at meuran uanon. mss tredi g îpent the first part of the summer in Cleveland, (OhIio, taking. post graduate work. Miss Bredin and Miss Walker are on the f aculty at New Trier. The Kenilworth Junior Gardenl club inet ëon Wednesday, September 7, at the residence of Mrs. H., W. Mc- Igenzie, 1447 Edgewood' lane, Win- rietka., Mrs. Elias -A. Johnson read a paper on "Lawns." We buy old gol4, mflver andplati- inuni. «old toeth a.nd broken Jew- ,elry. fllghest brice -free esti- ]Y.-PACLIARULO Jeweler 1188 WIILMETiTE AVENUE WEIMETTE 1061 regular meeting on Monday, September 12, at Kathleen Daily's home, 618 Tenth street. Ivy Stone, our program chairnian, has arranged a short pro.- gram which is to precede our annual reports and also the sumniaries of our convention activities. Mrs. Edgar A. Stevens and, her son, Stedmnan Willard, 330 Abbots- ford road, Kenilwor th, returned this week fromn the eastwhere they:wereý called by, the death of Stedman's aunt. 0o Mrs. Robert J. Hildebrandt of 92 Robsart place, Kenilworth, enter- tained her Quilting club on last Fni- day. WVAV ES Reduced Price, As Modern as Ls a Paris Frock Finger Wave S50c 'Scores of Ou! patrons exclaim over Sapo...0 Manicure 5Me the. chiccf our permanents anidare Ac O amazed at th. Iow prico ofMrcl.$ Clean-;Up Facial .$.1 Facia :,$1.50 Fr Appointment-Phone Wilmette 4576 De Neida Beauty Studio 934 SPANISH COURT Fait DreIssAccesso.rie.s Latest Styles Reasonabe Prices HOSERY The dates and operas follow: Saturday night, October. 15-"Ai- da" by Verdi (Italian). Saturday night, October 22-"Car - men" by*!Bizet (French).- ." Saturday -night,- October 29 - "Samson and'. Delilah" by Saint- Saens.(French). Saturday nigzht,. Noveenber 5-"Ii Trovatore" by Verdi (Italian). Saturday night, November. 12-, "Lohengrin" .by Wagner .(Ger- man). Mail orders are al. -ady being received at the Chicago Stadium box office at 1800 West Madisonm etreet and the ticket sale will opet i at the Stadium on Monday, Sep- teml)er 5. it is announced. Mr.Hecht, Dtiughter Baek Prom Motor Trip Mrs. M. C. Hecht and datighter, Mar- jorie Jane, of 1042 Greenwood avenue, returned f rom mutoring to Clinton, Iowa, for the past three, weeks where they haveý been visiting Mrs. Hècht's brother and -sister-in-law, Capt., and, Mr.GeorgÉe H. Shedr While there tbey visited in Daven- port and Dubuque, :Iowa.. They .also motored to Galena, III., which was Mrs. H4echt's hom-e town,' and toured to'Sa- vanna, Ill., to see the $200,000 toli bridge being built across the Mississippi river leading to Cedar Rapids. The sand and gravel material for the bridge was f urnished by the flellevue Sand and Gravel conlpany. which is owned by MNrs. Hechit and her brothers,' % M.,and Mrs. William . .Séars r aidle ittle daughter, M anabelle, l eft. last Satprday, for Northport Point, Mich.,' to visitý Mrs. Sears' auât, Mlrs. Hugh McWilliams, overf Labor I)ay. The Sears are leaving. tileir present homne the last of Sep- teinher and are'.556 Green- wood avenue, Kenilwo't.h. -- its tax value, based on the.19.0 tax-. i s $26,107,89 1. Village' Manager Osborn's yearly report also states that the total street mi]leage in the.Village is 72.05. More than two-'thirds of the streets,. or 53M8 miles are paved. This, includes 20.74 miles of brick pa ing, 20.31 miles of concrete paving,5.5 miles of sheet asphaît and: 7. 27 mi les of black top composition.;- 11 .Water mains throughout the Vil- lage cover a mileage of 53.05, the',re- port shows, while the number of wa- ter hydrants is 543., Ther e are 3,306 water meters and. 1,026 catch. basins in the Village. One thousand five -hundred, and six- ty-nine ornamiental street liglhts help illuminate WVilmette streets,' although ail of thesIe are flot in use because of the financial condition of the Village. There are twenty-eight. gas street lights, and thirty-nine other street lamps.. On April 30. 1932, the end of the fiscal year which .Mr. Osborni's, report covers, there were fifty-six persons on the Village pay roll. 0f this nuni- ber twenty were regular police ofil- c ers, four were specialpliee guarding school.crossings,,seven were fulI-time firemen and eleven, were voi- lunteer firemen. Lord's WiII Open New Department for Tires Lord's store, which is soon to begin the celebration. of ifs SIst anniversary, is opening a new department of Fire- stone tires and auto accessories for the convenience of the customers it has 'served. for so many years. The new department is located next to the nien's store on the first floor and features batteries, spark plugs and al kinds of acc essories as well as tires. Scrvicing of the Fire 1stones ,vill b e done. by the' Swan-Taylor Super-Se.rv- ice. garage at 1823 Benson avenue,, through arrangemnents mnade by 1or'. Mrs. Grant Ridgway of« 207' Curn- berland avenue, Kenilworth, left on Saturday to visit lier daughter, jane (.Mrs. William Plumer), and >her $ 1.25 Value Now..... end un, I I ~9 w; Av.. Phone WUlmett. ý4406 Underwear i H521 Lôbby of Brown BIdg. i WiL. 32 Miss Marion Thayer, 121 Robsant road, Kenilwonth, left last Friday for a ten day visit with her brother and his family, the Willard. C. Thayers of Nashville, Tenn. $I,00 i I -------------------