Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Aug 1932, p. 38

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She cornes to Ferry hall well pre- pared to teacb flot only aduits and girls of high school age, but also younger children. She bias done special work in the Surette school of Concord, Mass., and in the Ruth. Doing Rhythm camp at Paul Smith's, 'New, York. For five years -preceding ber. Euro- pean study, 'Mis Manchester did pri- vate teaching- along the north shore. She also has donie much accompanying and ensemble. work. For three years she bas -directed tbe music and rbythmn classes in Winnetka's Montessori scbool and f rom 1930 to 1932 in the' Lake Forest Day school. Besides' this ex- perience and training, she bas thie'back- grudof a college educition, having attenided Northwestern university for four veSg-- Miss'Manchester lias' been counted bhy critics one of the most gifted of Cbicago's younger pianists. In 1928 in a contest held in Chicago hy the Society of American Musicians sbe won first place over thirty-two competing pian- asts, displayig niarked individuality and fine musical sense ini ber playing, as well as tecbnical prof iciency. She bas appeared with the Chicago. Sym-t phony orchestra ini Orchestra hall and1 bas played in numerous concerts and, recitals in Cbicago and vicinity. , t Because Miss Mfanchester . ill be a resideiit teacher at the school6, she wjll be available for a full programn of a work, beginning the faîl terni' on Sep- s tember 12. Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Howe anxd infant son of Elmhurst, N. Y., will return home Eriday. Mrs. Howe andi son have been visiting ber parents, the Albert Noyes of 790 Sùnset road,' Winnetka, for a month, while ber busband spent bis two weeks' vaca- tion with them. Mr. Howe is a formi- er resident of Kenilworth. Mr. and Mrs. L<. Phiillijp Denoyer of '643 Abbotsford road, Kenilwortb, returned Friday of last week after a most interesting trip through New York and Pennsylvania. Mn. De- noyer combined business and plea- sure visiting miany colleges and schools.. They were gone six weeks and coveppred over3-M) flfl _ Willim FLCaliow, Jr., son, of thte founider of the Evanston'Busi- née college, has become associated with his father as assistant .Pr' c- pal of the school, it. j: annwunced. Mfr. Callow is a graduate of! North- weestern u-niversity school of coin-'. merce and lias had extensive ex- perienee ii&-the butsines uorld. 1,n addition* ta his *executive dut ies, lie wcl/I ,offer classes in advanced book- kcepiing, accouintintgalid auditing and 'zeill alio teach shorthairna and Williami H. Callow, Sr., establishied, thîe Evanston Business college ir 1911. E>or 12 years the school was located On.Davis street. In 1923 it was moved to specially designed quarters in the new Studio building at 1718 Shernman avenule. Bath day and evening classes ire conducted. Thé faîl terni will be started shortly. The senior Callow hias been. a teacher and commercial educator since completing his own education mnty years ago. At the. local school ie teaches rapid . calculation. business arithmetic, commercial law and seCre- taral service. Mrs. Lora H. Nelson of Houston, Texas, returned homie. Monday afte.r- aweek's. visit with the Charles 1-owes 6of 240 Kenilworth, avenue. Their daughiter, 'Virginia, who 'spent: a.week in Racine visiting on tiîe Charles Henîple farm, returned Mon- day. Dr. and Mrs. Rufus Stolp, 336 \Var- xick road. Kenilworth, and Mr. and' i. r J' I t 'J I PI a c d poni i~liroaUicatn cipm nt work. ~ ngcnpn e The Chicago Concert Baudl associ- ation wbich sponsors these concerts is composed of proininent civic-spiritý ed Chicagoans. Their voluntarv g'iftýý inake these concerts possible. The objeet, of the association is to establish forý Chicago a permanenti civic, band of the highest artistic standard, equal to those appcaring ini Paris, London,. Vienna and other great art cetîters which will gi.vc cach summer1 a series of free con certs on1 the lake front. The omfcers of 'the association are Arthur Bisseli, preside1t ; lDonald J. Walsh, vice-presidetit; George W. Dixoni, treasure.r, and Perrv' .