miss Mary Bisseli,. Mrs.. Ches- ter Masters, Mrs. H. 1-ansmann,. Mrs.: George O'Brien,,,and Miss Norma. Mc- Kenzie. Miss Heinke'is second vice president. Miss Florence Huth, chairman of the scholarship committee of, the Chicago Mount Holyoke club, has announced tie. aivard of, the Emtily White Smith scholarship sponsored by the club. It wiii be. shared by Miss Jane Armour, >f~ ~ P Oa ak nd Miss Martha Q-' sen- herry of Evanston. Botl girls. grad-. uated 'last June, Jane from, Oak Park T'ownship High' schooi and' Martha froir Roycemore, Schiool for Girls.. 'hey will enter Mount Holyoke this Miss Hutb's commfittee consists of M iss H-elen Mfonchow, M~rs. Helen Vincent McLeail, Mrs. Henri C. E. D)avid, 'Mrs. George Sp)au]ldi!-g, and Mi]ss Dorothv Heinke. Betrothal MIr. and Mrsi. Alfred. S. Alsclînler of 795 Lincoln avenue, WJimeika, an- nounce the,:approachlinig nar riage of tleir_ daugliter, Francèes. to Edward Gudenuan, Jr., son of M-r. -and, Mrs. Edward Gudenuian of. Chicago. The. weddIiig is- to- take place at the AI- schuier home eariy ini Qctoher, and the Young couple xiill,'ive on the- south side. Iii January the bridle ill return to the Uiniversiity of Chicago, to com- plete the last three *onitlhs'of her sen- ior year. Mr., Gudemnan \%,as graduated f romn Harvard ini 1927. Gardens mnSD At Shawnee Shawnee Country club wili bave a dance for the juniors Fri'da.y eve- ning. The senior memnbers wi .Il have a dance Saturday. On Saturday and Sunday the annual fal. teninis- tour- 'lament for 'men ivili be piay.ed.

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