Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Aug 1932, p. 26

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During the Balance of August Eiandkîl ublishing 1-buse 0c husetts, bas just pub- on of bissonnets anc title "MakeWay fci - .. V* bu w J1 K 8i '.LiUI, -- "A Good Man's Love." E. eld is a fine satirist~, and we Richard Burton declares that as be that the Book League of read the book be bad to searcb back bas chosen "A Good Man's to Jane Austen for a paraîlel, and ýr August. We bave been a that is certailny; as le says, .bigh admirer for sone. timne. Dr. praîse. whuuithe tradiiuon is stilianive, in ne is. Th is is, by announcement, his *some cases the men themselves, mak- thirty-fourth publisbied volume, and it e rs of the biistory and atmospbere of becomes immediately apparent that in the frontier. He begins with that ear- lus long lit:rary career thex'e is very Charles Goodnigbit, wbo first beat out craft of fiction. the way across the Staken Plains and. The- present volume' treats of thé Ipreempted the Valley. of the Pecos fortunes . of -Rhoda and Tony-a pair for the -cattleme&ir of.. Texas., Good- of loyers who., jùdged, by ail exter-i niglît was. associated witb Johàn nalities, are. eminently unsuited to1 *Cbisum, maker.of the Chisum Trail eacb other. Rboda- is of the: landedi -to the cattle, market, wbo follows next aristoc racy; Tony fte grsive in.Coolidge 's list, 'and they were botb ecntl ss n hil tey were1 more or, less mixed up Àritb the ýLin- brought up together f rom cliilclhood, coin County war, with Billy.the Kid this proximitYe wirought véry littie and their contemporaries. Chi sum was changeiii their individuai maàkeups-« the only man'who ever talked Billy* if anything, it intensified their differ-ý the Kid out >of bis initention to kilI, ences. Agàinst a. backgroundj of pre- and Goodnight* was instrumiental in and pos-a nland, Mr. McKenna bringing William Boney, to justice., manîpulates bis ch#racters, anidto this Al bis life be hated a thief and a, task be brings about ail the gifts murderer. Goodiiight,,had an agree- one could rieasi.niably>exkpect a novel- ment, with bis own men that i f1 any ist to possess. He is a political econ-t killing was done the killer should be onit. fnomnunestndn, 9n tried. by bis. fellows and,: if- founid the course, of. bis narrative serves to guilty,. bung. He turned back herds- ciarify the chang'ing intellectual and that were offered biim for salé when emotional attitudes of men anda tbey were fowad with strange brands, women who lived before, duiring, and0 and maintaincd the standard from after the World war.a which Chisumn departed many tirnes He hiandles, witb consummnate skiil, ý when he was aIl the law there was a host of well-differentiated cbarac-e west of the Pecos, and mnaintaiiîed bis ters; be bas immense technical in- ' ascendancy witboiît a gun. formation on many subjects;* he. hasc 1Clay Allison, professional mai- -the knack of building suspense anda killer follows next, and the incident compeliing the reader's attention to-e of bis baulkeddraw on Mason Bow- the very end-and for the readter in.g mnan, and then Tom UHorn, notable searclu of entertajumnent, this is miored companion of the Chief of the th an enough to be offered. Apache scouts, who kilied rustlers 01- for $600 a head, thus stopping cattle dlne ato o rustling at Coon Hole, and (lied gaine 1A Blne ainfr t on the scaffold. a Week's Reading ' w The book is well done, the detail FARAWAY. By J. B. Priestley. s explicit and striking, the photographs Harpers. P authentic-iix particular there I5 Onle The story of a searcb for buried . of Billy the Kid which goes nearer treasure told. witb Priestley's usual i te explaining him than miany para-, deligbit in the foibles and eccentri- ýte graphs-and' the psychological ele- cities of personality and with bis ci mentý.niot overworkedi. Besides being gusto for adventure.l interesting, reading, it. is a genuine CHARLOTTEBRONTE. By E. F.9" contribution to the frontier history of BesdiogmnGen the soutbwest, whicb will *not..need esi.onmsGrn.h to b doc aain.It ombnes istric An interesting and well-balantced incident witb atbentic color in truc bogrpb and representative pictures of tiimc M 0 R E MERRY - O- ROUND. va and scene.. Livcright. rfg ervignette s of WNashiiugtonjsi Rest Sellers .crie (P......l..u L iL.. flt..L l-- -. . hi- murder story, and nistoricai romance. The characters and fundanuental facts. arc taken f romn a famous Frenchi murder case of the tinciiteenth cen- tury wbich had a great effcct on the politiics of that day b'it wbich wàs neyer-completely solved:' In this story- tbe author,; altbougb be baý disguiised ,the namnes of the principal' charac- ters, bas presenited a higbly plausible interpretation of tbe motive and ,of the .actual crime. He bias drawiia remrkaýibly vivid ,picture of ý post- Napoleonic France and of the impor- tant mcin and womcn Who moved across this brilliant background. Lucille Clery, whose. grandfatber wvas one of Napoleoni's marsh.als but Wbo was berself bonii of doubtful parentage, tias dctermined on the. cçarcer of governess as the onfly fit- ting one for a woman of lier initelli- gence but lacking, a tangible social background. She was a great beauty, .possessed of infinite poise. andl sbrewdness, and was obsesscd by an ambition to better lier position. In order to gain tbis end she adopted an attitude of meek subservience wbicb won for ber the place of goV- erness in one of the noble, families of, France, that. of the Duc du Boc- cage. Because Mme. du ýBoccage was, a weak, ineffeCtual woman, the gov- erness' quickly rose to&a position of, great influience ini the housebold. The duke's admiration for lier abilities led bimi to grant bier privileges not ordiilarily, accorded a .governess; bier dressmnaker. was the saine as that of the ducbess, she attended the opera witli the duke's niother, and in mauv mnaIl ways she %va! given absolut-e power in this, great family. Wb\Veî the duke's admiration for her talents sbowcd siglus of turnin g o an admiration for ber proLu- ille Clery 'saw t'hat> the golden goa of her ambition was almost. witbin: ýtasP. The only obstacle was' Mme. lu Boccage, whose futile love for ier busband. cngeudered in bier a iatrcd for tbis womnaîî Who had dClv- ny usurped ber place. She tried in aini to dischargc ber; it was impos- ;ible to outwit Mlle. Clery. Soon. hwe i-rin _cfi*- Il' BOOK SELLERS. EspeciaIIy featuring curnt books BOOK REPITEflS Both fiction and non-fiction SOCIAL STATIONERS Box.d and uiound papers 1724 OItRINGTON AVENUE' Orrlngton flotel Bldg. Evanston fi ;under.

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