-dcle- niat, secretary. .Among the largest dono-rs to ,iast year's concerts were* the follo%%t'ing: 'Hlugo, Pain Estate, Walter A. Strong Estate, Samuel Insuil, W'illiam 0. Goodman, Frank G. Logan, Harold F. McCormick Herbert A. Lô'eb, Bertram J. Cahn, Chicago Titie an(] Truist conipany, Oscar Mlayer, -Niisses Colvin, Wal It er Botthoff, Arthuir Barnhart, George W.. Dixoi, Nlayor Germak, Col.'A. A. Sprague, C'harles, H. Swift, Max Adler, E.diardN. Hu r-, ley, Nirs. Archibald Freer, Chticago Musical Instrument conipany, H.E. Vogeli, Jjus Rosenwald E,',tla t (, John Alden, Carpenter, Janmes Hl.. Becker.. .Victor. Grabel, nationallv knownl conductor, contributes bis timne, usýe of bis extensive library and makes' a generous cash contribution each year to the fund which mnakes it possible for Chicago' to. have soine of the finest band concerts i.n Amierica. Elý,izabethi Kelly, 412 Cuninor road, Kenilivortb, who lias beçn, touring Europe for two inonths -ith the Bureau of' University Travel, m,,ill re- turn o .n the Veendaipm wbich' sailed front Boulogne, Franée, on' August 20. She will leaye on Septenl>er 20) toi re-enter Vassar wherý. shé is a sen- tor. Mrs. iR. Bradiey of 624 Ab - c)ad, Keiilwo(rtli, lias re- T1ievalu qfbuildings novw inter con- t I lton i $228000. in addition to the inspoctiuii woi'k ibis dep u tinett as hi en n1ýiaki' a ou'e f Itle ge' Subdivisionî to dleteî'nillne the location of the fiî»rt nes and the (listi ibu- tion of surplus property inii tî> 'ub- S Garbage clctb î---To.ludred aîîd S ftY -and eight-teilths tons ,tf*garbIage . nlconlîu st ibit' iaste vr.cllte and disî)osd I n t au total coSt of $1 .451.2î or $5.78, per' ton, Last uîontli t261.6 tous .w'cîe disposed of at. a vost 0-of $5153 nor tonî. The dift.'ren'c ln cost iS ('bwhfly ductoInthe ai utluai chsts rfoi' l-alr -a nd e aIa t thI iierat-r Non-ombutibl wmste---ýOue ,lindred aidti-t3'-tW'o -)trýuéklç ads înakiuig ,102 ('fole yards of niatertal ývas ha uléd to the ltiewdiiiinp. lu addition t>> this- 27.5 ubic y ards of nui terfiaI a idisp)ood of 'at other places. Fi're departruet-The Firei ea t mient i'esyonded to firenczalis iis nîonth. E-igbty-fli'c calls have boe'n va ls %vere rsode î UVAthesime- thî'ee nionths péI)e'nd hst year. The' tire loss for the nuonth wvas $%.0714.tIhe ïu'incip4l tires fori- te ronth vert.' Nutten P,îoth>'îs MIl a .on July V :mnd a1boatt 'n the Wilnu'tte barbol-'tin ilent made192 n rresfs durlng thle înloifth. One ilindre-d and ('eît, ths'arrust,, Were taket"rtcour't anîd twenit3'ý-tývo Nî'ere <i-nissed upon in- vestization »'the' departnient. $282 ivas Qollettd l miîes. Furieol were', bitteu by dogis. This inakés a Utt of tw'entv e >ebitten, liv dogs in t hree iîltonths. bîî'tls anud nine de-atlhs xepoî'tvd during, Ille inOnth. The meaîhetiade atu iilîvestlitlin (of tht' condition of,~il niette harbor' aid bas dletetiuied. that this harbor doirs not cool ribute atly on- ta-inat!on to the batlîing beaclh. Eighit oaunis(f the water at the bath im- hem clivvére tested during tlle nonth. Wbiocing cogh was twic<' as urev'a- len1t1as o01r avuragze for the past fi'e yeîsfor. Tilly. Two ases of inifantile paî'alvsis wer,' reworted. Thesî- bave both been dis. ci'eland thiere 11'6nw ilo ai-tivi' canses. in tho- Village. i Mr nd Mrs. Rudolph Ostermauniiýi ilid sonI of 234 \Varwvick-riad, Ken i1orthl, spent the' èc-end(1vist their datuglîters 'at Canmp 1XVarwîick. XVavner XVis.1ith anîd Rifth _re- ttIrtic(l Xednesdav afterspdigt( .iiioitlis in camp. Emth i 1aves on Sceptecmh er 10 for \Velleslev 111u1ter 1[icks oi 241Mers ave- mie, .K eiilwortli, kf Saturdav for s t àv 1)e fo) Last Saturday eve ning a numiber of »'th shore couples attended the eakfast dance at Indian Hill club. 'isi was a "Dutcb treat"- affair. .o--.', -.-.'-... itluityiasuiIUursay. a us tabuepr --o- ws' uetatao--e ary C. W. Erwin0 and son, Ward, of 320 Mmp Harriet Hammi, 123. Mefrose Lee Blaylock of 1202 Lake avenue Abbotsford r ad, Kenilworth, left avenue, Kenilworth,. is visiting the is spending this week at Saugatuck, Mopday for three weeks.on the AI- Parker Davises of Evanst.on at their Mich., attending the Young Peop.le's,, Ian Ranch, Montana. island home 'in 'Canada. conference at Camp Grey 1' I

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