FOUR DELIVERIES EVRYDAY 011A &MATRDT PE oAse fa.nad R~# ChoiresR ump Meat. th. 290ý RoastDeef ib Roast, 8 ChiokeusFor Plbn7 Daeon Premnum, Sîîeed, 5 Cink n oatl'd and 4tuffed, 3-lb. Avir. 89 Before floartIn$ti eaeh 89 Doliatesen peciaties prepared and colked m Mor 1o1m. kitcher4 lucluding picled toglie, Coruied beefad doudious baked bain, algo cliickens bâed to ordeýr. FRUITS aUd VEGETADILES Oranges, for jance, 79c C: eleryp crisp Miçhi- dow ... ., Z b2anUChes ..... Peu., swet ad 291C Jer"eFym Cabbage, home- lO growo, 3 Ibo ..... Wax or Green Beuas,15 stringiesa, 2 quarts Apples, WeaI .thys, 25c for. cookin,, 5 lb.. I COFM fEE(Ui o....2-lb. cmn 690 Butter, Meadow Cold, Kraft'& Mayonnaise, C4untrv-R Pti b t ... ...... ISIX TELEPHNorESI WIL 420--2-3-4-5I show itse1f is steadily. rounding into a finished piece of art. 1 said art! The world's premiere of "Start the Show"' will'be given Friday evening, September 9. A second performance is to be held on tbe following nigbt,. Saturday. September 10.,After hav- ing received and rejected many of- fers. includine a. local morne, bouse, Ravinia Park.- and Dycbe stadiunx. tdie executive. Çpmmittee of 'Start the Show" bas selected the Wiimette Wornan's club, Greenlleaf avenue. at Tenth stre. as'lhe auditorium. In accordance with current inan- cial conditionis tbe price of tickets bas* been set at. ninety-ninie. cents, whic1j is the bargaini standard al over State street. Although thé, sbowý is worth twice -fl;tv, thrice-the price (excuse, po- etry) of admission. there is sometbing else that the patrons will get for their dollar--pardon me, I mean ninety-nine cents. After' eacb per- forniance, at 12 o'clock, M. to be exact. there will 1)e a dance. Cail ht what youwil-the nidnigbt terpsi- chore-the 'darktown strutters' bal -or the Schager Soiree-tbe fact re- mains that ninety-nine cents, buys a roaring good show and a dance. And wbat a dance! Tb-e cait of minstrels as annioulcedý by Miss Marion Ortseifen, promu,- nent nortb shore dramatist and play- wright, who is directing the stage antics of "Start The Show," follows: The Laies flow Knees . .Miss Mary Jane Morrlson Semnbow ......... Miss Marjory Koenig Henrietta .... Mrs. Kay Klrchberg Rum -Me... ... Miss Dorothy BichIi 141....... Miss Hillis Krafthefeîr Teddy ............. Miss Dorothy Rohol Egypt .ýý..... Miss Eleanor Culver In terlocutor .. Ms Rosalyne M1W TeGentlemen Bons...........rFran Oelerieh sambo..... ...... Mr., John Cawkwefl Henry ..... Mr. Anthony Schopen, Rum.... . .Mr., Ed Schager. Jr. Bill..........Mr. Gordon McWillia mns Theodore.......Mr. Jamnes Corns M~oses ............. Master Ned Koenig Interloctitor....... .Mr,. Edward Crush *The costumes for tbe show are hiig Ine bv Mrs..Heniu Schmidt. WW Nat. Biscuit Co, pkg.- pe casme of , II?08 24 bott4.s $1 Plus Deposit on BottlesI ing the stzmmer at Keiths' island ini Grand Island, Neb., to visit cousins Wisconsin and are on their way home for a day. to Peoria, Ill. -o- -o Eleanor Burpee, daughter of Mr. The Drama Study club met at. the and Mrs. Clarence B. Burpee, 815 Lin- home of Mrs. Frederiçk M. Bowes,ý den avenue, returned to, her borne lust 1140 Greenwood avenue, on Wednes- TPriday after. :spending two'tmonths, at day. Camp Newaka, Ward, Colo. 'that M~iss 'Elizabeth E. Packer, dman of girls, and F'reclerick A, Kahler, dean. of boys at New Trier High schooI, will be in their respective of- fices by appointment Fridày and Sat- urday mornings, Septeniber 9 and 10, for the purpose -of registering students enitering ýthe high sehôol but wbo have not already enrolled. Thé regular registration for the coming term wa s completed at the end of the jast school year.. The bigh school will, open Moniday mnornling. September 12. On Friday morning. September 9, at 91 o'clock there will be a. meeting. of, the -:dminiis- trative group; including the department beads and adviser chairmen. A gen - eral faculty1 meeting will be held Sat- urday morning, Septeniber 10 at 9 o'clocki. Book Store Readyý Students have been advised that the book store, at the bigh school -will be open Tbursday, Friday- and Saturday mornings, September 8, 9 and 10, f rom 9 to 12 o'clock. David E. Johnson, a, mendier eof the New Trier facuity,. la in charge of the store. The. New Trier teacbing staff, for the 1932-1933 tertn remains practically the ýsanie as it was Iast-year. Mrsý. Marie- Arnold Holland, who was bead of the* art department in the' Glencoe: public scbools last year, Will take the place'ef Miss Lillian Fitch (Mrs. Ralph H. RebockY in the New Trier art department this year. Mies Fitch was married in *June. On Leave of Abseice- Tivo of last year's New Trier teach- ers, Mrs. Roland Wehr of the social scienice department, anid Miss Mv!ay Fogg, head of the girls' physical edu- cation departmnent, have been- given leaves of .absence. A, salary reduction of ten Percent *1ill be in effect for ail the bigh school teachers. RESUME FALL. MEETINGS The Rabies' Friendly, socety -of Wilmette will resume its ,f ail work with a meeting at the bom' r f Mrs. Emil Nelson, 620 Highland avenue, on Tbursday, September 8. The second ,meeting -w111 be at the residence of Mrs. D. H. Maxwell on Thursday, September 22. They will be at Il o'clock in the morning, and the uiem- bers are requested to bring their own sandwiches. 25cg Toinatues, vme- 1 e larg, C Peaches, lasclous 25 Colorado's, basket eus, New d Pears, ripe and sweet, 29c e4 Ibs.. large basket 3 70115