A 'Pleated skirt for sizes 4, 'l, 6 years;, button-on style in navy.bine . $2.95 Broadcloth blouse for 4, a-or 6 years; whit e with, conïtrastin*g: c(lored piping . .$1.95' Medîuim Nweighit sweater; al wool;' navy, red and tan;,sizes 4 to 6 years. $2.'95 SUPPLIES FOR SCHOOL Schooi bags; heavy waterpr oof. cloth; shoulder sixap or handle; with fit ted pen- cil box and pads of paper ...$1 A compiete assort .nent of notebooks,. pens, pencils, ink, past e, ruùlers, etc.- in the Sta- tiQflfry Se4rt ion. Firsi Floor. THEýý w i.1~ *Lisie socks; U- l ength; tan or white; elastic tops, 80p Y8 length ribbed socks; lisie; fane$* tops ..35C BrownIeik oxfords... oôf sharkskin;- welIt soles First 7opr. ND FLOOR -~ ~ A smnart new plaid gingham dress with leather belt, white pique collars, cuifs;, 10 to 14 $3.95 ,PWooI kt3-piece sut; tri-color knit. blouise; new. unes: 12, 14, 16 $11.7à In - aL- the - waist wool crepe sc)QIl dress; wide shoul- der effect; 12, 14, 16 . . . $6.95 COMP ANY xl> (/by#5k ~4~s/I* j &