nomination tor I.Ungress in theI Tenth district. Commissioner John Rusch, chief clerk of the, Chicago board of elec- tion commissioners, and Chester Houston, Lake -county assistant eoùnty cierk, produiced records in Chicago this week that May disqual- ify ,853- Chicago and Lake county voters.i:in this mass of votes' there are 1,939 cast for Mr. Simpson and 1,076 for Mr. Church.ý Shouid Judge Lynch purge al of these votes then Ralph Churcb wouid be a winner of thecontest by 863 votes. Ralph E. Cburch, on a recounting of the ballots, caime out a wiîîner by, 88 votes. Sinipson's -attorneéy'started to bring up technicaiities. Ciaim was niadethat in Evanstonf Hathorni McCuJIloch, -a pr.ominent democrat and Chicago attorney, was sworn ini and acted as a judge in place of C. DeWitt Hardy, Jr., who performed the duties of: a,'cierk. »Judge Lynchi ruled this was a, swap and disquali- fied 321 voters. This- was bringin it is clainied, a technicality of, an extreme character iii the recounit. As a resuit the recount experts have been fiine-tooth-combing. aIl pre- cincts. They have found that in three différent Chicago precincts there was swapping of duties be- tween election officiais and -the, bal- lots initialed bv appointed' clerks Who served as judges are ilow being * scrutinized for disqualification. In fifteen Lake counity precilict.s it was found that iudges swore theni- selves in and thien sworé in other officias; in. other cases the offi- c ials were not svorn ini at ail, ail of this being unlawful » 'A total of' *4,853 votes are involved ini this iatest technîcalitv brought out iii the re- confit proceedingsý which have been under wav siîice, earlv ini june. Mrs. Eliza J. Neili,9 109e Dies at Daughter's Home Mr's.,Eliza J.' Neill, %vh cclehrated her onle 'hundredthi birthday iast April, died Wednesday nlight, August 24, at the Paul Fowler home,' 1420f Forest avenue. _Mrs. Neill was thle mother of -Mrs. -Fowler and had miade -o- S. J. Duncan-Clark and daughter, Miss Jean, 228 Wood court, have. jnst returned from their summer cottage at the artist colony at Saugatuck, Mich. They are planning to go back, for. the week-end of Labor day; Miss Knapp was driving east on Forest avenue and Mulioy was go- ing north on Eighth street when the crash occurred. Mulloy suffered cuts on bis right arm and Margaret. Hanker, 20 vears.: old, 1617. Highland avenue, Wiimette, who was ridineg with.him, suffered slight injuries on- the left arm and -in' the back,, ac-. cording to. the, Willmette police re- port of the, accident. Duardo Car- rillo. 20. years old, 1819, Orrington avenue. Evanston, who was also in Mulyscar,, es caped1 injury. Miss Knapp w'as not hurt either.> The second accident on. Mondav occurred, about 6:10 o'clock ini the evening at Sixt eenth streetý and Forest avenue. A car which Hugh Carritigton, 17 years old, 1426* Lake avenue, WTlmette, was driving east on Forest avenue, coliided with an- other machine that .Mrs. W.T I-armes. 7256. Barton avenue, Chicago. was driving, north on Sixteenth street. As a resuit of the accident a Iamp post was knocked -4own. Because of the fact that Village property was damiaged, both drivers were held and later released on bond. The case will corne up this afternoon (Thurs- day) at 4 0-clock before.- Police Magistrate'E. A. Pettibone. INeither Carringteù nor Mrs. Harmes 'Was hurt., Mrs. Sam- Shipp Is .Champion at Wilmette The holder this year of the Woin- an's Club championship at the Wil- mette Golf club is Mrs. Samuel WA. Shipp of Wilmette who defeated Mrs Gien E. Dewey of Wiiniette 6, ani 5 in the finals piayed Auguest 25 . The tournament ran for three con-, secutive days last week, and owing to the drought the, course was un-, usuially fast and dry. The winner in *B class was Mrs. A. E. .Roberg. of ýWinn!etka. She deféated Mrs. J.. H. Milliken. of Ev- anston 6 and 5. Mrs. R. W. Blan. chard of Wilmette is C clasIs cham- pion. She defeated Mrs. C. R. Wil- liams of Evanston 1 up. The con-' --XI Mr. and Mrs. George S. Fox, 1317 Elniwood avenue, are ieaving this week-end to. make a three weeks' visit with their daughter, Mrs. J. Harnion Haines, and her husbapid, Dr. Haàine,, of -Swampscott, Mass. Mrs. Helen Hepburn of Kerilworth is president of the Chicago Women's District Golf association, an auxiliary to the Women's Western Golf asso- ciation, mwhose officers 'are as follows: president, Mrs. W. W. Hoertber of Lake Villa; vice-president, Mrs. Hoivard D. Raymond of Evaniston; second vice- president, Mrs. W. W. Hodgson of Oak Park;,treasurer, Mrs. H1. S'. Stim- son of flerwyn; correspoding secre- tary, Mrs. C. W. ïehero River For- est. ___________ Mr. .and M rs. Maurice W. Van Ars- dale and children, 241, Cumberland ave- nue, Kenilworth, returned Monday.f rom a two mniths' outing at their suinie r home ai Trout -Lake, Wis.L PAUL KRUPPA Painting rDecorating 1412 Elmwood Avenue, Wilntte. walntt, 2997 Win.tka 1912 MOTOSI lucRpr PUSH-Up $3-79 PERMANENT. ANY THREE0. FOR...t... Hair Thin Comb Wave Hot 011 Rub ýDuart Color Rinse Shamàpo. Arth Fing'er Wave Manieur» Facial Make-up Thorough Brushing Vibrator Tretm.nt Chamonsls T.. Rinse Golden GliI, Rinfie Henna T.a, Rins. Lemon Rins. Hair Whifener Iinse Extra Chargje for Long Hal! w 3ALOW Mme. Hautingfort7s Coirmeies 1126 Central Av.. Phone Wjlmtte 4458 A. B. Van De~uaoes EVERYTHING' FOR THE AUTOMOBILE, We Phone Wit. 2600-MI<1 Iteisuer Wigmett. Ch.usI.r oft