Rates-15 cents. a lin, ln one paper. 25 ce nts a line ln any two papers. Raes30 cents a lune ln ail three papers. MINIMUM CHAItOIElq] >OLLAL Average of live word. to the. lino. No black face type used. 10% dieoist on al eash witb erder adrertuements whem bremi.he t eur* oM , ntImm Central Ave., Wilmette, or 41 lilmeolu Ave., Wlauet]ka. Deadinefor InSertion__Clasled adverilsements wIII bea- WILMETTE LIFIE or' ail threpapers;, Wednenday, 9, P. MK. for WINNETKA TALK and. Thureday 5 P. M. for GLENCOE 'NEWS. Telelhonee: Wilmette 4300. Winnetka 2000. Greenleaf 4900 or Sheidrake 5687i, a LoUT AMDP OUND LOST - COTCH TERRIER. MÂLE. Return to 1033» Ashland. Reward. Wtt. 3318. 21-t LOST-FOXITERRIE. WHITE WITH black face.L Ph. Kenilworth 1885. * BUSINESSSERVICE \erniin Exterminated P. J. UEDELHOFEN, EXTERMINAT- ing engineer. Ph. Winn. 76 or North- brook 128. 9LTN14-tfe PICNICS - PARTIES -É IRTHDA YS Serve ânizel food: double leing, large sise $1. . Sinshine cake 70 ets. to order. e'h. Wtlmette 3407. 9LTN5-tfc 15 NISRucTrioN MUSICAL KINDERGARTEN at Community H-oume, Winrïetka. For children from 2% to. 5 yrs. Heurs: 9:004-1 30. Transportation provided if desired. Term begins Sept. 12. Direc- tor-Dorothy Pleasants. Caîl Win- netka 538 now. or Greenleaf 1500 after Sept. '4. 1L1-t TUTOR CHILD » THOSE WHO HAVEC school difficulties a speciaity. Protes- tan~ts only. Living and compensation or equivalent. L. Garner.ý 1442 East 59th St., Chicago. 15LTN16-tp 81 MUSUçA^L.INSTRUMENTS MASON & HAMLIN B. B * 1 GRAND piano ln excellent condition. Cati be bought for $500, original cost about $2,500. This certalnly ila a t argaini for somieone who wants agod piano. Caibe seen at Iredale Fireproof Warehiousle. 1723 BensonAe. Evans- ton. Wiliette. 13321. 2LT61t SOLIlD MAH. BAUER UPRIGHT player piano. cost ;1,260, seli for $100. ' Brunswick Panatrope, ýcoat $550.sei for $50. 109 4th St. Ph. Wilmiette 3iWi7. 22LTN16-ltc 25 RADIOS RîADIO- BARGAIN-PRIVATE PARTY must sacrifice $185 Matjestic'Highboy in perfect condition for,$35. Ph. WiI- mette 2444. 28LTN16-ltp 33 WEARING APPAREL Fi&)R SALE-$2,000 MINK COAT, i YR j old, $300. Ph. Wllmette 3541. 33LTN16-ltp 41' ITUATION WANTED-FEMALE DOMESTIC HELP No.chargre to employer. Efficient service for the N. S. bornes. We investiga-te references. SPECIAL NURSE DEPARTMENT Pauline's. Erp. Agencies 5 Suburban Offices 52 enter St. Wlnnetka 2662-.101-1 WASHING' AND IRONING *BY AN exper. Germian laundress. to do at home. WiliI caîl for and deliver. Rea.s. Ref. Wilnxiette 3839. 41LTN16-ltt) G< VERNESS-NITRSEMAID .- TEAC- er. coilege gr-aduate. apeaks Frene.h, exneientce4l , with cblidren. Ad-dre.s B-1419, Box 40, Wilmette, 111. 41LTNlî)-1tj WANTED - POSITION AS GOVElI- naco!lege graduate. Experlieneed wit- helîdr'eni.,Good references--W&rite B-148, Box 40.' Wilnmette. 111. 41LTN16-1ji) GýENERAI, HOUSEWORK IN ADULT famniiy. 'Middle aged, comipetent. $3- a week.ý Stay on, place. Write B-14à. Boxý 40. Wilmette, III.-. 41LTN16-iîtp L AD)YS NIAID, ('0MB. UPSTAXRS OR *nd nmaid.* Excellent worker. Smali wavgeS. 'Ldey. 58 W. Burton.,place, lst floor.4114TN16-litp DAY IWORK WVANTED - WASHING, irouting and lann. by -experienced and réliable.g.irl. Ph. kenilworth 4730. EXPER. INFANTS'NI litai trained. Best Nai .io-4tors' ireference-s. Pli cook, gener .a and 'chauffet .6185., rLE - WOMAN GOOD ai work; man, houseman ýur. .E. Korner, Dlversey 43LTN16-ltp 44 NL WANED--FEMALIE Positions Open 6 general positions: ............... .$15 9 generai positions......... ......