Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Aug 1932, p. 36

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Although County Clerk Robtrt M. Sweitzer lias testifled that no registra- tion was held before the April primar- its and that none is required by law. the Simpson attorneys maintain regis- tration should have been held. Judge Lynch.lias taken this registration,and affildavits in coffnection with registra-' tion under advisemfent for thet fourth time, but it will not lay dormant for the judge to indicate what tht nëxt sttp is to'be. Each time court con- vents the Simpson attorneys stress this question. Arguments became so heated ini Judge Lynch's court on Moûday that for a time it was believed that, tht attorneys would corne to blows. Althougli County Clerk Sweitzer has testifled and tht court has taken tht matter under advisement, :Simpson attorneys came to court' with a pa-, per, drafted which purported to be the judge's decision ini this, registra- tion maitt-er and a place for, him to signý tht ruling. Tht ruling, also pointed out inlstructions to Coiwnmis- sioner John Rusch as to how the votes should be taken away frorn Church, Carl R. Chindblomi and 'oth- er candidates on a Oercentage basis.- IChurch attorneys objected strenu- osyto this document on tht grouinds that no testiniony lias been offered by tht Simpson side to prove their contentions. Tht only grounds. on which they dlaim that Simipson is. asking the court to sign their ruling is on tht unsworn contentions of Urban Lavery, Simpson counsel. Wben Lavery called Evanston, the *home of Raîpli E. Church, "sancti- tnonious Evanston'" it was the signal1 for Church's attorneys to attempt to stop the attack. They told Judge Lynchi that Simpson's attorneys wtrtnaking a kangaroo court out. of this most solemn court .procee4- ing. Attacha Simpson, Meth.ds "If' the tactics that Simpson counl- sel ý want followed are adbered to," said John Tyrrell, counsel for Churcli, "then we bad better close. up tht court bouse and throw tht statue of justice away. Simpson got ,N.hat bis petition called for-a re- dred islands. arc more beautiful than ever, but lie was more than sur- prised with the Bigwin ion on the Lake of Bays, a unique summer ho- tel, without doubt the finest in Amer- ica. Bujît of stone, steel and ce- ment, it is ire-proof, From the large and spacious rotunda, handsome cov- ered ways lead to the sleeping quar- ters one at each end, *ecdirer five hundred feet long. Another covered way is the 1beautiful dining room -fac- ing the lake, accommodating over 'five. hundred. Another', leads to convention -halls and, dancing pavil- lion. An, 18-boit golf course was con- structed' at great expçense. Itý is lessý than 22- hours by Canadian National De Luxe service and boat. The prin- cipal owner of this hotel is ant active and wealthy business man, C..0 Shaw, who operates it as a hobby. Ht' bas also built half-mile-across garage accommodations for-one-bun- dred 'automobiles, bringing the patrons across to the island in steami lauinches. -The great artistic stone fireplaces are admired by ail. While like other re- sorts this yea r, they feel the depres- sion, if the people of Chicago suburbs realized what this place is theï- would certainly go there, Mr. Mc.- Donald believes. Mr. 'McDonald 19 making a. few days'. stay at Montreal, Buffalo, an-d .Toronto, and with old friends atW- ttrtown, N. Y. and *ill return Sep, tember I. Winnetkan Popular as Fight Commission Judge Rube Metz of 854. Lincoln avenxue, Winnetka, lias the distinction of being tht first ;tadge appointed by tht Illinois State Athletic commission, having beeti appointed by Chairman John C. Rig- heimer on. December 28, 1926. Mr. Metz, bas.been reappointed by Chair- maný Paul Prehn and also tht present chairman, G en. 'John V. Clinnin. He bas served in many important, cham- pionship. matches, as well as in the Golden Gloves contests, CatholIic Youthb organization bouts and many other boxing tournaments. Hte is considered one of the outstanding judges as indi- :ated by his continuous service. t7j Matzene Photto Colenan A nderson of 1014 As/s street, Wiime!ka, to kast limne couipleted hlu to years' cartoonin. cousej ait/the Chsicago Acadeiny of Fine Arts, tt'on th>ee azcards ai thec recent Cook Coun(.t.ifair tir! ex- 'Tht versatilit:y of this youing artist, -vas shown in bis winung hoth first ,ad second prizes in tht cartoon divi-' sin'as wvelI as" third place ini the oil, painting section. A political cartoon, a clever caricature of Eddie Cantor dont n the poster display nianner, and a landscapt carried away 'tht awards. Mr. Anderson's wit, imagination and facilîty in drawing have made bis cartoins out- standing in tht acadeniy's various ex- hibitions, and point to a pàrticularly uccessful future in tht art îvorld. ' ,Mr. Anderson lias lived in W~innetkai il[ his life and giraduated f rom New I'rier High schoot «two years ago. Hc is It son of 'Mr. and Mrs. Carl 'S.. Lnderson. ai si ir in st al 1 th Ai Charles Krtm'er, soni of the C.. F.' Kremers, 723 Laurel avenue, vvill re- turn tht end of tliis* week f romi Pennsylvania wbere he lias been working this siimmer. :He .wilI leave September 6 to retM~rti to' his stuidies at Colgate universit-v. --o- port suggestions concering several projects which lie feels should receive tht attention of the Village board in the near future. These projects are as follows:- Watts Art commis"'i't (1) The appolntment *of -an "art commission" so that.we mayý have con- trol over, the art and architecture of buildings lu the business-district, and ËIl poübicè buildings,, and. also the archi- tectural features 'of the. grade separa- tion Improvemefit. (2) A commlttee should be appoint- ed to malte a survey of the héalth activities of the Villageto see how 'we can best coordinate our present actlv- Mtes, and how tbe§e activities eau be developed to better serve the. commu n- lty. (3) Some plan should bedicviged for more èIffciently placIng the advantages of Wilmette *as a residential commi#it- ity before the general public. .(4) Some regulation of dance halls and public dances should be.adnpttd so that thisrecreation can be properly supervised and controlledl by. the Vil- lage.'- At 1p.resenit .there is npublic regulation of this recreation. . (5) New . rules, and. regulations shauld bc- adopted governing the W~ater department, -which, wilI providte that al new cuqtomners must appear at the Water depaktment oices and sign ap- plication to become water user-q before the water is turned on for their use.' Our ;present,rüles are very lax in this mnatter, and the Village la consequlently- losing revenue, on. thîs account. !uf.5%Rail FrancIhise, (6) Negotiationqs hould be started wlth the Chicago, NortfiShore aýnd Mii- waukee railroad for a new: franchise, This- cnmpany, bas been 'operatinz on Dur streets' and Public highwa-ys Wvith- out -a contract or franchise rigbt-I for the past' several years. (7) Spevial effort should be made tc have the Village Code modernized, and Published, as et»- present code iras adopte(] fifteen Years ago, and does flot provide for modern practi'ce inc<on- ducting the Village business. (R). Consideration should h- given to the need of establishing a building set-back lUne on Main street from 1lm-' wond a-~ii~tn 1'ie YvliV .li Maàin street north 0of Flmwoogd avenue, Ia dedieated 6o feet in widt.Ol south of Elmwood avenue it Fk 66 feet. iu Iwldth. A definitë, spt-b-i.'k Une should be established s0 tha.t tluis nar- row portion of the streét can becîvid- ened when it becomes necé."-,ry 1to«do so In- the future. Miss Kathrvii Benson,'.210 Melrosé avenue, Kenilworth, who b las been visiting 'Miss Kay Mevers of- St. Louis at ber' suniner home in Char'- levoix, 'Mich.. rtturned Friday and is visiting Miss Lois Abraham-son ini Chicago. -- voe r clasgfication nm ters of the Sth located at the v(: e. The charge pi re were not on ca t use afildavits. de In. this lsflot a vo on lett, 68votea. for several da3rs. also' disquallfy 49 --0 Frank Hoôper of 923rLinden. ave-f strict of New Trier, Mrs. Gertrude Alberga of 1623 nue lias already spent thrtt weeks o Vilm ette aven ue,' b e-'e t r i ' n h s v c i o a W b L k , jthey contend are Wvashington aven 'ue recentlyener bsmonbsvcto tWb a e. They call them tainied fritnds from Moniroe, La.,, and Wis., whert he is on a flshing trip. Cincinnati, Obio. with north ,short friends. '~ lawyev i 'I

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