ture of $100O,0000 for public build- ings shall include a new postoffice building for Wilmnette. Several months ago the Village board adopted a resolution opposing the elaborate public building pro- gram. planned by, the federal g overtiment and stating that Wil- mette, although it would be.proud to bave a l'ew postoffice building, op- posed its construction now for rea-. sons of- economy. In view of this action on the *part of the Wilmette .officiais, Congress- man Chindblom explained his recent recommenidation that a postoffice be bulit here in a. letter to Village Clerk, Nicholas P. Miller. The letter said, in part: Citios Compromis. Bill "As. you doubtiess know the F. mergency Relief and Construction Act of 1932 appropriated thesum of $100,000,000 for emergency c onstruc-. tion of public building projects. out- side the District of Columbia with the provision that no part of said suni 'shahl be expended if the secre- tary of the treasury certifies, to the President that the amount necessary for .such expenditure is niot avail- able and cannet be obtained lipon reasonable ternis!' This provision.was inserted in the act by way of coin- promise instead of the, so-called Garner pork barrel bill which re- quired an expenditure of one bil- lion dollars for public buildings throughout the country. It now seems quite certain that, exceptionw tote rule." 3irthday Club Holds Barbecue at Monthly Meet (Contributed), A surprise: was sprung on the mem- bers of the Birthday club it its 'regu- lar, monthly meeting, held'last Satur- day -at the H. L. Beach ýresidence,. 1114 Ashland, avenue, Wilmette. Three of the men buiît a. unique bar- becue oven near the base of a large. tree and completeiy ,camouflaged it with the bark, of trees.- Here members obtained, by the cafeteria plan, a fine dinner from the appetizing kettles on top of the barbecue oven. About siey-: fivet blueberry muffins cooked by S.R.1 Mason in bis good oldý style quickly j disappeared. briginaîîy, when Mrs. T. ýA. Cope-, land anid Mrs. George L. Ernrich or- ganized this montltly dinner and bridge. club twenty-two years ago, ail of its members lived in Wilmette. The twenty-four members and guests (in- cluding those seated around the bar- xecue oven and those- seated aloing al plank supported by empty beer kegs against an impromptu table) were as' follows: Mr. and Mrs. J. W. MdIlroy of Burlington, Iowa, Mr. and Mrs. George L. Emricb of Glencoe, Mr. and Mrs. George. Canieron of Chicago, Mr. andi Mrs. T. A. Copelaiid of Evanston, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Mannerud of Alfred Strnebing, 1747 Washington avenue, is spending two wepks with friends in the Land 0' Lakes, Wis. IHe is traveling tbrough the chain of l1akes and. will be home on Labor Day. I Phon.WIL3Z Fac. th. New Season With RENEWED BEAUTY No motter. how wehI you weather suim- mor Suns end swims you need "rama- vating*,beore. you face th. e ealsocia*l season- You wilt b.iteres.d in our REDUCED. PRICE LIST Ail Permanenhts $5.00 970 10 For Appointme't-,Phone Wilmette 4576, De, Nelda Beauty Studio.., 934 SPANISH COURT nuiiuingswm De'IV cta LU. Ainasiu'.. as the money will be experded at any event, .1 have recommended that the prograni shaîl include a post- office building in Wilmette in accord- ance. with. the provisions of1 House Document.,No. 788 of the 7lst Cong- ress which allocates for, the purchase of a'site and erection of a building In Wilmette the suni of $200,OOO. Againat "Pork Barrel" "On June 22 last I acknowledged Mr. onalIy," Mr. Dubbs said 66I mre you that the peopleý of e are very proud of their and they wouid indeed bc o have a federal postoffice )ubbs said, furthe.r, however, and Mrs. Chnarles A. t1ridrlge, MrI. and Mrs. H. L. Beach, L. A. Bo:wer, S. R. Mason, Miss Helen E. Beach. Miss Flelen Bower and Dr. and Mrs. Percy !3, D. Idler. Messages of greeting %were read f romn somne of the absent mnembers: Mrs. S.- Rt. Mason,. Mr. and Mrs. George Pattison of Glencoe,. and Mr. and Mrs. Morton M. Pattcrson of California. An enjoyable evening :tusIwd it/ outdoor croquet, discussion of the vital questions of the day, and the Wllmette WI.t sm BEAUTIFYING more, Womn everywhoee have l.ared frm *iperience that hlgh pnie, is mot thse only iga of quality in beauty mrations. So zaow they Lisoome Jonteeil Joateel Yac. Powderw withits scieutifi o, alilfo r39C Pint E