Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Sep 1932, p. 16

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L.-'veland iast week. STOPS AT CURTISS FIELD W. .1. Davison, Rlying a 300-J-6 Fairchild, was a recent arrivai at Curtiss airport. He was enroute to Duluth. Six new swinging signs guiding au- toists to Pàl-Waukee airport were set up recently at points along Mil- waukee avenue near the.airport. t UE--5 PANE'.AI CURISIS Mai. Ray Wassall of Curtiss-Steinl- berg airport, East St. Louis, arrived at Curtiss ai rport near Glenview jrecentiy to get a light Sport Travelair twhich he took back to bis base for demonstration ptirposes. SHU-WONG GETS LICENSE Sbu Wang, one'of the Chinese stu- dents who are learning to fly at Cur-ý tiss airport, has' received bis private pilot's -licen'se. THE EDGEWAT ER BEACH. HOTEL OnmLake Michigan 5300 BLOCK-SHERIDAN, ROAD. Is the deal residence for ýSuburbanitswo lnt coeo rent their homes during.the Fali and. Winter, Seasons. In addition to most attractive, newly adjusted rates on -KITCHENETTES, PARLOR SUITES, and ROOMS, Ths Hotel affords PRIVATE MOTOR COACH SERVICE to and fromthe Loop., A GARAGE in the Building accommodating 200,cars. Your personal inspection is cordially invitei., W. M. DEWEY, Managing Director NOW.. SUPREME QUALITY CLEANING AT NEW LOW CASH PRICES ýWe'do Plot in any sense1 of the word offer. CHEAP CLEANINO. The only thing that we havé' eut is the price. Our usual bigh standard of workmanship and serv- ice remain'unçhanged in spite of the re- duction in price. rcsstatt at nasel, Switzerland, on Septeniber 26 one of the entries will be the Godyear XIIJ, which wili be- bandled by R. J. Blair anid W. T. Van Orman. Blair, wbo is anc of the pilots of the Goodyear blimp, Puri- ta:n, stationed at Pai-Waukee airport,- lt for Akron,' Ohi, last week te join Van Orman. In 1930 Blair and, Frank Trotter won the national balloon race froni Houston, Tex., and in the' 1931 and 1932 national races the sanie teani finislied second. By keepîng their 35,000 cubic foot bag aloft forty-eigb* hours they established an unoficial re cord'at the, 1930 race. Three 0o'f, the ightiteen entries .in the, international races tIis month will be fronm the Unitedl States. Blair will return to Pal-Waukee',after. the races, to pilot the Puritan during the CenturY Of Progress exposition fîeéxt ýMakes Stop at Curtiss Enronte to Air Races Casey Lambert of St. Louis, onle of the Laînberts of Listerine famie, ar- rived at Curtiss 4irport last wveek froni Julutlb, recently baving coni .- pieted a vacation ini the wilds 1 cf tiorthern MNiiiesota. He stopped in Cicago for a 'short visit: and, then fl ew to Cleveland to attend tIc Na-. tional Air races. Lambert owvns a deluxe Speedwing Travelair, pewered witil a 400-hiorsepower Wriglit Wlîirl- wind niotor. 2 Bellancas Take News Reel Men to Air Racés Two Bellanca J-6's frein Pal-WVau- kee airport were flown te Cleveland Sunday to take news reel pictures of, the Thonipson troply race Laber day for thé Clicago Daily News. The Thonipson: race is, considered one1 oft the ouitstandiing events of tIe Na-. tional Air, races. Cliff Condit and Gus Paimquist, Pal-Watuk.e pilots, flew the two ships te Cleveland and return. Flies to_ Starved Rock Sunday's the Day The Americani Legion's cliarity air meet, with nany of the best knowii speed and aeri al acro.batic pilots..ini Anerica compeing in t1the long pro- grain of events, iWill open. tis day moérning, Septeinher 1l, at Sky Harbor airport west of: Glencoe on1 Dundee road. The Legion organizations of Cook and Lake counities have joined. to, stage the air nmee.t as a. nîeaîs of providing, relief to, unernploved ex- service men of the twio coÜnties and *to bring. to the attention of ýtbe pub- lie the. value of aviation' as ant arinof national defense. The first flyer of 'Proninciince tb enter the list was . M . NMattv'" Laird. vbose tnearly twentv ycars ni bthe air lias esýtal)lishe bliimas one of the !eading S pee( i lots. Iaird'ls Clii- cago-built planes are. as wellko . for their speed as is tbeir. designer Laird's masterpiece. -tas the wne .of' tlhe Tlonmps.on trophbv race t wo \elias ago %wheni i wNas piloted bo il recordl hv the 1late Charles' Sè1 l llolniaîî during the nationa;,l ail ea c e S. H en -oward, 0who spû nds ,bis, spare, tinie aavfront 'flvîng t:nu United States a'ir mail, on. rcgtua'r schedule :betveeii Chicago. and S Lýouis,' in. building j. tiny on)ti ';L v speed planes, wil] bave his .nr; ingslis,"Mie"and "Ike," at S1k_ Harbor~ Sundavàý. Both planles wunr cenitly conipleted cClev-eland Nat ioîîa I. Air races. Loti Yaîîcey, Ciag' Romie fiver,' wiil le at the imc~t vî. a nlew autogire as will I)l)nctu E1odgcs, of Palwauikee airpert. Y;an - ceyý and Hodges, inîounted in tbhir fl yi g î d îls" ~ il c n i r*~ ý,gain*st a full-sized Good.vear blnîîii, in aà 'turtle race,"y the mîachine cov- ering a~ given coutrse nii the soe, time l)eing tbeiiner. Ti tjeof ace is' fuill of comedy and wiill *hc attcmnpted for thec first tiane 'at 010e 1egibon meét. uLain Lena"'. Plane Entered Dick Granere, who flies a plane dressed in1 a linen duster, false 'Icard1 and .straw bat,. bas dntered bi'; "Leapiing Lena," in i ch lie mi- tates a student pilot taking bis. first light. Granere's comedy flying bals been a feature of every air nxeet lhc Member Wqmilepe 6Chainber of. Commierce _______ frieds: ~--'-A ---- (."dl'm IWOu undrend oys. A fea- friens,. r"-p ý uwsey'stur'e of the afternoon will bc flic conipetition amaong the forty Legion BLIMP AT MILWAUKEE band and druni and bugle corps of The Goodyear blinip, Puritan, sta- Cook and Lake counties ta determine tioned at Pal-Waukee airport, fleW ta the best musical org-anizatiçon, In Milwaukee iast Thursday ta carry the evening the nie*mbers of the Le- passengers. gion band-and drum corps wiii mass CHICAGOI

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