Wilmette' and Evanston, Central street were submitted to the board of directors of the organization' last Thursday. The project was outlined by'.W. P. Crane, Jr.,, arcbitect now associated4 with theCentury of Pro- gress exposition. The program marks a continuationi of development already in progress and' is. intended to convert the links into. one of tbe. outstanding recrea- tional centers in this area.. The in- itial steps in this connection w*ere taken by the association early this year: when the starter's house was revamped and the grounlds around it landscaped. Shrubs were also pllant- ed. at the end of the course on Sher- idan. road in Wilmette. The plans now under consideration call in genieral for special treatment of the, course to give it enhanced * appeal ,througbout. Landscaping wibl be used wbere feasiblé -nd shrntbery' will be planted. Tlhe. a8- sociation is now arranging to pro- vide benches at Central street àt each Side of the starter's. entrance. 011 Isabelia'Street At 'the request of Aid. George A. Paddock of Evanston, who îs a mem- ber of the lioard 'of the Evanston Community Recreation association, the organization bas, oued, Isabebla streét, boundary between' Evanston and Wllmette, for the thoroughfare is not paved through the Drainage district property. Daniel McCann is president of' the 'Evanston Com'munity Recreation association. Earl E. Orner, former Village president of Wilmette, is vice- president; C. M.ý Cartwright, secre- tarv, and Jamnes f. Leahy, treasurer. W. ýL_.McGoodwin is managing di- rector. Members of the' board.of directors .are: Frederick Arnd, George S. Dalget y, C. B. ,Fullerton, George A, Paddock, ýMai. George. A. Quinlan, Frank J. Scheidenbelm,. (Wilmette), and George W. Walsh. 'r Oke, Jaçk jack Stein, of the checkroom bri- gade, bas built up a reputation for himself. He can flnd out anything about anybody on the beach, so he's been dubbed Walter Winchell Stein bry tbe rest, of the beach emnploye.s. We want to0 take t his :opportunity to tbank the beach-going public for, the way they have received this. col- umn. If any of you, have any sug- gestions. or contributions to make, kindly leave thémn at the beach office. inexpensivele Anyway We have it that Dave Fullerton and Jim "Dad" Kennedy, who is looked upon as a muscularly perfect lifeguard, neyer go1 to tleir own homes for lunch. Every day thiey get invited to a girl's bouse. It mnust be true, because it was Dave who told us, They'1I Appreciate lit We have heen asked by the beach offi ce to tel People to refrain from ding unnecessary telepb oning to flnd out the swimming conditions on aniy day. If you.use your imnagina- tion a littie you cari tell for yoursclf. Foir instance, if there is a northeast Wind blowing prettv briskly you may as well flot corne, for the chances are that the lake ýis rougbl and an unde- tow is prevadling, and so on. Orne at a Time, Though There are two or three fellows onr the cbeckroomn brigade Who are given G uests View Pictures in Garden Setting Dr. C. 0. Schneider of' 1077 'Cherry street, Winnetka, whose avocation is colored photograph, entertained about- two hundred friends and neighbors in, bis sylvan garden Fni- day evening, August 19,' by sbowîing, pictures of, flower gardens of north shore residents innatutfal colors from the first bloôm *of. spi ing until late' a tumn.