o! utmaudngQu'alty KéepàYourl S IANDIHEELS FOR DOTH .Genuineé oak leather ha.f-soles and sturdy rubber heels will be put on shoes of any s ilo. Workmanship and. materials guaranteed. oc ~*:*ii~ i Men's Rabber IJeels, 25C i.., me's Riubber Hleelt,.15c >5j::.I. Wieboldt's Basement-Evanston. BURN OUL in your. CAS BOILER or FURNACE Sve 60%1 and more'! w ythe Installation of a. Nu-Way Automatie 011 Bur- neyour <-as-fireti bolier cati easlly be eonvertedto- 01oJIburnlng . . . and you st1li bave automotlc, lient! * We have already .converted rnany gas boliers on tue' North Shore . . . ail makes can be cha.nged %vith elal surcess.The .amt I*Q 1w. snd A < é-1, h.... th unxelrsItvot r...ncago is vo-au- thor of the WVickersham Report on Police." The article is printed as an example of the need of consolida- tion of local govertrnents which the Cook County League, of Women oeris making its, chief study this "During the last decade," Dr.. Mon- roe continues. "crime hiad deluged theé 1 hicagometropolitan rein lan Iorg_% of, blood. Killings, brutal slaugh- ter, violence which would have beeni more character-istic of, the dark ages than of ther prese nt enlightened twentieth century, swept over' the rcgion. Neither person nor property wvas lield iniviolate., -This is 'the situation which exists todav. Wy? 'Ne have 14.000 nmen wearing the blue ini this snîall metro- 1)olifan region of ours. !n numbers at least. there is an ample sufficiency. But as the, old, proverb says:. too * ruany. cooks . . ..spoil the broth. L t is ot in- the number of the, police that the weakness of the police de- tense lies; it is in the nuiber of t'heir- leaders. Nearlv 600 chiefs of police, sherifs and Vigilanti heads control tîxese 14,000) and if we were to 'set aside for a moment the 6,832 men of Chicago police départrnent, we should find that the rernaining 7,168 were, opeatngunder 598 leaders, or about 12 men under each odue. Consequent- ly our police army is nothing more thian a highly assorted combiniation of smiall departmnents, with wvlicli crime aided by highi-powered auitos and .broad highiwavs. cati play havoc ulierever it wills. "The situation bas been) the resuit of nianv factors. Siie thiere arê 13 coutities withiti th ' Chicago NIetro- politan Region, the police defense ý wvas inînminediately splittip mbt 13 dis-. trict units. But this division wvas to. pale beside the confusion whichi en-I stied as a result. of the rapid groivth of the regionî and the rise of the mu- nixcipalitv. For 2(18 incorporated areas now exist within 50 miles of. the heart < of Chicago and 75 of thient are jàidr- bled side by side witin 20 mniles of t' the intersection of State an.d Madi- soli. . 1 There have beeil created ai- nxost a hiundred new governmental iiinn wihie flfl«ourselvesU But 1n0 leader or po group bas Corne forward with aprograni on that question, say.- in.z. 'Vote this ut) o*r down,' and been willing to, stand or fall on the vote. "If Political leaders want to get out the vote tbey should cone before the people and say, êThis'is our program,. this is what we believe; if you be-> lieve it. vôte us into. office; if you do tiot believe it. then do flot vote. us into- office.' This is flot a mnillenium I arn talk inz abc6ut.;. it is flot, chang- ink, nature. Lt is just as human to have ideas that vou want to have> put through as it is tol want, office and place. I do îîot think the ev'ils of, our political lifè areduie' 50 nuch to human nature, in the. Americanii people as they are to our history in which, those who would.naturallv find their careers in public life hav e foujîd themi in private affairs. Staying. out- side of political 111e, thev have. des- pised it.,-and lin despising it they have mnade jt desni)cable. They fear gov-_ erniment because they have corruipted ;t, and corrupting govertnment niakes gVoverinlen t cQrrupt.ý "WVhat we rea.1Ly need is more>rle- liance on gZoveltnmeint,. more concerix for it, R.reater re'sponsibiliti, abo *ut. it fermentation of political ideas. evv ai of tht concern that.Nve feit in the earlv. davs, of the couintry.- a r 1en.iaisý- sance ini political, life.1 There 'are Signq. I believe, of that ren1aissrance:, "The L.eague of Womien \'oters Iras seenr signs oft that renaissanice iii it, gi'oups, lhundreds *and hunidrecls of txein ail over the United States, eeigweeklv at(l moniv. vear iii anid vear -ut, to stiiud-v olitical quustioxs an 'd to trv to ai)ipl\vtli.. \\'e have seen .it ini ur pul>licatjo.1 111. 1rimi'.ers'rearliid nd l)lislie.aiid dis- tribute<l abd thuinbflarke(l \ýVe ha.ve ;een signis> like thaLin. xneaýstres. th %NTI liv w'on in councils and state eislattires and lin\Washxingtonx. ci me stah)lislin,-g .o1)e ýtep) more of these political )rililCiples f or >,,cb lie I.eaguc Of Volnîen Voters a lniot lîterallv, 'volld. clie. GREenleaf 4181 ýT BOILER SALES1 ,man Ave, Evansfon CORPS .PLIES FROM THE OFFICIAL. BOY SCOUT QUTFITTERS 11111BYUS FIILBYSOTUWR AN» E ys SUT- Wiiui.fk0 W RAATIIUAT 441 Dry Giod. Store MnON'.Store 1148 WUlmette Ave.. 1 iWuati. Aveo. I