Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Sep 1932, p. 20

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Reaolutlona of condolence, carde of thanks, obitu- arilen. notices of nntertainments or ôther aWaître wbere an admittance charge In published. wIllI b. ..barged at regular advertislng rates. Grade Spaa heo WlD ave Lif ej Those wbo have neyer% ob'served the beautifying effect, of hlossoming holly-ý bocks mayflot think highly of the sug-ý "I-ollykhoCks .gestion t h' a t holly- hocks be planted 'in fjor Wilmette" sucb places as aIýong- sde the Norh West- ern and North Shore "railroads. Trhey mnay think .ail such endeavor's rather trifling and entirely out of placé, in :days ..iwhen_ more serions work is needed. but suppose' ail attenipts at beautifyl- ing the north shore wvere ini these serious days given up, postponed indefinitely.. Whiat %vould be ,the.net resuit? So far.as, we cani see, the net resuit wpoud be a,,de-. cided increase of glooni. Let -us, on. the, contrary,-do as .nîuch as we intélligently caný to niake life more ,worthi living. ýLet us socv hoillyhock seeds or other blooms hiere and, there.. Let us * fot litter up our parkways withl debris pf varionis kinds. Liet uis not nail real estatc signs on our beauitifuil trees. * Like so rnany other atte nipts at beau- tifying, this preset i oveinent in Wil- mette may seeni to' be fostering a useless Inxury. But like so many otherý sinîilar attempts. it . may prove strp)risinZly' uefùl. in making. yoùr towji a better place iii wih.to lve and so increasitng property values., * Only- the other,.day >we accidentally str uck a sînail child' entirelv too close to bis righit eye. Dr'ops of cold sweat damp- Wea»os and ened our forehead as* Wea,ùos and ve becanie aware. of Children the fact, that. we biad decided NO! S-o decided is the answrer tha t one mnay declare almost complete assur- ance, if you really want to deprive a child of bis sigbt, givehim a toy gun or slinLy shut to.play with., wiII dominate man. We, however, are convinced that if matn deals witb these littie things as effectively as our north: shore mosquito abaters have deait with the mosquito, the, coming of insects,etc., into power will be indefinitel" postponed. We1 are told that'the breeding-places of the chief mosquito pest, aedes' vexans, are rapidly being elfiminated. That's fine! It ineaîs. that on late summer afternoons Mien we stroîl in our gardens the likeli- 1sood of our being annoyed by this enemy. of nian i ili besigt Avpte of thanks should be given $Ill)-. erintendent Mei. - and his able and active associates. A real niother, according to, our under- standing of the termj is,,one on whoni ber child can depe.nd lu time of need. M1any A Realwomen have been i, othiers A, Real ut at the saine tinie ilno't Mother real mothers. A. real 1 mothber is niot nieirely a woman whP bas brought a child into the ý vorld, ut one wvho, in addition, has been ail that, a. real -mother should be throuighot that cbild's dependenit years.' Mrs. Raymond Swigart of W'ilnîette, who succumibed tp a heart attack a fem, days ago, was a real miother. During the miany years we have krzown hier she wvas a towerof strenigth to her cbildren. XVhen wve sav this we (Io not detract ù! the sligbt- est from the initiative and ability of her cllildreiz whons w%,%e:have, al1su known and- adnsired for many years But we .do em- Phasize the .fact, that M'rs. Swigart backed her children in ai~teir attenzpts to achieve- their- ambitions in their c.hosen fleld.d1'I Fow invaluable ber assistance: was' cannot be meaâsured. People on the north shore anid wTere seemr to be divided into tw,%o tinct classes, those iwho help _andt %--luulu woK n.connectbon with soi-e permanent organization like a cburchi or a secuilar organization. Tbank God for, the Gopd Samaritans of the nortb shore! I"our love for. me-I have gauged it well- 'Tis a disappointing, a chilling. thought That I long ignored-ond I grieve to tel- But Blanche, your affection for me is bon ght! Aye, bought zeGth luxury, lkdng finIe-. Vour couch as soit aç a birdIùng's home; Danyfood tw/zen you choose té dine, Watch ficare when you choose ta, roam. l'es, you are treated better,'even, T/ianI the august head of. the farnily, for a (Cat, this .surely is feline'lheaveen. Beaz<iful Blanche, Mnyw/hite Angora. PING PONG VS. GOLF In spite, of opposition we stili believe that golf is really 'a, game for ods men. :We are, well aware. of the fact that Bobby Jones is flot an oldish> mani and that he enjoys golf. However, me contend that he and other youthful golf enthusiasts are exceptions. John D. Rockefeller, Sr., is our typical golfer, and John D. is an oldishi marn. Virtually ail real golfers are cither tired or retired business men, .Very 'recently we, took up ping pon Ig, primarily to cicover its merits as a moderately exciting game2. We have achieved only a very moderate .degrec of sk,îll in ping -ponging, having been defeated hy, cluite a' nuniber* and, variety of hunian beings,. Our conclusions as to the merits of the game are that the game is pretty good. Lt is a surprisingly inexpensive garne. eetire outfit, costs only: a few dollars. Caddies cari be dispensed with. Its easy operation c ails for only' the area of an ordinary room. Finally in order to. bc an, expert pilg pong player one, must. acquire con- *siderable'skill. Neg!ecting certain unimportanit differences, we have decided that ping pong is about as good a ganse as barn-yard golf. -Fil, Ossifer. Seen at Grant Park Art Show Amon)tg a prosaic exhibit-ý A miniature, fantasy of Sprinig Among a group of figurines- G *rotesque cats, (logs, biirros,, giraffe s, Bandeleros, caballeros and artillerymen. Amiong thie orth shiore exhibits- Beautiful gardens, Iland ând seascapes, sonie f ringing two:huge red'parasols Amnong peu and ink illustrations- One from Dickens' "Christmas Carol," And one froni, "The Night Before Christmnas." -Art Fan. eaut i iy upon the .youngsters getting a real kick out of the presentation But,. we cannot be bothered about polit ics. Not, at any rate, until after we've settled the, impending Cubs-Yankee battle. of thé century.

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