Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Aug 1932, p. 1

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School 'on Sc, PETITION FOR SCHOOL MERGER West Arça Residents: Ask ýto Become Part lof Wilmette District; Act Mo0nday Acion wvas taken Tues'a ilto this week 1w Ëthe' Wilniette board of educa tion to permit the Highcrest. school. district to consolidate with the: Wilmette district. If the 'consolidation goes thro-ugh it will mean that virtually ail the huilt-up territOryvý within the. *village. limits will be served. hy the one major scho ol (district. As ivas outlined in W .~ TELier several weeks 'ago, tliv niovement to- ward th.is immediate conisolidation Nvas ta ken by a .group of f amulies living *ini the '*Pine Crest",'section .of 'School District No-, 40 (!usuall), kiowii as theý Gross. Point district). Xith this.start, another and larger group ini the district secured more thani four hutndred sig- natures to a petition to do away with the district legal machinery by asking *the Wil.mettc public schools (district No. 39) to absorb the smnaller neigh- I)or. It was this petition which the Wil- mette board of education réceived. this %veek and approved. iTrustees Meet Monday The authority for conisummiatinig the consolidationi, however, lies with the board of, towvnship sch wl trustees, who are the custodians of the funds and. other properties of al school districts in New Trier township. The petition has been filed, with this board, wvhich is * expected to act uponi it niext Monday. The petitioners reported to the Wil- mette board that they had heard of no Taxes for all school te then be at the saine rate for the benefit of the en school district.> To Ail1 Citizens. andParents Repeated statements durïng the, past.few months that the Wilmette public schools could flot open without financial help f rom ;citizens have failed to bting assistance. The school treasury is practically empty. . We are unable to contract. for coal. There are no funds to pay teachers or cUr- rent runining expenses. 13efore giving up ail hope of continu- ing thé education of Wilmfette childrén, your. board of educa-, tion is formally caliing upon the. parents of every child -in the Wilmette 'sehools to do their share2 by lenditig the schools $10 ni.onthly per. child for the first term of five rnonth-s. If parents will agree to make such installîrnent loans and pay the first inst aliment before. September 15, the sehools can open on schedule time on September,19. Otherwise thýe,àchools wiIW.ré- main closed. Whileý the am-ouint asked for dpes flot pay the ful expense, perý child, We are hopef ul that if the parents will lend the schools. a surn probably less than hal f tha-t charged in pay schools, other.Wilmette citizens xiii make up) the differ- ence. Meetings of parents by gradesare ".eiig called according tfo a schedule printed elsewhere in WVILMETTE LIFE. Ail1 parents, citizens and organizations in Wilinette are asked to spread the ne'ws of thics situation and tp cooperate in 'reopening our schools. -Wilinette Board of Education,, Sehool District No. 39. HIenry 4. Cutier, president. Mrs. Elinor C. