Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Aug 1932, p. 35

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and thus ftar 'this mnonthi thcy lhave rcsponded to more than tiventy calis. Biesides thieir rescule ork, the coast guardstnen also are. called uipon oc- casionallv to patrol for yacht races or for the nianeuvers at -Fort, Sher- idi . RETURN FROM H ONEYMOON- -Mr. and' Mrs. Gotfred Il. Seegard, ..Ivo Nwe1 re inarried Auigust 1, have ret uruc(1 fronutlieir lioi.eyiinoon and haive now taken anapartncnt at 4241 Kenniiore avenue. 1)urinig tieir wedl- ding jouriicy thcv niOtor7C(Ité) Indiana anîd Niclig«il to visit frie,îds and relatives. Nrs. Scegard. the fornmer- Margaret, Stallord. is thie datigliter of M r. ind 'Mrs. Edwiin M. Stafford of 936 ~Shieridan road. , l ct.Siuc ivas lloiored at a boudoir slioxver Satturday aftertiootî. Atiglist A. by Mrs. RalpliKc'ilholtz, 1325 Grcen- * wood avenule. at vhiclî tlhe' ir f NI r s Secg ard'S fric,îds w ere rcî. FLIES, TO CALIFORNIA - ltestrFaust, in whom an ani'-r plane is 111()t esseiitial for* l)tUsilICS purposes. as Nvell, as for plçwasure, left for Califorîîiaili Ihi., îîsnWed- nesday of la'st Nvcck. 1He cxpccts to 1)e gone threc weeks., Fatist, %vho is in the advertisinig business. kee1>s lis plane at PiWu e rot M1r. and .Mrs. A. IL.Schapiro,'814 Slieridaii road, aud îlîeir (1gtcs Vetive and Ver;î. rtetirneiecctl froîn a six dav noo.r *trij> into the S Iffdian re.,er\atlqii i- ditrict in XViS - S onsi. t )1)1)i ri iat a resort ilear p-agIe River, and --viilting at I,ac (Idi 1 lambheau andi MNoltl-C'qua. M r. a m ir i.. 'rV 1/.io *S ete -f 302 etria' mutrçetlv rc turnced front ,ýa t' C.u~tk ' ting. at Bcrgluind. NM ici, Mi lrc îli ad i. cahii iin 1111 t.'r lîim. 'flic (d'rOv-e ove 10CailI'Mp i;t-k -7 -\Va ilfor their son. iilù. n. aîd lr. o.tgliu hiha C *for itheir last uvevk. tAIUI i littinswflichTcom- prised the lesson-sermon was the following f roin the Bible : "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound niid" (Il Timothy 1 :7).. The lesson-sermon also included' the followifig ,pas 1sages. from the. Christian Science textb)ook, "Science, and Health wit:h1 Key to the Scrip- turcs," by Mary Baker Eddy: "hr cail. bc but ýone Mid. because there, is ,but one God; and if mortals claim- ed no other Mind and accepte d no other, sin would .bc unknown. With one Father, 'even' God, the Nvhole fanîily of mnan wvould be. breth- reni; and with one Mm\îid and that, God, or good, the: brotherhood of, man m-ould, consist .of Love and Truth, and have unity of Piriniciple and spiritual power which constitute divine Scienice" P(P. 469-470). VISITING IN WILMETTE Mrs. 'Harry, Thouupson and- lier tlaughter, Geiievieve,. froîx. i Pasadena,, Calif., spent last week with Mrs.l Robert' S. n. 701 Laurel avenue. Mr s. Sîvaimn's caughte r, Mrs. Stanlev Olns 'cd of Danville, Ill-, and two èi.ren, Stanllev_ Jr., and Eleanôr_, are niow visiting lier. Mis, OInisted expects to return.-t6 lier home this ~ve.but the ch1ildren will remain. for a tinie îith thleir granidmother. 1Mr. and 'Mrs. -C. W. Meredfth, 616 Abhotsford road, Kenilîvorth and tlîeir son, Toni. have recently spent two wceks at Epîvorth Heighits and Luidington, 'Mich. Tomi also visited the Adair fainily of , Keniilworthi at Pelican Lake. 'Mr. - Meredith is Î1o% 4>n a b)usiness tripi in Newv York-. Mir, and Mrs. -Richard XVolfe, 41ý4 F' s e:x, road, Ketnilnvorth,, entertairied îývel.ve guests at the dinnter zdance of Vista del Lago club 'lasI Saturday. At the next. dinner dance ôfI the club, whiclh occurs next Saturday, thev viIl ,again entert'ain twelve gue'sts. Mrs. I R dkiit> >'til112Cerl avenue has just r tnriini Ctrun' :r mnotor trip a rotinl( I..1k (,NI ichIigatii with her sister-iii-i w, \Ii>s .\Ithj Ail- kiuus of Ilaninoni lI Il tp;tn at Chasseli, M n. h. ù n i- a >it rt -t linie. and merc gotiç tes (1 rs MYr. LusI< early ini Sel~ teaching at mette. iucr and homle stuý -Mrs. ClaudeClement of Bronxville, N. Y., arrived in Kenilworth on Sun,- day to visit her cousin, Mrs.. Gabe S. Wegener, -36 Kenilworth avenue. She wilI stay until -after Labor Day. Mrs. Frank L. Murphy of Lake Forest was a week-end guest of, Mrs. Wegener.. Mrs. Wegener will. spend theý week- end with. the Allan Cunninghams of Kenilworth at their summer home at Delevan Lake.ý Mr. and Mrs. William F Ray, 208 Golf terrace, accompanied by the ir son,'BilI, are motoring in the East. Himes Beauty Salon at 9 12. Spa»- ish Court in -No Mans Land" announces a reduction in prices. .,A further reduction is espe- cially made for appointments Monday, Tuesday and,.Wednesday. These reductions will bave no, effect on the. quality of work,. materials of se rvice for which, Cheek W~ Himes bave earned an enviable réputation on the north shore. You .may cali Wilmette 5060 for an appointment and, be as- sured that your every beauty. need wvill be fulfilled to your entiie satisfaction. r. -I Thie SPORTS SHOP of LAKE FOREST presents, a Collection :of new fal clothes for th.e> young woman going away to school. Simple and Correct and Moderately Priçed 265 Market Square Tel L. F. 548 I. *1 u M lGAS HEAT* COST US' $184, Thiük of i.Cen, carfe heat: cost oni>' $184 during the [ast heating season l in i are 6-room. Evanston home (under Ue present. ,,house heafiog rate). Write for, i ITIiousands or pltiful casés of e hronie eozema and skin afffle. Itions completely recovered with IEricJksonsswonderfnl new remedy. We sell it on a guarantee. Wi wî,etteENEClImette ,ms-$$ On Rono tostiie. erhtt vt eblorine. never elotul..pever sloubtlul. CORtu but a few eentq a botte.. - HINCKLICY & SCHMITT 1wo0-W. Ruailrod Ave., Evantoà. 3110 THAYER STREET, EVANSTON

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