Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Aug 1932, p. 33

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7I 2AND 3 ROOMS AND SLEEPING porch. $25 and up. 2 bics trom all trans. Ph. Keniiworth 5511. 57L16wltp ' 4rms-. 2nd fir. Duplexi htd.ý...3$45 5rnis. Bung. H. W.. H. 1 c. g.- $50 5rmns. Slp. pch. H.. W. H. (Oil) 1 c. g.. . . .. .1. . . . $65 8 rins. 2 b's. <Oui) ý2 c. g. tir. Lice. $-100- î rms. slp. p. H. W. H. 011 2 b's,~ $12,5 9b rins. slp. pch. *H. W. H. 2 bs r lake, .... $150 Other good values turnished anîd un- fî,rnhched, homes and apartments-alI B. H.. BARNETT' C'enter St. Winnetk.1 q6. 601L16-1lp COC L'OCATION Have several east'Kenilworth hoites with large, beautiful grounds;. 4 Ind .î -ni.q.. . sereen porches. at ri-ntaIs ilot ove,' $110. _ E. E. STLTS R1EALTY Co. 4îit) Wirintka Ave. Winnetka 18ý00 6OLT1 6-I te H-A NE 40 HOUSES TO ýSEfLECT FRO011 o,>I the Nrîl Shore. AIl stzes. $75 0o TROUBLE TO SHO0W W. H. CLARIS 9~m TiîîenAve. Hlubbard od TEL. WINNETKA 3380 6OLTN16-l te 80GRE.ENLEAF AVE. NEW GLENCOE NWHOUSE, 5 BEDROOMIS. 3 BATHS. RENT $210. PHONE OWNER, GLENCOE, 49, 601LTN1 2-tf- 11,N1. HIOME. 2 BI3G PORCHES. 1 ý>aed b edrins. with running water.. 1 1>1k. te C. N. W., 3 blks. to sc1ool. 1110 meth. 1039 Linden Ave. Cail 0(xwner ait Wilmiette 2791. *601TN16-1teý P( IME AT 818l ASIILANU AVENUE- 5bedrm1. 2 baths, extra Lato. :glitzed porches and 1- open. At- tafehed( garage. Reasonable., remît. ('ail iowtieI% Wfiiette 2791. 6OTI-t MMTST STrUDIO COTTA GE,, LOVE- IVii ùrrundingas: 3 bedr.. firepil.. frig- lalairte. garage, $65. 466 Adams,. Glemi- ee. Tel. Glencoe 1522. 60L16-1tpý O0T. 1 M. HSE. 2,CAýR GAR. H. W . Fi. 1941 S. Greenbay Rd.,. H.*Pli. $iPh. Glencoe 883 for appt. 601,16-1:1 ,,ear transprta 635 Park Ave., enswood 677M garage. $75.. ls. Mrs. Lange. Ar. LGE. . YARD. Price reasontabl,. nette. Call Rav- ,. 6)Ll6-ltp SI FýOR UN-FrUnN. HO Un" FOR lýE'%ZT-7 RM: BRICK COLONIAL .u-rnlhed. H. W. heat, ohl. burner. frigidaire. Near-ischools and station. 6 nhonths te year. Cali ýeveniinge WDiînette 985. 61L16-Itp. RAVINIA. CHOICE, LOCATION. 6 roomn bungl.. ohl burner, elée. retrig- eration, garage., Tel. Highland Park 1090.. 61L16i-Itp îm WA&NTED o RENT-HomES NORTH WESTERN UNIVEIISITY PRO- fesser1 desires sinall 1)ungaloiv or duplex. No preterence'as te location. Must be lew renta.i. Will give excel- lent attention and 'care to property. <an-guarantee year's rentaI., Write 13-141. Box 40.'Willmette, Ill. 11ESPONSIBLE CLIENTS, WAITING for us te ilave themn in North Shorel mrs. Fuller & Wmr. Piekard 161N ' cg Ave. Greenleaf 72201 62LTN16-tfu- ('OU-NTPV HOMEF-MODERN. WVITH- in conî,nutinýg distance of Chicago. S r<smis. eaýs; rentai!Rsonil party. :1-142. Box 40, Wilflîette. I111. 62LTNt6-Itc ItiSPOSILE AMIYOF' ADULTS$ wishlieuse wlth 3 or 4 sleeping reî lit.xelvange for excellent care. Sept. 1 or filater. Write B-143. Box 40, WII- mlitte. M.i. 62L1TN]6-It'p WVANTED-3 OR 4 BEDRM4%. HOME IN Wilitiette or Witvîetkat with porch. hiot %vater oil heat. Nr. transp. $75. C-li Parkrdge 252-M. 621LTl6-Itlp 7ROOMý%, H1ISE, AAG.NEAR New Trier Hligh School. Write B-144. Box 41). Wilmette. 111. 62LT16-1té SUWANTED TO SENT--GARAGES GA4%RAGEF CLOýSE TO HILL ROAD and Te]. X? ~ I'. .4. KIMBALL, OWNER, GIeincoe 170, 72LTN16-Itp LOOK HERE! 1 WILL SACRIFICE MY EQVITY IN a 7 room east Wilniette hoime valued at $25,000 a tew years ago for $1,50(j cash-, subject to present*,$12.500 first nîortgage .and taxes. See my attorney. L. D. McKendrv,. State Bank Bidg..