GOODRICH SILVERTOWNS fheSAFESTTIRE, Ever Buit! Greater driving speeds ... quick-action,, brakes... small-diameter wheels s Smooth, oil-filmed roads ...*ail have in-' creased the skidding hazard. A Il. have increased the responsibility of tires. ship, aiso a low gross thirty-six hfleIVJunior bears, chillren from six to medal event, will be decided this eighit years, and the Senior bears,, week-end. Class A players will bat- eight to ten years. The show was tie for the club) championship Satur- held in~ the out-door theater. The day, Sunday and Monday, September children have been having such an 3, 4 and 5 (Labor day). This event enjoyable time. that the, camp will will be low grassfor 72 hioles. continue two weeks longer as the Post camp, nearly one-hali of the Golf League, Teams to ýchildren . t4ying over.Jack.Archa1- Compete at; Bob 0'Link th, camp, his parents are leaving NorthShore Golf league teams will again on: September ;2 to helli hini meet, today. (Thursgday) at the BoI. celebrate his seventh birthdat with O'Link Golf club1 in Highland Park. a party for twenty guests, in the Team matches 'are scheduled as. fol- camp. lows- Wilmette vs. Briergate, 11. nuis. vb. Fxmoor, Bob 0*Tink vs. CRASH ON MAIN STREET Sunset- Ridge, Skokie vs., Evanston, Au automobile which B. W. Thur-ý Knollwood vs. Glen View, and North tell, 201- Sixth street, Was. driving Shore vs. Westmoreland. The Sunset south on Main street in. Wilmette, hast Ridge club, is leading the eague witb Saturday. afternoon, at about 2:15 a itotal of 92 points. Illinois is>seconid o'clock. was struck by another ma- with 79ý. , The league will bold a final chine driven by Ed'Moore, 30.5 Ridge get-together at Exmoor on Septeni- avenue, Winnetka, as, Mr., Thurtell ber 15. was making a left turn onto Oak- __________-wood avenue. Moore ' aIso going south. On Wedaaesday, Aagust 7 17. rs. on Main street, crashed into Thur- F. C. Willis of 322 War'v'cl roacf teII's car as~ he was' attemptiîig to. Kenîlworth, entertained at a bridge pass it. No one was injured, accord- luncheon in honor of her sister, Mrs. rng to the Wilmette police report (if: L. L. Lynn of St. Lo.uis, who is v-isit- the accident. INJURED John Shank, 18 years oid. '1109 Greenwood avenue, sufftred cuts PA 01K-M rgabout the head last Thursday evening at about 7 o'clock when, as he was IE Zqs c i£ riding a motorcycle east on Ashland avenue, he collided with a'car dri%>enl R by Carl Sheppard, 1619 Florence ave- nue, Evanston, at Sheridan road and 521 Mois St. WIL..n. shand avenue. Sheppard was driN-- Phuie Wi 32juries were treated by Dr. M. C. . ý the ,safiest tire ever built. r iced *1 PUBLIC 732 TweIfth St.Wlmte2 f i ~ I il 'i 't BEL ML- Wdniette 20