$1 8 general positions..........1 M u st beý exp. and have good references.. ('ail in person Patuflne's Ernp. Agencies 522 Centel' St., Winnetka WHITE GIRL. NOT OVER 35, GENÇ- eral housework, laundry. 1 full day a week out. not .Sunday. Good cookz. Ileferences. $5 a week, with assurane Of better wages when possible. Win- àietkat 1180. 44LTN16-itc WANTED - GIRL. GERMAN PRE- feûrrd, general housework. good home. own roorn and bath, 'Amali wages. .Winnetka 1573., 44L16-ltp) EX.WOMAN OR GIRL FOR. GEN- eral hiotiuework, saal farnily, good homne. $5 a. week. Willmette 21)27. 44L.6-Ite COMPETENT 'ÉMAID, COOKING. cleaning, lat floor work. .. Must have ref. . Mre.. Kr-uleick, 675 Blackthorn, Winnetka 623. 44LTN16-1lte. REFINED. WHITE, TO ASSIST CARE " yr. cld child, 2nd work and laundry. Sitall 'wages. Ph. Wilmnette 1774. 44LT.N16-ite WHýfITE. ,CENERAL. HOUSEWORK, 111ornings, 7 to 12, $5. Ph. Wil. 4267. 44LTN15-ltio 45 HELP WAIdTEID-MALg W A NTED - NEAT APPEARING. well dressed m~an for sales position~ in vour district with n~ational organi- zation. Must be able to start at once. Experlenceflot necessary. Write J. R. ELLIOTT, 605 Davis St.. Ev- anston. Illinois. -- 45LTN16-ltp 46 NELP WTD.-NALE AMP FEMALE COUPLEbS -7WANTE 8 POSITIONS OPE N FOR EXPERI- enceed couples. PAULINE'S. 522 ('enter St. Wi'&ýnnetka WANTED COUPLE, WHITE, GOOD ,cook, general, !housewk., housemian, east xide homie. Near ail transporta- tion. 731 Tenth Street, Wllmette. 111. 51L9-tfi) FOR lIENT - 3 COMFORTABLE munny roomns. east side. Reasonable-. 2 In~ fatnilv. Ph. Wilmette 71. 51LTN16-Itic NEWLY, DECORATED ROOMS FOU liglit housekeeplng and sleeping.,Neti, transi). ýPh. Wilniette 4866 or 5411. 5ILTN16-ltp. RM. AND PRIVATE-BATH. SHOWER. Modern. Pri-ate honte., H. W.ý heat. 1220 Firest Ave., Wilnhiette. 51LTN16-ltp LARGE. SUNNY FRONT RM.. NEA R Sterminal. Ph. wilmette 862. 5ILlO-itc QUIET ROOM IN PRIVATE HOME. hot water continually. 3ý 4.50. Ph. Wýlilitiette 729. .. -51LTN16-ltl) ROOM FOR RENT -NEAR TRANS- po)rtation. 725 Prair ,ie Ave., or cal Wilimette 442. 5ILTN19-tfc 53BOARD AND ROON IDEAL OME FOR ELDERLY PER- son, needing sone care. 3 bîke. f rom lake., Resident nurse. 1414 Hi nman. Evanston. University '2104. _________________ SLTN14-4tp ELDERLY PEOPLE NEEDINO OME care wilî tlnd excellent home with gradijate nu~rse. Ph. Wilmtette I13. BOYS TO BOARD. 2 TO 4.Y $,IN private homie. Wiii pay $30 per muonthi. Kenilwoýrth .4781. 54LTN16-lt.- 55-A FOR RENT-LT. HSKêPG.- RMS. 2 O1R 3 ('LEAN, COMFORT-ABLE RMi.. with housekeepfing priviliege's i n quiet lvomne ont Scott Avt.. Hubba ri Woods. Protestant. Ga rage includ.i. B-147, Box 10, Wilynette. ,55A-1LTNI6-lti> 2 OR :, FURN. RAIS. FOI' HO'SEý- keeping or, sleeping rin. Board option.- ai1. Gond home for cilîdren. WJI- Mette 1862. 55A-ijrN16-Itic ne FOR REP47-APARTMENTS 1THE CHEMNEYS 150 ('enter St. Winnletka :24;i At RESCALED RENTAI$ DIG.NIFIED APARTMPENT-li I i.s iN a quiet. resideniai nieighblorhoo(l. overlookiîig îariks, gardens and Eng- Ilsh court. Wood-burningfieacs Large- ro ons.-Real .kitchlens. Cros.. ventilation.' Near sechools aLnd tralls>. 561,TN16-1 t> IN LINDEN MANOR 1045-1101 MNIRRILL STREET 3. 4 anl 5 oom wlthtile bathio, * 85 PLT SAL.E-RED PERSIAN P 5 inonths, exc. pedigre beautiful grey and white home. Winnetka 3899. 24LTN16Iltp lent* N. S. 2. ________COLORED CO FEMALE CAT. eral work, e.Wiii give wok for roo te nmale to good ('ail WllmeiLtt :-111 J. li-Itul I I rçEt. sta- 415.1 a 690. J.-easonabt 57LI e