Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Sep 1932, p. 10

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Mrs. Harry L. Reno'of' 231 Green- leaf avenue entertained her Tuesday bridge club this week CAZEL'S. CO0L UNN A college president. said recently that we haven't developed brains fast enough to, keep pace with:woirld affairs.c Was this a selling t alk for higber ed'ucation ? Does the college président, know, when the big. thick 'bookscone out on intricate .world problems that wbat is said. in those bookcs 4s alreéady' ancient history to the men wbo are. at work olving those problems? * Many of us learn by putting, two and two together -Wn handling ever y- day problems. In that way we learn *how to get 4iinga .done. Sente of us, by putting two and two together day after day. learn to put four and four together, and get bigger things doue. What does the world need more to- day: a -knowledge of bow things have beendo6né or how things can be done? To'our way of thinking, we learn as we go along getting things done. Th ore wet get done, the more we learn. and the more we learn the more we can and' do get done-the more problemns of the world are solvcd right *This is no 'argument against bigirer education. And it is no argument for education, obtained only from the bard knocks of life. But it is an argument for more education of the kind ,that enables us tô: geithtings done ýand, donie right. Wbetber be'S in scbool eor not. a man's education goes on Just the same, if ire will let it goý on. With more and more of this two-and-two-put-togetber education coming along, it is more a nereabouts aurng the past i ew seasons on a variety of pro- gas originating froni the Ç.Chicago NBC studios, as well as local stations. During that Stime hee bas also fiIled m'any re- citai engagements before club Saudiences in Chicago and. sui)- urbs. For two years hee bas, been the baritone soloist at the Northt ~1~>Shore Methodist church in SGlencoe. SMr. Fleiscbmnann bas donc all Sof bis vocal work ate Reg- neas studios in New -York City whiere manyý of- the 'country's leading. singers have studied, j among tbem. Elsa Alsen, Ne- vada Van der Veer, Theoidore WVebb, and Charles MarshalL. PASSES. BAR EXAM Miss Marjorie Van Hjorne, a teach- er in thre Wilmette Public gchroIs, succeeded in passing the July bar examinations for Iliinois, according to a list received front the office of the Chicago Bar association last, week. Wbile teaching school Miss Van Horne bas been studying law- at thre Chicago Kent College of Law. Her home is at 522 Cburch street, Evastn.and sire was the only E~stes f riend Gere D. Jones Dies; IHeaded Paper Company George Davenport Jones, 318 Ox- ford road, Kenilworth, died Wednes- day,' August 24, at the Presbyterian hospital in Chicago folloving an iii- ness of tbrec montbs. Mr. Jones, wbo was 60 years old, was president of the Seamni Paper company. He was born at Zanesville, Ohio, and had rmade his home in Kenilworth for the past thir- teen years. Surviving hirin are bis' widow. Mrs. Grace Jones, two chli- Athlc iuspices of the Lvanston L.ittle At, >-allery. The event bas created sucb .videspread interest among résidents' .,f this territory that the entry lists tiave beeri opened to ail artists of jhicagoland. in addition to thé,.North Shore Art. ieague the Evanston-Art center and hée Ravinia Sketch club bave joined, lie littie Art gallery in sponsoring the exhibit, preparations for avhich regoing ahead rapidly and giving pronise of a colorful and int.erestiiig occasion. This exhiibit, it is stated, -xill. be the 'first of its kiind ever h.eld Geey Paxrk le Scene G (rey park wilI be transfqrmed to a g.ay art inart for the show by the ê;,ection of littie six-foot- square bootlis for, evçry artist participating. InI the avenues between the rovs of I)OOtlls, tables. and -chairs will1 be jýroupéd utîder la .rge beach Umibrellas, .ad refreshminents ivili be served in the: style of Parisiiin sidewvalk cafes. Tlie entire arrangement scheme is be- ing careftilly outlitted to resuit in an artistic uinit, and Iigbting will be in'- stalled so that the exhibit miay bc viewed at nigbt'as well as durigth Iay. An extra bit of, color WilI corne Erom a group of strolling troubado 1rs, who will make their way betwee.n -the booths. Among those taking active part îii arranging the exhibit are Pàul voni Kiieben, director of the Little Art gallery; Mrs. Frank C. Engelhart, secretary of the gallery, who will open her home adjoining Grey park as official headquarters for the exlii- bit, and Konstantin Mitasoif, who is supervising the preparing of the dis- Several Groupa Aid Several Evanston organizations,.Ilii-, cluding the Woman's club, theUni- Vcrsity guild and the Drama club,; are interested in the exhibit and are scrv- igng as patrons. Though. the list- of entries is far from -complete, M. von Kiiebeni *tated this week that about 75 artiss -re cxpected to participate. .Anl cx- ilibition fee is being charged to cover Affiiated wilh Sofdr.CazuI Drag Co.-4J . S eyIqr, Mgr. Ridic snd Lake Aves. Phone Wilinettel316 Pho»I WIL 32 1~ I 0

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