*Laccoraingrograe-n aa ~A ioU 4J t L, fifth and sixth, and sêventb and eighth, each group witb a list of fifty books containing chies and treasures. Four girls read ail the books on the three ists, a total of one hundredand fifty books. These girls, are Jean Gordon, Alicia Haake, 'Helen 'Liindstromand Betty Schaefer -and congratulations are extended to themn. Twenty-four *.others 'wbo coi- pleted aIl of the books on their.own graded; list, and began reading. the books on at least one%ôf the other lists, are. Ruth. Raker,' Annabelle Brown. Nadine Brown,. Dorotby Burgess, Sara Jean C urley, Betty Jane Enicson,, Norman Fifer, -An- gela Froebde, ImoÉene. Kaufman, Mary Janèt Lercb, Jéan Lindstrom, Ane Lipsch, Eleanor Lipsch, Billy Matthews, Bob Matthews., Mary Milîs, Flora, Pagliarulo. Mildred Poù- tenhausér., Virginia 'Schaefer, Charles Spinner, Margafret -V-era1td---H Vocîler, Janet. Whitehead and LIois Whitehead. TIhere were 166 boys and girls who read at Ieast ten books during the summer and found treasures. for them. .Reading clubc certificates will be ýawarded te this group on Th rs- day evening, September L, at 7:30 o'clock on thé library lawrn. The following will receive certificates:. Franices Alles., Pearl Anderson, Loisp Bail ey, Ruth, Baker. Lorraine Be.echer. Ë:lIzabeth Behles. Josephine Behies. Janet Blekl. Gordon Boline. Lawrenc- BoIllng. Helen Born, Ann Borre, Bessie Bouchikas, Dorothy Bristol. Bill Broad. Annabelle Brow~n, Nadine Brown« Dorothy Bruckhouser. Janet Button. Jane Burbott, Dorotby fBurgess, Peggy Butler, Helen Cotseres, Lewis Crane,g Babe Culp. Sara Jean Curiey. Frances Dahncke, Gladys Dalstrom.- Nancy DUrgin, Dorothy Elsier. Bobby Ellisý. Betty Jane Erleson, Paul Erlcson and Jea n Everson. Robert Ferrenz.. Norinan Fifer. iIlv Fletcher. Jean Fremont, Angela Froehde, Rosemary .F'roehde. Betty Gebert. Gloria GnnÉales, June Gonzales. Jean Gordon. Wilam GOrahain., Alid!a Haake, 'Charles Haake, Paul Haake. Betty Hastlngs. Luilile Haugh.' Bill Hayt. Shirley. Head. Lois Hehstroni, Shirley Helstrom. Dorothy Hender-on., Howard Henderson. Beth ]Uindley. ChrYstal Jackson. Virginia Jackson. Evelyn Jacobson, Joseph Jacobson. Julia Janleki, Muriei Janlcki, Majorie Johnston and milen Jonies.t Imogene :Kaufman. Àdr-ienneKava,- sIitny U m oy Q iÏI UYin t.LIir lf ~iur to pass Muscle Shoals legislation at this time wben the cost of living and the interest of the consuimer are so much ini the public eye. Mrs. Pollak goes on to say that "the League of Women \Toters is one of, the few organizations, which in- cludes the governnxent's responsibil- ity for th e welfare' of. thé' consumer in its program., Its, Living Costs department is concerned with what governmental means are available to the- voter, to sec, that, commodity prices are fair- and- services are of good quality. "In its study al ong these lines. the league bas long, been interested in public- utility rates. Though it bas neyer endorsed the priniciple, of public ownersbip, it supports government opération o ýf. the powver plant, Muscle Shoals because. in the present state- of electric power developinent and regulation, it is desirable to ]ihaye-agovernmenltall experiment in, power p roduction and distribution for states, and municipalities to use as a yardstick ini dealing with 'puhlidly and privately, owned public utilities and to offer an opportunity for theý public training of uttility experts who can give disinterested advice to public. agencies concerned, with these prob- léMs. "The disposition of .Muscle Shoals lias been' deb ated by Congress ever since the war.. The power'plant ýatI Mlýuscle Shoals ïs opcrating only at a fraction of its potential Éapacity be- cause session afier session of Coni- gress has closed without enacting legisiation w'hich would permit its development. "The League of Wonien Voters feels that at this tim!c when there is so nmuch interest in lecopoomy for'con - surners and. texpayers,, the failure.of Congtess to settle,,the question',of, Muscle Shoalsi;'s unfortunate6." Lieut. John 1-H. Spiller. of Boston,i Mass., 'ill arrive 'Saturday to -visi t bis f amily- who" have been spen dingi the sumnmer witlî Mrs.' Spiller's par- ents at McHetiry, 111. Mrs. Spiller is tbe former Hazel Fraser of Kenil- worth. After snendinz a. week with team out to the tFort to nelp the Army. maintain the higb goal polo that they have ba.d there each Sun- day this