Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Aug 1932, p. 3

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It Nvas a. pleasant evening-clear, cool and comifortable. Pleasant, toc. because the ten rnen whû Were present werecof tlîat sort. and the occasion was of tlîat ty.pe to make it pleasant. These mnnif, %veighed on the. usual scale nightnot %veigh so mucli, but on1 a scale. that could measure hunian val- ies they woùlId rate higli. 'Tliey were sonie of -the nien-al residents. of Wilnmette--%vio. are do- ing the Nvork provided through thé oreratioi î tthe *Wilrniette Mati-a-, Block.planl, àand, an sure that if von îolks .wIîo are. now ernployed had at- tended that little 'party". in the Vil- lage. hall last «Moniday- evé iing, you would eel just as 1l do about them., I heliev'e. that there is more genuine pleasure in actually .creatitng w around on's home iii a period such as that througli which %ve are passing in 'irder 'to give these iien enmploynient, than there is in spending its el uiiva- lent just fronsetjoyvmeiit. It rnaY flot he origial-but it is niot passe. he- cause Of its age. te say that it is grati- fying to give up tell iOýelt smiokes 111, order to make sure that sorne fellow- citizen cat ibe assured, of a greatdeal more than their value, ini work te hc dene "-aroutîd the place-." T elSab*ut Party But let's take up thé part,. Senie of the mien reported that when the%-: called at soiee ofthe homnes hichf ivere listed among the householders wh-o lhad agree(l te giv'e at least onc lîour of worktper Nveek, at 50 ceints per heuir. thcv vwere told that there wças no wor.k to be donc-. That SeUuîds as thoughi there werc son>e ni i s i le r s t e in d ing sonewhere. dçiesi't it? s One of the interestiîîg factors that developed at the party was the ,.spirit" shion v iIvthe mien. There was the mlai who je a gardeiièr. .Last winter hie id, net earn more than a total of 1$15. and if it hiad neot been for the Board: of Local Chari- ties of Xilhmette lie. would .prcl)bhîr not liave been. among those present M[ondav ecning. Siîice the start of the Wilniette' Mani-a-Block mnove- .ment lie'lias heeti able to earn anu average cf about $10 ýper vvcek to at lcast feed his fanillv of a wife and two children. He kniows. however. that Mien the sniow begins 'te f ' - long hefore that--gardening will be ent of date, and hie is planning now te (le housework. Mien the flowers Dr. IBeatrice -aïvkhus 'of U'iI- mette Unit No. 46. Le.qion au.ril- iary, has bccn appointed state child welf arc cJirinato! Illinois. She. Ulith Pr. Charles Schott. Lergioli child zieffare cialirnian f or the, state of Ilinoisç, wiII IûtvecCharge of an exrtensive prQgrain foar zwa vetcrans' chidrcn lb roiqjhoiit thec st ate. Mrs. William J.. Rentier whQ lias been appointed unit.ý child welfare chairman. for Post No. 46, and Dr. Hawkins have beeti attending a course of lectures on child welfare .anîd f ar- ily relief work. givei at thie UiiversitYý cf Chicagyo. Issue. Warning About 'Jewelry Solicitors Tu se veral'.inistanices p)eople hav'e solicitdoldH gold. jexv-elrNy, crovwns, and brdevrsilverware. etc.. frei door-to-door onti the iorth shore, offeriniz te nav cash. Upon.qe Villagers wishjing to tnake, coui- tributions of this nature arc in- vi ted to communicate with the board at Wilmette 5397. Articles wil! be called for, but>.those prefer- ring to deliver the -clotlîing, themi selves, are advised 'that the articlcs will he received at the boards head- quarters,ý No. 1 Electric' place. 1If the charity offices are eloscld the articles wvi11 )e accep ted at the Village hall. Why Send Letter.. Without Address? Postmaister .Asks1 From 250 to 100 letters a da'y aire given directory service at the Wil- miette posoffice because ofinsufficiient or incorrect addresses, and many post cards cannot be delivered for the same reason, Postrnaster~ Joseph R. Shantz said this week in again urgingý villagers to be sure that the mail they drop at the local postoffice -is pro- perly addressed. Letters 'vhicb found are te be un- deliverable'after they have been given directory service are sent. to the "dead letter" office in Chicago. There they aret openied. If the postal depart- mient is then able to find the sender's or addressee's address. the letter Ils acco te the postal laws and re- gulations. Withi post cards a differenit proce- dure is followed. If -the adldress, is insufficient or incorrect or, if for some other reason thé local postoffice,, is, unable to locate 'the addressee, the post car 1d, j held'for a tinie as gei-ý eral delivery mail.. If it is flot called for, the card il; evenitua'lly disposed of,. as provided iii the postal laws. ever been, according tw A. H. Mier, superintendent of the North Shore. Mosquito Abatement district. Even dWiing the. short tine iiuý which the improved, drainage systemi has been in; operat ion a decided., change is noticeable in the type :of. Skokie vegjetation, Mr. Miier re-, ports. The large areas of. cat-tails,,ý and* swamip grass are giving. way to.- the old-fashioned prairie grass, anil the breeding places of the AedesI vexals, are being Irapldly -eliminated Skffer LeaiuK -out This is the typecf 'Mosquito which. lias alwayVs been a source of nwuch grief to north, shore, residents. The Aedes* vexans breed in narshy Places. Those originating ini the Skokie were wont to rise in large swÀariusand fly te the *north shore. Recause of the intproved Skokie draina ge conditions and the ttrying' up of the -,%aipndthlas been' less comtplaitit concerninig mosquitoes thIs seasotui than ever l)efore, accord- ing to Mr. Meier. The improvement is attributed te the fact that the E~ast Skokie Drain- age district *has brouglit. its ditch south. froni Lake coulntv te a point within a quarter of a tumile north o 1f Dutîidee road, and the North Shore Mlosquiiito Abaternent district bas contitied tlîe north end of the big ditchi constructed titrougli the Skokie inî 1928 to the southi end of the East qkokie Drainage ýdistrict ditchi, a distance of 1700 feet. Avoid Flooud Conditions A conilete %Sstein of laterals pKe- vitsiconistrincted weré contiected li ihthe mn channel. as a re- sult of vvhich. Mfr. Meier explains, there lias been ne, rain sufficiently heavy this season to flood-the Skokie. Iti iow erely a>nmatter of maini t eianc e. teitnsu re a continuation of this- free few of, weter. lhe Points., out.- Expeidýiture of f romi $5,000 to $10.00. lie estiliates. ýwill complete the leiiz contetuplated Skokie drain-. ! Qe TI11>~ is the estimated cost of a Sfitnal clean-ettcf the ditcli and wid- cuitg in p1laces froiii Glenview road, 1Wilniette. te South avenue. Glencoe. This is not absolutelv necessarv for $9 a week on the Man-a-iiIocl, plan.. "'s mev cv1ing aiaawltr--jf He is a single man. but bas thû full Speakers of international note are bc- responsibilities of a married uîan ing engaged. resting upon bis Young shoulders. Mrs. Simon Ruwitch cf Highland Aformer truck operator, wbo goes Park, who is chairman. cf the lecture bomne everv nigbt te ihear the- voiceds committee, wiIl later ptibishi a coni- (Continued on Page 5) plete list cf speakers. S4300 r. and Mrs. Albert Zeutschel of - daughter and grandcbild, have re- turned from a, five, days' outing at the lDel is ii Wiscm isîn. .. il

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