> Evaniston. Ph. nIverslty .8383. 72L16Itc IF YOU, ARE LOOKINO FOR A REAL sacrifice àee this brickreiec-b cholce Hubbard Woods loc):ation. 5 bedrms.. 2 batlis. lavatory. 3 Porches. large lot. $15.000. FRANK A.- REID 954 Linden Ave. Hubbard Woods. 111. Ph. Wlntietka 1300 or 1689 72LTrN16-lte REAL OPPORTUNITY A clear homee la South Wlnnetka witîî 5 h edrnîs.-. 3 baths; library.,sun rooma oit heat. ýgarage att.. grounds 90x210. Drapes and carpets lncluded ilu sale. Ternis. fina,îcing. and price are veryý attractive. mlinght rent. CalWi- netka 1800. 72LTN16-lt( .COMFOR¶TABLE HOM.%E. 3 BEDRM$.IS sleeping porch, 1 bath, extra lavator3-. o11, 2-car gar. $10.000. Beautifut 8 rin. Cape C'od. cottage, 2 batlis. extra. lavatorN'. oit. lilbrary. $16.000. Ms.Lange, Winmetka. 1194. 72LTN16-1 t-) 73 WANTED NO UUY--HOUSES RESIDE NCE W'\NTED. Kenilworth te Glence. We have elîstonier foi- a honte on the North qhore up te $50,000. who *owns one et the finest cootpei- tive apartinents in a beautitul section In Evansýtoji near lakt' and 'transportation. 8 roomis. 3 baths. 1-car garage. *MCGUIRE & ORR 15W15 Chicago Ave.. Pvanston Gre. 1ON4 73LTN16-1 te 76.A SUMMER CAMPS M10 .r et Ai r., n ,ii,,rna. J'l'el. Wintnetka 1301. 6L16cBeve :anîd :Bee Caimp anid s rfO tR ST-STORES ilOFFICES School- a rcells. ih FINE STORE -ROOM. 501 CHESTNU'r.OE ALL YEAR - REGISTEP, Fcnt St...Winnetka. acrosesttc;eet from,pub- sc11o>oj iow. *ide&il hm.Borys-grl. lic sechool. Winnetka. 690. l.Vlna1--.*$5oth 66LTNSB-ttc__ 6-LN6-t HILL & STONE 543. Lincoln Ave. Winnetka 1544 74LTN3-tfp 5 ACRpES J 00-OD LAND ON CR ner, paved roads, farm.house, 'large barni'good welI, 2-car garage. chieken house. etc. 1%~ miles to North West- ern st ation. Price $10.'500. Write B-146. Box: 40.. Wilmette, Ill., -84-à% FOR SALÏK-EatL STAT HAWTHORNE ACRES In the new residence area ad- joining Kenlworth and, Win- netka and west of Locust Rd.. H-a wthorne acres offers every sought for .quality in location. ' Fast motor. steam. eiectric and *plane trani4portatioi ail nearby --Vêt none cdoser than hait mile. Only 114 miles te KeniWôrth station. Taxes oit HawthE>rne Acres are little ove,- liait thoe of Kenil- wortlî and Winnetlka for It lies * ntside the higli tal.c cre.à. There W'ith every desirale quality. *Hawthorne Acre parcels are ofered at r)rices fully as low as generali emnîodity prices to- day. 'Ask your br1oker to ýshow you pflat off.Hau-thorne Acres or> eali C. E. Drayer' of Bille P.lealtY. Wiiimette 37-10. 85 EXCHANGE-REAL ESTArE MV-31,00EQUITV IN s RM. hOME f.lu Willnîette for your equlty ln North .Shore 2 apatnent bldg.. modern iniail home or hiparlau rlghts prop- erty. far acreage oni lake wlthin s.0) miles of Chicago. 1021 Central Ave.. Wilimiette, or phone owner at WII- mette 2791. SSLTN16-ltt. 96 FOR SALE-HOJ;gNOLD 60005 BRING A LITTLE MQNEY,. TAKE away dining set, beds. dresser. chairs. etc, this week. After 5 :30, al dae Stind.av3. 512 Central Ave., Wil- mette 94. 86LT16-ltp ALL STEEL REFRIGERATOR. WHITE *enainl finish, good conidtlion, 50-lb. capaclty. Wifinetka 1889. 8,6l.TNI6..ltp Vil' 4300 ". ..MOFOR MOR 20 YEARS TH1E HOME PAPER 0F THE COMMUNITY"I w

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