9 L5ItO.. VoLFVA 555., laIrge yard, 2-car gar J. L. FLÀ 3S4i Center St. per ulonth. netka 3603 G0L17-ltc 820 GREENLEAF AVE. GLENCOE NEWHOUSE. 5 BEDROOMS. 3 BATH$. RENT $210. PHONE OWNER.. GLENCOE 49.. 6OLTN12-t rt 20)03 KENZILWORTH-l AVE,. - 6 RIT. etucco bouse with open porch on lst floor. steam heat. 2 blocks Kenilworth .ta.. Just, west o Ridge Rd'. Lot 50x1.34 feet. $85 a month. 'Pli. Glen- ces104. 6OLTN17-ltë 7 RM. BRK.. 4 BEDRMS.. 2 BATIIS. sun rm.. gar. S. E. Winnetka. Rent $90., Sale $14,000. Eln SMITH & GOSS' 725 EinSt.Winnetka 142 BEAUTIFUL, EAST SIDE HOME NEAR- transp...Schools and lake, 10 rms.. Sun rm.,. glazed sleeping porch, tile bath. Reas. Cali ow-ner, Wilmette 4996. 6OLTNI7-1 te 8RM. HOME. 2 BIGPOC E.1 glazed.*2 bedrms. with runnlng water. 1-bilk. to C. N. W .. 3 blk%. to sehool. $85 month., 1039 LI.nderi Ave. Cail Owner at Wilmette 2791. 60LTN17-ltc HOME AT 818 ASHILAND ACVENUE- 5. bedrmq., 2 baths, extra lavato.ry. 3 glazed ,porches and- 1 open. At- tached garage. Reasonable rent. Cal owner. Wilmette, 2791. 6OLTN16-ltc 5- ROOM BUiNGALOW. LE. YARD. near trans.portation. Price reasonable. Cail at> 635 Park Ave.. Wilmette. Friu day; or Tel. Ravenswood 1t60. 6OLTNI -t FOR RENT OR*.qÀE-8 BM. 1HOU1SE. very, desirable east side location. beautiful lot. Relit$85. in case ol sale owner will help finance deai. Ph. 7 ROOM -,TUCCO. CHOICE m ka location nea.r schools. Hg~ ohl heat.. Nice yard. Winnetlc WINNT -ý it wate r ka 851. 60L17-ltp 6 RQDM HOUSE FURNISHIED OR .5 roomfs unfurished. fromi 6 months to a year. 611 burner. Ph. Wil. 3206. 6OLTNI7-ltn IN WINNETKA, 8 ROOMS. GIL ha.frigidaire, garage, no agents. Phone Winnetka 1686. eOLTN17-tfc, Garage. 6 O ÇV HUSE ~- UUMJFUTA5L.Y furnished, within, block of public sehool. Garage. 441 Glencoe Ave. Highland Park.. Inquire 18 S. Green- bay Rd. Ph. Highland Park 745-ýR. elLTN17-Itte UNUSUALLY, WELLI FURNISHEJl-) attr. 8 m. homne., 4 bdrnis. 2, bath--. extra lav. Att. gar. Near seahool and trans. $200, mo. Oct:-MaSr. Winnetka 2138 . 61L17-tp FURINISHED HOME- SOUTHWEST section of Winnetka. Convenient to ehosand transp. Winnetka 709. 61LTN17-1 tc sa WANTED, TO REMT-H>MiES MODERN HOUSE. LARGE G ROUNDS. South Winnetka or Kenii.worth. Must have. 4 master bedrooms.i 2 baths. ni<'s, rooni and bath, garage. oul heat. Not, over $200 per inonthun- furnished. .1J. L. FLOYD COMPANY 384 ('enter 54t. Winnetka 3603 62LTNI7#Itc RE SPONSIBLE CLIE NTS 'WAITINU for us to place them .lin North Shore homes. Mrs. Fuller & Wm. Pickard. 1618 Chicago Ave. Greenleaf 7220 62LTN16-tfe 7 OR 8 ROOM MODERN flOUSE ivith yard, near transportation. No agents. Write B-153, Box 40, Wil- >mette. 62Ll7-ltp WANTED TO RENT - GOOD RESI- dence. North Shore, rental $75 to $150. Owners only. Cali Long Beach 0437. 