it WiII Pay You t'O Buy, Your Winter Blanket Needs NOW!. These special sale p'rlces shOuld, prove a strong incentive for every woman to look a iie way ahead and secure Winfer Blanketrqre mnents while such savings, are possible. Please note that the, qua.lites aàre, standard. and th at, quantiies are Iimted;, also that the prices durng this Augulst Blanket Sale .are much lowerthan they will be in December. & oth Sar >BlIankets Pancolors, 70 x 80, heavy weigh SSale -Price $5.45 Al' wool Double Blankets Fancy plaid, 5 IL weight 70x8O Ail wool warp and fillingý Sale Price $5.4 O .Other North ,st tar Mais'and .Nurse Apparel Made of Broadcloth and fine Nurse Cloth Blan kets, on 'Special SaIle-Ask il,, ta .See Them, in Ou r Store'for MEN:andBOYS Featu ring MALLQRY HAT S 65.c to $1.50 Store-I 146-48 WiImet Ave.. Phone WiI. 586-989 M.n!s Store-I 152 WiIm.tte Ave.. Phone Wilmette 2655 Member Wilmetto Chamber of Commerce 4 4