- The pictures 'bave the color of the 'object photographed and also have. nerspective. Pictures of,, the Stein.' They'll even do requeisi The choir of St. jobn's Lutheran church held a beach party last Satur- day night. There were hamburgers ga- bore. We.know, we, bad four of 'em. Everybody- had a great time listening to Kermit Simons, :fresb f rom tbe wild, west, relate bis experiences. Boy, be bad 'emt, too! JIn, Kenmnedy Jim Kennedy,. the demon. ife- guard, is an oldtimer- on these "sanids, for- be is now -rounding out 'is. twelfth season of beach work. Dur- ing this 'time'he bas watcbed aIl the changes-and improvements take place, and when he stops to think back over those twebve summers, he can bardly believe that it's the same old beach. Wben Jim first came here to work, lie.was an extra in the checkroom of the obd bathlîouse; he then was made manager of that checkroom,' a job which' is 'now held by bis friend, Dave Fullerton. Jim was. offered the task of tnanaging the candy shop after five vears of checkroom work. a position which, be held.. for two vears. At- the start of bis eighth season, hewa made, a lifeg.uard. a p ositio'n le las held for the bast five hsuties a fine record,, and Jim-says that whibe it bas mean t aý lot of bard work, it bas abso nieant many fine friendships anrlhpp experietices. POSTPONE ACCIDENT CASE The case of Anton Bohnen, 1019 Illinois road, V. Schindler, 1707 Lake avenue, and Joe Conrad, 2518 Thorn- wood avenue, who were arrested by the Wilmette police on charges of intoxication following an automobile accident l.ate Monday ýnigbt, Auguýst 15, was scbeduled to come up before Police Magistrate E. A. Pettibone' last Saturday, but bas. been post. poned toSaturday, of, this week. The truck in which -the three men were_ ,ridn toppled over in making a ight turn onto Forest avenue froni Ninth meet at ?s r. m. on L uesay, Uq58TaiW the Arthur. H. Howard school. The dates of meetings for the other grades f ollow: East aide, 5th and 6th Grades, Stolp School, Wednesday, Aug. 31. 1West aside, 5th and îth Grades, Howard Sehool., Thursday, Sept. 1. East aide, 3rd and 4th Grades, Stolp School, Tuegday, Sept. 6. West side, 3rd and 4th Grades, Howard Sehool, Wednesday, Sept. .7. East side, lat and 2nd Grades,,Stoip School, Thursday, Sept., 8. West . ide, -lst, and 2nd Gradés, ,Howard School,, F9riday, Sept. 9. 1At these meetings fu~ll explanation of the entire situation will be made by the school. authorities.. Parents w ill be inivited *to a full discussion and then will beasked to sign agree- * ments to assist in flnancing their own children as, outlined above. Ail the work of taking subscri*p- tions and collecting the flrst instalI- ment of the loans. must' be accom-, plished by September-15. Althô'ugh members of the greatlv, reduced teacbing -staff are hopeful that the.y will be called back to.work, this wiil not be done, unlèss the plan gives promise of success. Miss Caroline Roberts, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John M. Roberts, 328 Warwick road,. will return f rom Torch Lake, Mich.ý, where she was assistant councilor for two months at Camp Wanalda. She will'be accomý- panied by. Mary V. Harris of St. Louis who will be ber bouse guest. Caroline will enter Northwestern this fali, having graduated frorn Dana Hall. Dorothy, daughter 'of the Fred D*eacons, 351 Cumberland avenue, Kenilworth, returned Wednesday of last week from a six weeks' outing at Wapomeo Camp, Canoe .Lake,' Ontario, Canada. Her . brother, john9, also returned Wednesday f rom Camp Ahmek, which is on the mainland, while the camp Dorothy attended is on the island. 0o- Mrs. Edith Normoyle and Mrs. Frances Taubert have just returned f rom New York where they did th*eir fali buying. Mrs. Taubert opened a ladies' réadv-to-wear shop on Wil- other on 'hursday. aI 2:30. rie willisa sing again next week f rom the same -o--0c-o wr.Dnyr.wc od 0eiwo. station, same hour and day.' Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Hale, 514 Ab-, o-'botsford road, Kenilwortb, gave a The Bently McCloud family of 338 Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Peterson of. Mrs. J. C. Simnon Of. New York. is swimming party on Sunday evening,. Kenilworth avenue Kniwrhre WantIIspttc ekid'tl visiting. ber daughter, Mrs. Percy E. returning for supper 'on the porcb of turned last week from a vacation at Mr. and Mrs. ÇharIes Ware, 325 Simon of 1012 Greeniwood avenue. their home. Lake Pbacid.' Abbotsford road, ,Kenilworth.