Milan Lusk, north shore violinist, who had been on a concert 'tour thiroughoqt Europe, died suddenly Wed- nesdav. August 31, at Prague, Czecho- Si1ova7kia. He' w>as 39 years old. Mr. I.usk, whose home 'vas, at 8 10 Michigan aveniue, W\.ilmnette. had gained international renownl as a violinist. 0f Bohemianl parentage' he wvas raised 'in a highly artistic atmposphere amidst. music and painting. (His mother was a pai-nter Of inote who .exhibited iii Paris,. New York, Chicago and other wvorld art centers.) Pupil of Sevcik As ýa mere lad Mr. Lusk first attract- e4L th e attention of the famied pedagogue, Prof. Otakar Sevcik, instructor in the Výieimna.Royal academy. w\ho recognized lus talents, an(l offeied hlm a scholar- ;Ilip at the acaderry. From then on his career 'vas a series ofsuccesses in FEurope and America. Mr. lusk imade his debtut as soloist- with the rrotnkefstler orchestra in Vi- enna under the batoni of Oskar Nedhal, and wvas inmmediately enigaged for nu- meroius a)pearafiices as a soloist with the Prague Phillharnionic orchestra and other ýtroups. .Literally hiuidreds of Arnuricani concerts soon followed. h, 1924 by Kitg, Il 94lie againi retirned to Europe for an extensive tour, and, afterhearing hiim, play. the then ,Queen Mrieof" Rouiliania. made himn her pi.Otege, and practicalv sponisored his third European touir ln 1926. ITi 1927 King Ferdinand of Romania, shortly before his death, knighited Mr. Lusk with the order of a.a. clSu, J 54Ps He also was a radio and recording artist. He played last winter over sta- tion WGN, Chicago. Mr.. Lusk is survived by bis father, Charles. D. Lusk, -and by one brother, George,. who is an artist. that every Kenilworth golfer, Nwhethier .a mnember of the club or flot, is cordial- ly invited to participate ln the ineet. I EUROPEArq PLAN WInnetka- Er.. AshieY Qerhard, Mis. Peirce C. Ward, Mns. Ben- jamin N. Smith, Mrs. Austin Jeniner, Mis. Albert E. Peirce; Highliand Park-M.Irs. George Mason. TrELEPHONE M. P. 2500 THE MORAINIE HOTEL HIGHLAND PARK To Residents of the North Shore: Last wi.nter several fami3.ies in Highland Park closed their houses and moved ta the Moraine Hotel, and, f romi the f act that they have reserved their suites. for the coming winter, we conclude that the experjinent was a satisfactory one. These gtiests find that it is, -more -economical ta live in the, hotel during the -cold months than ta naintain afairly large sized house. Our winter rates are very low and we can of fer guests ail the comforts and conveniences of a fine: large country estate with the assurance of agreeable, congenial company. The well known stuperior service I I OFFICE OF MANAGIER ROBRRT W. LARKK. Msm. .1