62LTN17-ltp 64 FOR RENT-GARASES FOR RENT - GARAGE NEAR 7TH and Sheridan Rd. Ph. Wilmette' 1466. A REAL HOME 1 bath. sun room. 1-car garage. 1-. W. heat. oil burner. Electrie rÈefrigeration. S to ve., Under- --round isprinkling sys.-teni. Lot 65x1l30. High elevation. .over- > ooking golflub. Se It. BAIRD AND WARNER 1071 Skoôkie-Ridge D r. Glencoe 1554 72LTN17-lte F OR MERCANTILE, REAL E STATE, OR BANKING PURPOSES, CALL OWNER, GLEN- COE 49. 6SLTrN17-1 te FINE STORE ROOM. 501 CHESTNU'r St.. Wininetka. across street from uub- lic school. Winnetka 690. 66L'1'N53-tfc i BLOCK FROM LAKE Stone. stucco and .1/ timbered bouse. sold for $60.000 to Present owner «I vrs. ago. ,Must sell at once' to satisfY mortgages. $33.000. 9 rms.. 3%k bathis, 2-car garage. One of the loveliest gardens in Wilmette. Large iandscaped lot. Beautiful block. MRS. FUL4LER & WTM. J., PJCKARD ¶6l8 Chicago Ave. Gre. 7220 m 72Ll7-ltc 391 391 PRO VIDENT AVE. 6 R.M. HOME, beaut1ful wooded lot close to trans- »ortation and stores. Can be boughl. for lesýs than ffround value. Write B-. 151. Box 40. Wilmnette. 111. A REAL BUY BWilt in 1929. selling today at $16.000.- 8 ri, brick Colonial, 4 bedrmsi.. 3 baths, brkf*st. rm. oil heat. 2-car gai'. Modemn throughout. 2 blks. -Indian Hill transp. Terms to suit. Cal Mrs. Lang Winnetka UN9 73LTN17-ltp WANTED 'BÉST AND CHEAPEST bouse that-about $2.000 cash will handle. lat,-Apt. 2124 Estes. Chicago. 73LT17-l.to Fm *^ SLw- -VACANT VACANT - 1032 OAK -ST. ,50xl85. Price,$2.750. Wliýnnetka 3240. 74LTN17-ltii HILL & S 543 Llncoln Ave. .PJ - ' A.4- Winnetka 1544 74LTNZ-tfp 70-A UMMER CAMPS Beyé and: Bcye Camp and Schoôl-Marcellus, Mich. OPEN ALL YEARt-REGISTER FOR school. now. 'Idea.i home. Manual Training. Boys-girls,. Tel. 'Volinia 14-P-4. $25 moénth. 70A-LTN17I-ltp 77-A CAMPS-SCHOOLB Beyc and Beye Camip and School-Marcellus, Mlich., OPEN* ALL YEAR - REGISTER FORt schooi now. Idéal homne., Boys-girls. Tel. Volihia 14"F-4. $25 montb. 85 EXCHANG-U-enAL mvà%iATc ATrTRACTIVE NORTH SHORE IM- proved residence property,- value $18.00.,in exchange for building lot or smailifarm. *McGUIRE & ORR 316 Park Ave. Glencoe 13 85LTN17-ltc EXCHANGE MODERN 4 APT. BLDG. 6 rms. each. free Of encuknbraftoeu weIl located, near gzolf course, Tampa. Florida. for North Shore home or .vacant. Cali Gre. 4025. 85Ll-ltp 3 13EDROOM SPANISH- BUNGALOW. SanDiego. California-best residential district. Want N. S. property. Pli. Uni. 1036. 85LTN17-lti) 86 FOR SAL.E-HOUSENOLD S@OD stove. warming oven. Good coeid. Very. reasonable. Winnetka 1702. 86LTN'17-Itc 3PC. OVERSTUFFED TAPEST1RY living suite. Excellent conditon. $25. .Ph.. WIlmette 111,. 86L17-tp s WANTED TO BUY--mISC. ANY USED wheels, etc. BICYrCLE F RA mE S. Cash. Ph. Glencoe 323., 89LTN17-lte W IIUL"I' U41 L WJ-LMETTE 4300 "..FOR MORE THAN 20 YEARS THE HOME PAPER 0F THE COMMUNITY»' mil 1 - 11