D)ay. Mosiday, Septernber 5, at Vista (li Lago club. The W'ater m-as choppy anid cold. There was a highi wind b)lowI;ig. WXhile the sun w~as shining anid it was delightfil for the specta - tors, events. were held under condi- tions that tried the sikill of the con-1ý testants. The first event wvas lifebuoy throw-I ing-thirty-five feet against the wind at a target on the Sand. The Glencoe teamn was first in this event amil thrcw, the lifebuov within ten iniches1 of the c'enter of the target. Highland.'% Park Tean-No. 2 was. second and Winniietka..tliird., Glencoe rated par- ticularly high' in this event when it is considered two. of the best throwNs could not be counitedl, as the guard, stepped over the line in the throw. The second event w-as tired swini-S mers' carry (sixty feet, -no approach).1 Wvilmnette %yas first,, Highland Park team* No. 1. second, and -Winnéïka third. Tim1e-223À seconds. The third event vas retrievmng an objet- !% ininig thirtv- feet. . retrieving an object anid then sNNinxrniing thirty., feet to the finish. Glenicoe wvas first, Highland Park Teami No. 1, second, ail X\ilnette, third. Time-41, 1; sec- Fourth. event wvas cross chest carry -s%-iniinig, sixtv feet without ap- proaÇI. Wilniiette . 'as first. Glenc second(, 'and, Highland ,Park .Teani No. 1I1 and. Winnetka, tied for third., !Fifthi event m-as rescue f .or speed -SXimnlin11g iree .style Sixty feet1 making uiiderwatur approach and re-l tu,rni with patient. Glencoe -was first, Wilniette. second, and Wimiietka, tliîrd. 'Tinie-5O*ý seconds. Artificial respiration closed the programn. Wilinette wvas first, Glen- coel. second, and Highland Parki T1earn, No. 2, third l TOtalnumber of points: Glencoe. 21 i Wilniette, 19,1 ai H Iighiland (Park Teani No. IL Judges of the- events were- pro- b% -Ill~ te. Chicago chapter of the AxurianRed Cross. Kurt Ziecm11S., swýiiirning iOrct'r ap wass-. 1îk '.Ci icago Bov Scout, camp11: A-rr thuitr I)ries,, North Shore District Boy] Scout ;.iinn instructor ; Dale] lves of the Datherý. Ulari< j<eacn, w-ho bhas supervised the stimner 1)each activities at Vista del Lago club, has had such an event in niind for- several vears, believing it 1wauld be an encourýagement for the ien at, the1 varions beaches to keep. on --auriay VeLVJ1IUCF J. "e Bathl- rcks hiad house guests over Labor Day and entertained a party of six- teen ini honor of themn at the dininer dance. tMr. and' Mrs. Harrv' 1L. Bauer will be host and hostess at the special feature dinner dance Saturday,. Sep- tember '17. As we corne to Septemfber and the wvater activities corne to a close, rhursday, eve nings,- always Family I)inner. Night ,at Vista de!L ago, as- ,;un greater importance. t is on Thursday e2veiÎngs thatý the members. corne to Vista with.-their entire fan- iie and have dinner-keep up the acquaintances. formed .during .the ïu mmcir, even though their activities taiic was 10 bei Alaska, anid the- Ar, 1150 Central Avenue Phone Wilmette 3710 or 704 Main Office and Plant-Waukegan and Webster Aves., Highwood, 111. Ali Phones Highlad Park.3740 Il. lu north Ocean. *Mrs. John C. Cobb, Jr,, will be hostess for- the bridjgè luncheoni September 12. Wednesday. September 14, will be Men's Night at Vista de Lago. Agroup of men has expressed the intention 'of çontinuing volley, bal! games and, sun bathsbs o Sunday nlornings as long as it. is enjoyable to do so. GIVE SUPPER' BRIDGE Mr. and Mrs. Henry Taylor, 431 Lssex road , kenilworth, entertained tell guests at a buff et supper andI o r , - PIoing Nlghtly on the Air-coold Walnut Room OTTrO K.EIITSL MoR.. HOTEL- LA 8ALLI&CHIcAO A CLIEANING. Plan Suited to EACH CARMENTý CHOOSE THE PLAN THAT SUITS- Econornv Service or Ladies' Pl1ain, Dress -or Coat Ce ancd and Pressed M en's, S uit s Cleaned and Pressed 1