Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Sep 1932, p. 13

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This bas become an? annual event. bringing together each year well over a hundred new and former students of this, the oldest college for wornen ini the west. Among the guests of honor wil be Mrs. Andrew MacLeish of Glencoe, a former president of the college; Prof. ýLorena -M. Churci,l for many years the college registrar. and Mrs. Guy H. Mfankin of 'Wil- Mette, who bas recently been elected the alumnae, trustee f romn the Chi- cago area. The reception' committee for the occasion includes Mrs. Logan T. *McMenemy. of Lake Forest,* Mrs. Frank Stoweil of Glencoe, IMrs. A.' L.' Tucke r of Oak Park -as well, as the hostess", Mr$. McCuiloch, and others from Cllicago and suburbs. Following the luncheon Miss He- len English of Winnetka,,of the class of -1926, will model costumes for col-. lege class-roomn, laboratory, sports anidevening.wear. A speciai feature w.ill be .the teaching of Rockford college songs to the new students un- der the direction of "Miss Florence Reese of the class of 1930. Aniong the north shore girls -who are registering at Rockford for the.1 first time.this fal are;. Eleanior.Aus-. tin, Highland, Park; Olive lBrower. Wilmctte; lar-garet Ebcling. Wl nitte; 'Thelman .Ericksoni, I-ubbard Wod;janiet Fairbairui, Evanston; Betty Haevey, Evanston; Janiet Lee.I Evaniston, and several others. CLERK ON FURLOUGH John Gukeisen, clerk at the Kenlil-ý %worth postoffice,, is on furloughi this', *week. He left last Fridav on a trip, fo Colorado and other points west; fle w~iii i)e l)aCkon duty neXt Tues- day. Burt Christenson, who lias been ýSpeind ng the sunmmer iin Europe,. vas the week-end guest: of, Mr. and .Mrs. Burt A. Crowe, .234 Raleigh road. KeiwINorthl,. on his way to bis homle. i l. Threc Rivers, Mi.11, r.Robert 0.,aw 321 Keniil- Nvorth aventue, Keniiworth.. enter- -tainied twenty-two friends at a buffet supper at hier home on M.\onday- eve- iiiing. Septeiiuber 5, foilowed by bridge. Miss Virginia Dizkenson of 637. as wurn. new taclities for tne always absorbing sbop1 work. Friends of te. scbool will welconme back after a year's stiidy abroad, Miss, Pauline. Manchester who wiii again I conduet ber delightful music and rhythm classes. The use of the Montessori sensory mlaterial is the foundation for 'tie> ilany self-ýeducative2 and«creative ac--1 tivities 'of the- school. ýAs usu al the hlouse wil! he.kept, the animais cared for, and the garden. tended 1w the chii(Iren themnselves. Miss Dorotby Sears, tbe Dir-ect- ress, will be at tbe scbiool ýevery day or may be reaclbed for appointmtcn-lts at lier borne at 417 WVarwick- road, Keniiworth. Ne. U. Alumnae, to HaveFirst Autumn*.. MeeigonTuesday The board of managers of the Asso- ciate Alunae of Nortbwestern uni- versit'v ill hold its first meeting of the fail season Thursday .morning, Sep- teinber 15, at the homne of Mrs. Edsoin B. Fowler of Evanston, Mrs. Fowler .is .presidenit of L-te caiumnae for th-e ensuing year. . The varions chairmen, al ofEastn are *anniouniced as fol- Iovs by Mrs. Powier: .Mrs. Johni M. Scott, second vice president, will serve as. social chair- inan; Mrs. Homer WV. Bang, third vice president, will be the organization's delègate to the Genieral Aiumniae asso- ciation; Mrs. Ericsozn F. Mclaughlin, treasuirer, will serve as publicity chair- manx, and Mrs. Walter Ciyde-Jptnes Jr. has been appointed program clairman, Mrs. Joncs- and Mrs. Scott wiil co- operate in planning .tbe coming tea ini late October when tbe recentiy, com- pieted portrait of Miss, Mary .Ross Potter, .f ormer dean . of_. women> at North.western, will ýbe unveied. Tbe, portrait was viewed by menibers of the -board and some of tbe sp~onsors at a tea iast month at the home of Mrs. Jamies A. Patten. Annonce Spec~ial j FRENCH4 LESSONS at your home or my etudio ..hework of thy hand!. (Isaiah 64:8). Amnong the citations which coin- prised the lesson-sermion was the following from the Bib le: "Beware lest any man spoil youthrougli phi-. losophy and vain deceit, after :tbe. tradition 'of men, after the rudfiments of the world, and flot after Christ. For in hlm dwelleth aIl the fullness of the Godhead bodily.- And ye. are comfplete ln him, which is the bead of aIl principaiity. and, power" .(Colos- siang, 2:8-18). The iesson-sermon, also iinclided the 'following passages -from the Christian Science textbook. "Science and >Health with Key t'O tbe Scrip- tures," bv Mary Baker Eddy:,"The ivorld beiieves in many persons; but. if God is personal, there is but one person, becausethere is but one, God. His personality can ýonily be.reflect il, not transmitted", (p. 517).e TO RESUME CHURCH SERVICES The Rèv. 1Lcland H. Danfôrth wiii restime the regular, 8 and Il o'clock services at the Chu.rchi of the HIoly Comforier, Keniilwortýh, next Suiiday, September Il. The choir will aiso have a rebearsal on Tbnrsday, Sep- ember 8, at 7 ,o'cloc.k in the evening., .ew, applicants will .be admitted. Tbe ervices have been very abiy con- (lucted during August by Albert E. Riddle, à lay reader in the parisb. several of the quickest and best dryers on the market. These fine dryers are now in. operation in flot only the Spanish Court shop but al-, so, in the J. E. Cheek ,Beaui- ty Shop, ý6560 Sheridan Road. Tests .have convinced us. that these dryers have many advantages o v e r others. They. assure co mfort .al- ways. Neer too bot . ..Yçt their heat is always. even and dries, bair in twenty minutes. We are sure'the patrons of both of our shops Ca nnot -heip but appreci ate that we are endeavoring to render as> aiways the best in service by giving themn full advantage of revoiutionizing steps in comfort-making, ,time-sav- ing equipmnent., For appointment ceu Wtl. 5060 4611-17 RAV-ENSWOOD AVE. Longbeach 8960Wiimetto 3862 TO. REDUCE OUR IN VENTORY we, will makeand inis tali 44T1he- Better Kind"! Imported Holland Window Shades for

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