season. Undoubtedly this gaine will be very fast and furious as there is a great deal of rivalry be- tWeen tbese two squads., There will also -be jumping events before the game. prior 'to . the Fort Sheridan Horse, show, which is to be beld September 16, 17 and 19. ENTERTAIN VISITOR Mrs. josephi Nateý of. Denver, Colo., Who witb ber husband is visiting ber parents,' the R. M. Campbells of ý631 Central avenue, was entertained at a card. part9 g. àiven ,l)y Mrs. Kenneth Kneussl of.Chicago on Tuesday after- noon. Miss Rosalind, Hamm of Chi- cago will give a tea on Saturday in honior of Mrs. Nate. Dick Schuùettge, son of the R. D. Schuettges, .804 Greenwood avenue, a nd Carleton Scbroeder, son. of Mrs. Heniry C. Schroeder, 51.1 Park drive, Kenilworth, left last Sundày nighit to drive up to the.camp of the Keith Roberts farnily of Glencoe in the Canadian wilds. The boys epctto camp pp there with David Roberts for a week or ten days. A party of young people, friends of the Leslie McArthurs- of> Bridge- port, Conn., had a ý"pot-luck" supper Iast Saturday at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Clark, 135 Fuller lane, Winnetka. Tbcy afterwards went to the dance at Sunset Ridge Golf club. The McArtburs are former, Kenil- worth resideiits. They returned to their bomne last Tuesday Miss Laura [Lou Reichmiann, '600 Central avenue, wvill entertain at.'a bridge tea Saturday, ivhicb isa.rush.. ing party f or Theta Phi Alpha. of the University of 1'.linois. Assisting in receiving m ill be the Misses Rita Mc- Carthy, Dorotb y Sauer a nd Cath- erine .Smith. Dorothiy>K. O'Connor and Dorothy Herron.will pour. Mr. and Mrs. Cedric H. Smitb of 205 Essexc road, Kenilworth, with ini making commltmnents wnîïcn nlas bheretofore been lacking. "Altbough the real estate mnarket is normally the last to feel benefit of, improved conditions, we are witness-. ing an earlier change, due,,doubtlcss to the time of year at which the im- provement in- commodity and security' prices bas occurred. The decided risc ini these values came just at the be- ginning of the faîl rcnting season and as a result the effect is more pro- niounced. ".ýThe basic conditions in the real estate field were ight for action when confidence was restored. 'Sell- ers wbomearit business. had alreadv- adjusted their asking prices to the new value of the dollar,' and . owners of homes for renâtaI had placed at- tractive prices on their merchaadise to attract tenants. With the restora- tion of 'a feeling of confidence, lias corne an avalanche of renting. Two wceks ago on our bouse rentaI list the rentaIs and withdrawals were aP- rnost. double the riew listings. L ast weck the rentaIs, etc., again exceeded the new listings. "This docs not mean bighier prices immediafely but it does mean the occupatiDn of,,vacant houses, the fill- ing up 'of apartti'nent. buildings, and a much more heaîthy condition'.ini the industry.' "Houses _attractively -*priced .are selling more rapidly. 'Onie Evanston bouse was recentlv sold within two weeks after being pîaced on the mar- ket. "Inquiry for vacant property is in- creasing. Althougli our firm has miade only one actual sale of vacant this tnonth, reported bclow, the se: nious inquiry for desirable lots lias incrcased and more sales are expect- cd. -We-understand- other dealers are hain imilar experiences., "VVýýhat is* the -real, %reaso'n for al this improvement? u. our opinion it is the decision on the part of pros- pective purchaser-or tenant, that real estate .prices ,have , struck bottomn,' and thatý it is now 'good business'., to punchase or retît before prices rise witb other commnodities." Recent north shore sales and South- ie and arme Stiles, Jack Nancy Swirles. an liompson. witirairy nDf a rLIUtlâe Doris Trego. Janice Van TInwagen. Wis. J.4V James C. Wilson; YV0nne Woerner. Marjorie Wood, Janice Yeoman, Doris Youngberg. Margaret 'Versino, Mar- Mrs. Howard Jordan and son, How- garet Verwaltz, Hilla. Voeller, Joe ard, 320 Cumberland avenue, Kenil- Voeller, Merle Vogt. Lucille Watson. wortwl eun he ndo te Theinia Weeks. Hugh Welter.,- John twI eunteedo h Welter, Bill White. Janet Whitehead, week froni a visit of, six weeks ini and Lois Whitehead. Los Angeles, Calif. M. Buns. Mn. Dahistroin is moving here from Cincinnati, Ohio. Mrs. C. W. Erwin of 320 Abhots. i ford road,.K!enilworth, entertained a few. friends at brid e, 1agt Saturday. ettey TflOIP