Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Sep 1932, p. 34

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stops Perspira tion. Odor < 1 /"/ Everyone's talking about Perstik ... it's the brand new way to stop perspiration odor.Works hike lipstik ...- you can carry it around with you and have it when you want it. Looks like lip- stick ... blackand-white case outside; white, 'g reaseless .stick .o» the inside. You can apply, Perstik .after shaving. It's a real discovery. MEN'S CLUB MEETING The Northwest Men's club of Wil- mette wifl have its 'opening meeting for the fali season next Tues'day evening at. Edward Devlin's home, 2015 Thornwood avenue. An inter- esting and instructive program is be- ing. preparcd and al niembers are urged to be present. Mr. and Mrs. George. Kingsley, 529 Cumnor road, :Kenilwoth, .spent sev-. eial days last week visitinglinWawasee, mnd. Their son, Jinimie, returneéd from Camp Owakonze on Friday, stopping off to spend a, week with Dick Cooke at their summer home: at Cooks' Island, Tower Lake, Minn. An exhibition -of, arcbery, swimming and basebail was given Tuesday by the Park Ridge School for Girls on, thé school grounds, it being field day. In the, evening the g irls gave a play. Mrs. Charles, Ware of Kenilworth is- presi- dent of the school. 0o Mrs. Helen Hepburn and daugliter, Catherine, and Mrs. Hepburn's sister, Mrs. Cass Petersen, 417 ýCumnor road, Kenilworth, will motor to Oconomo- woc, Wis., to spend the week-end and Labor Day. 0o- Mr. and Mrs. W. Gordon Bird of 730 Elmwood avenue are leaving today to drive up to Walloon Lake Country club, near Petoskey, Mich., where they will spend the week-end. ADMINISTRATRIX: SALE! 4247 HAZEL AVE. orer of the Probit e1 11 a. m.-Second service and sermon. Choirreera wiil be at 7 :45 Mon- day evenIiig. r . A . ertling will officiate in the Anderson of Oak, Park wili deliver the sermon At the 11ocok eve Couneil meeting Tuesd'ay Septmber6, at .8 o'ciock., evening, Ladies' Aid and Missionary socie-ty wlll meet Thursday, September 8, at 2 o dlock. Holy Communion wili be celebrated September 18 ln the il o'clock. service-, cônfessional service at 10:45. i#rst Con gregat ional., John G. Hindley, mninister The union services, ln wl'lch the Baptist. Presbyterin, and Congrega- tional churches have participated. wili close- with. a union communion service at the BaPtlst church Sunday. Septeni- ber 4. at il oclock. The Rev. John G. Hlndley. 'ofthbis church, Willl preach on "The Feaj t o Pellowship."- The Rev. Geporge Dl., AllI1oand the Rey. James T. Veneiçiasen of the Baptist and Pres- byterian churches will officiate at the sacrament of the Lord's Supper. Sunday. Sèptember 11. wilI mrn;ik the resumption of the full fail prograni in our congregational worship and ln the Church school. Every department of the Church sehool wil . re-open on this date with an lnteresting and weii- planned programn of activities to be carried on throughout the year. Ba>itist Church Wllmette and Forest avenues George D. Allison, minister "A, Church That Cares" AI! folowers of Christ are invited to the Communion service next Stinday in lhis church, to be participated in by the Congregationai and Presbyterian churches as weii as our own. Reverend John G. Hindiay .wil preach the sermon.. Four deacons from each chur-ch .wil assist with ýthe serving, of the Lord'.s s upper. Members of the Aduit ciass, are asked to reserve September 10, Saturday,. for a goliflng picnie. Lunch iýs to, be, furnish- MRS. McCLLELLAND 'DIES Word lias been received, of the death Our B. Y. P. U. lhad the largest del- egation) attending at Camp Gray this past week, with ten present. Alaywood ran us a. close second with nine. Dr. Allison,'Miss Hoose.,and Miss Brodbeck were ail on the faculty this year. English* Lutheran, Greenleaf avenue ànd Sevonth Street, Wiliette A Hoùse of Worship Re v. Davtd R. Kabele, past-or Sunday schooi ....... >....... 9:45 à. nm. Morning worship.............il1 a. ni. Mrs. Maybelle Hagenow-Jactksoil (Director of Muolic> Spécil Music--September 4th Prelude-mRe-verie............Dickin-son Anthem-"Lo, a voice to heaven, sounding".............Bortniansky Offertory-In Paradlsum....Du Bois Posiude -Paeon...........;..Matthews The, Women's Mlsslonary society will meet ont Thursday afternocon, Septeni - ber 1. at 2 o'clock at the church. , The topie wili bec<"The Church of Many Tongues.". The Church council wili meet on Monday, September 5, at 8 o'cAock. To 'ail who mourn and néeed comfort -ýto'ail who a re tlreà dI need ret-- to ail who are fiiendlées and want friendship-to'ail who are* lonely andi want companionshp-to al who are. homelesq and want shelterig love-to ail who pray.and 'to al who do not, but oughttooai who sin and need a Savior,' and to whosoever wil-this ehurch opens Wlde f ts doors, and in the narne of Jesus the Lord, says WEL.- CO-ME. First Presbyterian Woman's club roônis. Tenth street at Greenleaf avenue James Tl. Veneklasen, minister. This 'church will Join with'the Con- gregational and BaPtlst churebeÉ in i Union: Communion1 service Sunday' rnorning atlil o'clockc atý the Baptist church. This will conclude thje Union, services of! the sunimer, which haveî evinced a happy spirit, of unIty and brotherhood. The' Rev. John G. Hind - leyi will give a short, addrese, and the Rev. George Aili son and the Rev. James T. Venekiasen will acdmn!gterl the sacraments, assisted, by officiais from the three churches. We cordiali'y Invite not only the members of the three particlpating 'churches, but ftlso visitors and those not yet ,Lt,.cocated with ,any church in Wilinette to join u-; i this. service. The Baptlst church choir will furnlsh FIELD& CQM PANYI I MICHAEL TAUDER ' & COMPANY LIQtJIDATING AGENTS lier. il.u . 10:30a 0 l1ev Newl Miss Marian Suits of 211 Warwick 5 Dn. road, Kenilworth, lef t Tuesday for 7:45 p.1 Boston, Mass., where. she will visit wil prea relatives and friends.8pn. Mr. Stan- Il preach. Newburg

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