c xtîvnus througnout the civilizeci world b)v virtue of its extensive pub- lications andi its maintenance of over 2,600 brandi ikrches and societies. Mr. McKen-zie, the son of a Scotch cl.ergvnman. was educated at, Upper Canada college, TorontQ university. Knoxç college. Toronto, and Auburn Theologzical s.cmin ary. After a brief pastorate. hie taught Englisb litera-- turc and rhet«ric àt Rochcester (N. Y.) .university. during whicb time lie became interested in Christian Science. Since thien hie bas leld nmari'v importanit *positions with the Churs- tian Science organization. In 1894 Mr., McKenzie became a "First Memiber"' of- The Mother Church. 'the First Church of -Christ scientis1t. in Boston; and in 1896, upý & -n the invitation of Mary Baker Eddy. the discoverer and founder >of Christian Science. hie came to Boston to become a member, of the com- inittee which prepares the "Bible Lesson s" for Christian Science serv ices. In 1898, by Mrs. Eddii's appoint- nient, hie became one of the original trustees of The Christian Science Publishing society. ser'ving until July, 1917,, when hie wasg appointed editor of the Chri 1stiani Science religi ous Periodicals, ini which .ýposition lie ,.erved until March, 1920. Mr, Mc- Kenzie was again appointed a'trustee qf the Christian Science Publishing S~ociety in January, 1952, and. he now retires from that position to take, h is niew duties as a directQr of The Mother Churchi. In 1898 wben Mrs. 1-,dv- inistituted Thie Christian Sci- ence Board of Lectureship, Mr. Mc- Kenzie was miade one of its members and lie served iii this capacity until 1915. Hle lias twice served as. presi- (ldent of th.e. Mother Cburch. Fie re.,ý' ceived inistruction ,in ,Christian Sci- lence directlv front Mrs. Eddy in 1898. For .manv vears Mr-. McKenzie bhas heen a teacher 'and practîitioner of, Christian Science. in Cà'mbridge M a ss. Mr. M'cKelnzie is a brother of thej vell-kiic)wi scuiptor, Robert Taiti McKenzie. and bie is the author of a- nuniler of familiar hymns as. N'eiî as seireral volumes of poetrv. * ~ ~ r, El rt . t- -- Malcolm Balfour Photii *At t/te recent Art Pair held in- Grant Park'Miss Ma-rgaret McKee Walker of Wilmette tuas, one o thé ew uartists tuhose paintings tcre.. iYchased by Mrs F'rank G. Logan, uhose husband is vice president of the Chicago Art In- stitute. Both Mr. and Mrs. Logan are donors of the inost important pri.ves in the annual exhibits ai the Art Instituite. Miss, Walker has been commissioned todo a pastel portrait of Mrs. Logan, who has announced a deep interest in the yfflng artist's work. Miss Walker is a graduate of New Trier whiere she wvon a number of first prizes iii liter- ary cortests-one in poetry and once* in short story writing, andi others.. She was the first student at New Trier to win first prize for the.' chemistry essay for thec state. of Illinois given by the Anierican Chemical society. She attended Northwesterni univer- siyadmade the super English sec- tioniiiberfirst year, and also won the.,$50 awa rd. giveni to scholarship stu- dents rainkijng highest in'the comnpeti- tive examinations. In, ber sophoniore year slie passed the English, lîteratture examiuation vhich entitied her to take the juinio r Englishi 'course in composi- tion. an hloior that is given very few stu(lents. 'fàther. the, Incis W! LADIES' DRE'SSES OR MEN'S SU.TS c CASH, Includin*gpromp ci and deliv.ery service Here Is Our'Pledge of Quality While Miraclean prices are reduced. to conform with present economie conditions we, assure. our many patrons and friends that our bigb standard of quality workman- sbip and service'remnain absolutely uncbanged. Now, wilhth lis new low price, we ask you to compare Miraclean with other cleaning. Notice how much bright. or your garments are, how .much longer they stay cJeqR, for yourslf the PRIVATE MOTOR COACH SERVICE to and from, the Loop. A GARAGE in the-. Building accommodating 200 cars. Your personal inspection is cordially invted. W. M. DEEManagng Director J ~Mem ber Wlmette Chamlber of ÇCommerce,