lier business from bler home, Inli er niew quarters she feels that ,lie will 4e abfle to serve* better bier large clierltele. She.lbas just returned froma New York where she purclbased hier steock of. fali clothes.. The1 new slop is hati.fliuiga'.moderatelv piriced lite. %%ite of -the clulb president, Nrs.- S. sides. Mrs. Bell. wvîll I) Misýs Mar- A. Grady, Mrs. A. F'. ,R(beg1 'gaetStut fWuek ,dM -Miss L~ Brown. Mrs., Milliken d e- Minnie Mae kerr of. Wilmette. feated Mrs. Earl Sbultz. Mrs. ('radv won from- Mrs. R. .Ban Mrs. Edith, Nortînovi'e wilI sel char d. Mrs. Robev frornmrs .chilren's dresses lin the ne' shoi) Patrich MIacier and Miss Boùinstcad of at her home, as slie has. f roXIi Mrs . A. E. Long. done lu the past:. Mrs. Normoyie ali;o Sur 1vivor.'S of first rouind pIlay iu the. has iù-st returned froîn a l>uing tnpoil Class C tournameut wcre M rs. C. . to -NCW% York- Williams, Nvio eliminated Mrs. K. G. Baur, M rs. 0. C. Brodhay, who trini- Ni Florence Braiîsoti, 817, Cenl- medý Mrs. V. C. Ward, Mrs. \V. H.'. tral a%-énue, who is at present at the Pctter, . vho wvon froin Mrs. C. WV.'Cliff Dweller, Cliimnev Rock, N. C.. Seanor, and Miss D. Lazear, whio d-wl return Monday fromn a m onth's. ieate- Mrs. J. C. Sadro.Visit to A Asheville,ý N. C. Shie1 will Daughter 'of Swimming Coach Is Noted Diver! Mfiss Claudia Ecke, daughter of, G;eorge E-ckert, the swintining instrtuc- tor at. Sliawiee ' Country 'club,. placed tiffih14in, ie ladies' Ihigb board divin- cihampilioniship bleld at State Park. Loing, Islan'd, N. Y., l atrly in July for tHie purpiose of selecting girls to rep- rcesent t bc U.nited States ilu tue Oh uîpic 'arnes. at Los Angeles, this ,Il\-' lier. pdillerformnce, in t1lî face of the rnost skillfuil comipeti- tion %I is.s Eckert bias, eariued the dis-. tinction of being anîong the five g-reatest womian divers in the world. The competition at tlhe trials -,%as so0 intense, .and so nearly perfect -were tbe dives of the coutesta"nts that tbe judges were forced tolie fractions as low as hundredthis of a point iu differenttiatitig hetween the divers, ahilities. M r. and' mrs. Edwin Hedrick or .e Melrose avenue, Kenilworth, their daugbiter, Marlon, and Mr. and M rs.' Jolin Boyîston of 1302 Chiestnut v t. nitrhome- accompanied b%, frieliïs frorn Evaiusttmi and St:. Louis. Mr. and, Mrs. A, \V. Peake and mfâtmily, j1141 Sie.ridau:' road, left Suni- day bw plane for Re(l Crown Lodge, IVAN EPPINOFF Anc i Hl M Dance Orchestra Ploytng N.ghtiy an the Air.cooled Wamnut Room, Dinnor $1 * ýNo Cover Charge OTTO Ka ElTE'L molR. B$IIfAR('K luîning mu rnese services aurïng the1 summner montbs. The series will ter-! miuate Stinday, September .4, with a conmmunion service at the First Con- gregational churcb. Mrs. Bernift's -Homemade ýICE CREAM 0. FANCY MOULDS *BULK: AND:BRtICK CREAM *SUPERIOR QUALITY *NO DRY ýICE. *REDUCED PRICES, "666'.'Cash andi Carry Pineappi.9, Maplenul and Vanla Brickîs 60C each MRS. BERNITTS HOMEMADE ICE CREAM KITCHEN 992 Linclen Ave., Hubh.rd WocJ Phonè Winnefka 666 0 e e. e e s e e GOINGER ALES No' MINERAL WATERS .0muobea leIiverisé. Otd&.maa so~w l 6- dqi ___PIIONE, CAL..~ 4180 o r - I *MYÇM B u MOTO RS SERVICIE Iswqrporated EVERYTHING, FOR THE.AUTOMBILE .J.,C U. lowf PhSalesW& Son Phone Wil.2600-2601 1 M'émer Wilmetie Charnier of Comeiwsrce E~. Broclion of Iwanston, Mrs. Roger B. Little of Evanston elimiinated Mrs.i Nat Armiel of Chicago, and. Mrs. Daniel F. Conistock of Evaliston woni from Mrs. G. R. Garretson of. Xilmnette. Mrs. GîcuE. Dewey drew a l)y.. First rounid "'inners iii tue Class B 1 i