The last four weeks havesbw signs of a definite change ini the reaL estate market on the north shore, according to C. E. Drayer, vice-pres- ident of the N.4orth Shore Real Estate board. '4Al brokers," says' 1r' Drayer, "trep ort a stronger rentai wave than the faîl season. of -lIast year, ivith quite a few renters making inquiry for the -selling price ofte0os theytake. Brokers as often as occa- sion permits these days *Work thei rentai prospeict to ,try for a. sale.. One such sale wvas recently made: in! Evanston. 'Serious inquiry is being made eveil for vacant lots, and the sale of One occurred. during the month in South- east Wilmette at about 60 percent of the higb asking, price of tbree years ago. An offer on a large building. lot of 50 percent of the 1929 price ivas recently -made and refused, with .tie, seller boldiog.farrnat 65 percent. Rentai Activity Dropt "Not so encouragifig is the drop i1W rentai activities in the past weck, probably indicating that those have m ade their arrangements who . liad wgive their landiords notice as spe- cified in their leases. This drop, mnay possibly forecast that morte bouses will be left on the market than wag- anticipated, in which case pricesmay break further. Probably tiot, for'tlie houses of weak owners have been apparently absorbed by the intense rentai activity early in .tbe imonth. - The best opinion seemis to be that real estate prices bave struck bottomn. *This ernpbaticaily is not the bottomi sought for by tbe buyer wbo asks for a 'discount -)n the nlortgage' nor is it tbe the owner would like to establish wbo stubbornly adheres to 1929 prices. Botb buyer and seller of this tyýpe sirnply delay fruition of wbhat both desire-the tranisfer of title to the home. Botb sellers and buyers wbo mean business must adjuist 'tbeir ideas to the new value of the. dollar. The experiencedl, bonest, andcor ageouis broker inust help tbem. NowTinie to Buy "Once a wealthy man was askced for. bis formula. .'l buy my straw liat hornes on the west side of Locust road just across f rom the Indian Hill Country club. Thbe idea of bomles with plenty of elbow room on less expensive land took 'bold until now the wbole haîf mile square bouiided on, the nortb by HillI road, on the south by Asland avenue, and on the west by Hibbard road bas been, divid- ed into parcels. of an acre andi more Iin size. Tbe last undivided piece in tliis new area is bounde<l on the east by Woodley, road, a private lane, and bas just been platted byý Mrs. F. P. Racheif, its owner, and bias been chrsteedHawthorne Acres. It is to be offered tohome builders in ap- proximately acre parceis The private road to be built ini Hawthor le Acres will be çalled Avoca ale, a former narne ofý Asbland avenue.. Hawthorne Acres, according, w .its owner, enjoys the advantages of be- ing, close- to transportation ýwhtther by air, motor, eectric or steamn trains, yet it is off the eietn paths and is assured the quiet, secluded surround- ings so necessary to exclusive homes. The prices of acre plats, according ot Mrs. Racheff, arec consonant witb- prices of other things iii today's mnar- kets. Acquired byhler yemars ago and held as part of lier estate, Hawthorne A-cres bias been affected by no infla- tional costs of any sort. Nor will it be biandled Iby aty onie lroker. Pros- pective purchasers are invited to corne to the ownier direct at Haw-, thorne .Hall or through tbheir broker as thl ay choose. Alterations in Van of Winnetka Building Projects Eight building permits were issued i1n Winnetkaduring August, al but one being for remfodeling or1 repair work. Tbe single exception w~as for -a new frame gai,!!gý whicb Miss M. Tearney is building at 1114 \éerrill avenue at a The nost expeiisive alieration job is on the residence at 215 Ridge avenue past >montn1 if one is to juoge by the number of building permits issued ini August. Improvements for the month ahiouiit- ed to only $475 as indicated, in the three permits. One was f or a private frame