±'ercv. El. narns, general cnairinari1 of the social committee of the .third, district comimissioners Republican1 *club. It is e>zpected that leading, caiidi- dates on the Republican state and *counity tic.kets will he guests of tll, club. and thev have alre:ady signi- lied their desire to meet the pe6ple of, the third .district through this 1ig rally. and Picinic, whichi Will lie onme *of the final openi air picmics of.the vear. * Those serving on comimittees With Judge Harins are: ti-easurer.,of the day, Gebert -A. Dilg;* gaines ,coin- mittee, jack Edge;reesets Art Weller;. prize .Çônmitteeý, jack Schimitz,; music and entertaininient, Joe*Schneider; ad,.ertising and pub- licity, Walter Tr. Woodcock and A. D.,Rose; .concessions comrnittee. Robert ýB. Pollock; reception. coin- mi ttee, Harry -Fowler, .Oscar XVW. Schimidt, August F. 'Schroeder.; ra- dio cominittece, Walter T.» Wood- cock and Percy E. Harins. Prizes for children have 'beeti ar- ranged. ~There will be races, base- bail gaines, barnyard golf (horse shoes) tug of %var, and mnany other events as well as dancing both ini the afternoon and evening. Admission 1o the--grounds also is, free,- it is ex- plainied., Thie XVilnette 'basebail teami will pîlay, the -N.uïies Center: teanv' as the hasebali atttractioâ (luring the after- i10011. Field Artillery Meets Oak Brook Polo Quartet Herb Lorber, popular on the north shore, a inan.with. a large per- Sonal followving iii the sport, and famned for i s bard riding. and rifle- like long distance. shiots.,Mlill lead the, 124th 'Field Artillery polo, quartet against Oak Brook, at thie Oak, Brook sta-ditini iii, Hinsdale Sunday afternion, Seipteinbér 11, at 3:30, o'clock. Tlhat the 1a.tch wvill 1provea thriller is conceded in advance. Ini their last meetinig, on t'le afterniooni of -Atgust 21, Oak Brook eked out a 13 to 12 victory, after the. most bitterlv fouglit gaine on.any field this season. the contest going inito anir ex.tfa lin C. nowers Onwentsia vs. A rmy in Polo Next Sunday Sunday, Septeiiiber Il,. at 3:30 o'clock oùn the'Fort Sheridan polo field the farnous Onwentsia polo team w~ill coipete wvitli the Amny in a post series gyaijie. This will un- doubtedly be a battle to' the. finishi inasnxuchl as the-Army was victori- ois in, the Labor 1)ay gaine.' The lineup for Fort Sheridan wilI in.chide tMajor C. (Square) Smiith, Capt. C. . A. Wilkinson, Lt. G. S. Smith, Capt C. E. D)avis, and Capt: H. Il. Branl- son. While for* Onwentsia there will be Charles, Glore, Bud Rader, Frank Bering, Dick' Siinmons, Carl Craw- ford, anid" Prentice -Porter. North shore polo fans have watched thlese two teais iin action nîany times but this gaine promises.to,be the best, of the season., *Entries are coining in. very fast for the Fort Sheridan Horse ShoQw, which will be held September 16, 17, and 18, it is stated. In addition to the sa Horse Show classes, the inilitary show each *eeig promises mnuch interest. There will be fleld artillery driving- contests, xarksnianship contests for artillery,. rifle andl machine guns, be- sides comipetitive infantry and cavai- ry drill. _Much interest bas already l)eeii shown ini this show as entries froin the regulý%r service, national guard, and, reserve units are being mnade. The chainpionship) polo gaine on Sunday, September 18, witi be a fea- ture at wvhich timie the champion polo ponies will be picked. C HRIS TIAN SCIENCE SERVICE S "Substance" wiIl be the subject at the services iin First Church of Christ., Scientîst, ii i Wilinette.Sunday morii- inig, September II, at.il o'clock: Sun- day school coliveîîes at 9A45o'clock. Catlierinýe and, Mary jane Piersoni, daugliters of M-vrs. Josepli B. Pierson, 139 Laurel avenue, are on a mot or trip to Wýaslington, New York, Bos- ton, Halifax, an d othei points of ini- terest iii the éast:. . . IT'S a grand and. glorious ( feeling. Hot water (lots of it) is waiting for you every time you - reach for a hot water faucet when there is an au tomatic gas. water heater, in your basement. Dishwash- ing', cleaning, laundering can ail be speeded through in. quick timne.. Nogt Expesive Many women have an idea that automnatic hot water ser- vice is e xpensive., It îsn'It. kt costs, only a fewv cents a day. (per merrber of the family) eo op.rate an automatic gas water heater tha keeps plenty of hot water always on rap. Heaters corne, in sizes to meet al homùe requirements. Yoëi can have one linstalled now for only $5 down-.-balanoe ULittle by Littie". Calyour Public Service Store or your L cal PItwsber. Do ik today. PATRONIZE OUR, ADVRRTISERS NEUTRALIZE Moutl Acids To Protect TEETH from DECAYI PgiMav Here is, a tooth paste iespéciully ,lesied to 'fight the" cause of dingy decayed teeth. It is ~XII Milk of Mag- nosia Trooth Paste and it neutrulizes eroding mouth acids instanit1yt It destroys the .acids tjiat stain teethl That cause decayl Try this I~dM .~1Ispecial offer! ?e" Milk ofl et Bible and Works of Mary BalcerEdldy and Alotier autbcgized irtian Science Literature may be read, borrowed, or purchas.d aute. îding Room. THE PUBLIC I8 CORDIALLY INVITIED TO ATTEND THE CHURCH SERVICES AND VISIT THIE READING ROOM ,ýlM Dura, UU1ur scmEa8andUnatulSS euSuSII ~~ depart a few minutes efter y.u take a dose of ReunIIMa lk agesi > MILK 0FMAGNESIA 3hit UI 'The Chr Reao