It would be easily possible 10 Il two or three pages 'of WILM1ETTE Lîw with other instances of real need that .exist right inow "in our midst." The few I have given are suficient to indicate that "hieroism" is flot confined toor înonopolized by the spectacular. a brand, developed by the, "time," which rarely, appears - i the newspape rs;- a brand'that is very rare in the business world. You do0 fot often hear, a mnan giving up busîiness ini order, that ýsonfie competitor, may get it. Do yotv Don't Want Charity The mxen and women whomn the \Vilinîette plan is intended to benefit DO NOT. WANTCHARJTY at ail. Thev DO want WVORK. ýIt isý just as. certain as it is that night follows day. that unless those who ARE, EM- PLOYED provide that work' to meet the, emergenicy that nowexists CHAR- ITY miust fol4w. We CANNOT let these peopfle, and their littie ones. , who 1.1 VIh'. ili\i1nette starve. I f vou have not yet responded to the request of the c0niffittee tb sendi ii vjuur naine as one w~ho will agree t) emtploy .sonie ian or woman around '-our home for at least one hour per week at 50j cents per hour, WILI. YOU Pl.EASE DO SO just as soon as vyou fiishl reading this article? If vou cati render any assistance to the mnovement hy canivassiflg yoiir l<Ck tw' that saine end, just cail Charles1. Lerch. 1715 Highland àvenue, and tell hiim abouat it. His. Wil-1 mette 4391. Boothis for exhibition will be erect- ed by-ihe men participating iin the exhibition. Electric lights for evening exhibi tion, protection f rom ramn and night storage wiII be provided. Each artist will have -a space six by six feet whicb he may divide with others if lie, wishes. Besides ýpaintings in. ou. prints. sketches and, handicraft- of ail kcinds are* invited. 'No, commissions wM! be icharged on sales made and there wvil1 be no jury. An exhibition fee of $2.50 wili be charged to cover cost of,: materials anid hgh.titng. AIl1 exhibitors must re- serve space by commt'ýunicating with Paul Von Klieben Evaniston ýLittie Art Gallery, 614 Chürch street. Evans- ton, on or before Saturday. %Septem- ber 3. Further iniformati1on mnay be obtaiined by addressing the Evans- toi.. Little Art Gallery or 'telephon- îug Greenleaf 7080. it is announiced. TO HAVÉ PICKIC The Northwest Menis clu!b of WVil- miette will liold a basket picniic. oit Saturdav. August 23, at 3 :30 o'clock iii Washington Park, Wilinette. AUl niembers are invited tco hring their faillies. Iii the event of ram the pic- nic ivilil)be 1ostpQnied iuntil Septemi- l 1er 10. I.l. Willbains anid soii, Frank, of 614 Ear1ýton xtad. Keniilworth. arc lione f romi a fishiing trip at Mouii til Lake r i itheri Canada. At the I. FRANICES.TAUBERT 1.183 Wilmette Avenue' Phone Wilmefte 1230 Specializiîng 0ln a fuil uine of WOMEN' S and CHILDREN'"S, DRESSES at mode -ra te prces from $8UP marks SP«OTT send your ciothes bavck with an X 1 152 Central Ave. Wilmoite 320-321-781 __________m.ber Wimette WUlm.t e Greenlef 7441 Oha". b..' o! Oo..uwro. . . . Only we don't