Che iormers parents now. Jrofessor Waldorf teaches at the Wentworth Mil- itary academy in Lexington. Clark Gapen of 919 Elmwood ave-m nue returned 'Tuiesday f rom a'.tbrée weeks' outing at McKipley Lake,' near Spooner, Wis., with, Eugene Hildebrand. Jr., of 530 Maple ave-. nue. Earlier in August he spent twol weeks at Piné Lake with bis parents, 9-r, and ,M rs. J. C. Gapeýn. T he R. P. lEngel family of 210 ]Dupee Place attended the State Con- claveof Commanderies of'the State of Illinois-at Danville lastwek Mr Engel iscommander -of. Chicago 'Com- mandery No. 19, K. T. Mrs. John B. Farrior, who. with her little girls, Mary and Jane, bas been visiting ber mother, Mrs. John Boylston of 1302 Chestnut ave- ngue, and ber sister,, Mrs. Roy G, Rennacker of Winnetka,, this suni- mer, will leave- Monday, September 12, for Coronado, Calif., where sheý will live for the -next two years. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Gough, of 619 Maple avenue spent hast .week-end visiting their son, Jimtny, who, with Charles Ripley of 631 Linden avenue, lias been spending the summer on a farm' at Pickett, Wis. M rs.- Gough and Mrs. Ripley* will drive up to the farm on September 14 to bring. the boys back.. announces the opening Ottawa, and ororno. Mrs. Taylor will be joined at the Evanston hotel by her busband and lier daugbter, Miss josephine, who are now in New York and the East. They wilI aIl later rnotor.toIowa to maàke.a fur- ther visit with the Misses *Coy, who moved this week to Dubuque. Miss. Virginia Bixby of 1104 ýAsh- land aveýnue and Miss Marion Born of 810 FoiLest avenue are returning Septeniber 12:f rom awestern trip, seeing the Olympic games and stop- ping at other interesting points. They came back by way of the Pan- amna Canal onî the S. S. President Hooiver. Miss Bixby ýis: now- visitiiig in Nantucket,. Of: Dr. M. H. ns:icnham of wîimette, who is director of work relief in Cook county, and Wilfred S. Reynolds, executive secretary of the Illinois Emergency Relief commission, drew up the new program. commnent on plan Concerning the new plan, 'the Christian Science Monitor. quotes, Mr. Bickhaam, in part, as follows:- "Fully 95, per cent of the heads of families in Cook 'County, where un- emfployment bhas given rise ,to socia distress, ýare able. to work, andwant to work. To condemfn tbem, to aýccept a governmentail dole is to breakdoWn the very fabric of independen'ce and the will to self-supp r n o rA m - ican workmen. "Un-de-r' the 'Governor's relief com-ý mission from October, 1930, to April,ý 1931, nearly 10,000 heads of families listed by. the relief ag 1encies were given work ýenough to meet their. relief needs. Over$1,107,O0O was dis-ý tributed in wages for usefuùl, work. Between September,. 1931, and Feb- ruary, 1932, over 3;O00O more 'men were. given work and $350,000 was paid out in wages from the Joint Eniergency Relief Fund. Since April 1, 1932, 8,000 men have been given work and ýpaid their reliefAin wlages.i The. total of this, amounting to over $50(0,00, was: paid from, the funds of the Illii- nois Emergency Relief Commission.", Get Work Under Way lu explaining hoiv t.îe work relief programn operates Dr. Bickharn said that with the partial failure of the tax system, in Cook county many gov- ernmental bodies have had to reduce necessary, operations. Work relief has been so to ge.t sonie of this needed work under way. For nstance, hundreds of mien have been cleaning streets and, alleys. Thousandsof trées, lie colitinued,' have been; removed from the forest preserves -by unemployed men, loacled mito trucks.and broughlt. to a. haîf lozen yards in the c.ity where other- unemployed men are. saw.iing'them up. for fuel for the co ming wintr.ý Fifty* Mifles of stream ib ottoins inthe- forest 'reserve have -been cleaned out. Beaches strewn withl paper, and mail parks, have been cleaned. 976 LINDEN AVENUE H-UBBARD WOODS Mrs. Amelia D. Wilson of 839 Park renue bas jus1: returned froni Eagle iver, Wis., where she visited friends Everetts' resort. 0o- Edgar Stevens of Kenilworth and rt C. Hardenbrook of Winnetka ent the week-end at Senachifie n club in Illinois. T.HE SPORTS, SHýoP .LAKE FORE ST affer~ eleven years of successful service to mosi exadting clienlele> in Lake Forest THE SORTS Ho of HUBBARD WO OD.S Wednesday, September the Fourteen.t