KrinkleKrepe and Rough Crepes. Our first showing for early. Fali. BLACK, BROWN, BEETROOT and NAVY A Special, Croup. SeIIing for $5.95 w Smart, H andbags for FALL Special Others $2.9ý5 and $350 Many n.w novel:effects in smnart handIbags are fe b. seen in the new assortments which have just arrived. Envlope and pouch models are very much favored, thougb th.r. are many ofher styles in leether, silk, foit and febrics. Se. tkem anld ctioose now while the display bu at its boit. pept.! mens boys? You w many things! need IJNEN. H'KERCHJEFS Ail Pure Linon Each . . . 20c. ofhers 4: for $ 1.00 a nd 3 for $1.0 COLLAR, BUTTONS and TIE CLASPS 25c 'and 50c, SHIRTS and SHORTS New Fai pat-, toms rf fine' broadclotb. Each 50c SHIRTS (Arrow Trump) Sa n" r i zead shrunk. Buy your size a n d they wiil always fit. $1095- Other shirts. if wmnted, Itn $I.25 LAUNDR Y CASES, For Mailing Back Home $.25, end 1~ DASH Nothing wiII set off your smaed sui 1k. CHENEY Store ,I114648 WiIm.ttfe Ave., Phone WiI. 588-589* Store-I 152 Wilmtt. Ave., Phone Wimffe 2655 Member Wïlthette Cliamber of commerce 4 I r I