garage wbiich Frank H. fEly, of 486 Oakdale . avenue, is building at a cost of $175. Daniel McArthur is remodeling a garage at 509. Hazel avenue, at a cost Of $100. -W. S. Williams of 667 Bluff Street i8 nikinig some repairs on bis bouse, whiicb, according. to the building pert- mit, are costing $200. Building Enjoy Upturn, WilMette, Records Indicat Building. activity in Wilmette took a turn in the right direction during the first twenty-two days of August, when ten perrntts were issued for construction work wbicb is to cost approximately $6,225. During a corresponding period last montb only two permits were is- sued. and tbey represented construction work totalling onhy $500., Despite the encouraging trend, there are no major building jobs under wvay ini Wilmette. One permit wvas taken out on August 16 by Mrs. L. Ratner for a residenre alteration at 921 Oakwood. avenue which will cost $3,000. Another remodeling job for Robert Zimm'ernian, 303 Greenleaf avenue, will éost $1 ,800. The eight other pernlits issued tup to August 22 were for mînor jobs, as fol- 1ows: *August 3-Resid.ence alterationi for Chester Clarkson, 317 Greenleaf ave- nue. lEstimated cost, $100. 1August 3-Chicken bouse 'for Ed Lewis, 744 Laramie. avenue. Esimated cost. $200. August 6-Frame garage for Frank Buderer *at 823 Fifteenth- street. Es- timated cost, $250. August I 5-Frame garage for Mrs. John Etienne at 2004 Schiller. Estimat-. ed cosi. $50.1 Because of the general deflation of real estate values, reductions froin 20 to 40 per cent below the tax assessmnents of 1930 are assured, it was announced this week by County Assessor >J. L., Jacobs. Redtaiction of, taxes. themselves, hie pointed out, wiIl depend upon local government. expenditures. .At the samie tirne Assessor' Jacobs took occasion to warn citizens against individuals and associations off ering >to obtain reductions ini assessmnents of', real and personal property for a fee.ý 'Teeindividuals and organiza- tions, are taking advantage of tax- payers in advising thern that .tbev can-obtain reductions in asses 1sments. wben, as a matter of fact. substan- t.ial reductions in assessments will bc made automatically as a resuit 'o01 the general deflation, in values throughout the county, said Mr. Jacobs., Expeet Matetil S"a "The quadrenn ial r e a 1 estate assessîment bias now advanced to a point in the county where it i8 pos- sible to announce that there will be suRibstanitial reductions, running any-, where irorn 20 t? 40- per cent, and averaging approximately 28 per cent below tbe assessments for 1930 and prior years. S"This means thiat real property as- sessed at $10,000 for 1930. wiIl be as- sessed approximately $7,200 ini the 1931 quadrennial.' . Having explained that such coun ty- wide reductions. applicable to practi- callv ail real propertyý ilb gran.ted %vitbout any action on the part of tbe taxpayers or tbeir repre- sentatives, the assessor added: ".1fý there is a corresponding reduc.. tion in governmental expenditures as, represented in the' tax hevies the ac- tuaI real estate- taxes will be:redtucedl tothis extent.". Informnationm Du. Soon Nfr. jacolbs said that information on changes in somne of the townships will b)e made kniown in about two. wmeeks and that- opportunitv to ob- by a consc broker beca many prop( that lie ha- judginent." rand seller wiIl be heiped M. B5. roster of the Sports s] ientious and experienc'ed Lake Forest, the two stores at ause of bis farniliarity with and, 978 Linden avenue, Hubi erties and1 the probability Woods, for September 1 occupa u5 a trained 'and unbiased The stores will be used for a lac I ready-tô-wear shop. f ar as icnown, tne fnrst periodicai of 2'.I"' any . ,t i ax a K4L.tVeVCilg.- any kind to be concerned solely witb valuation theory and rnetbods. A better public concern as the base of sound and general understanding of the principles intelligent buying, selling, developinent which govern souid appraisal is of wide and flnanciig. of real properties.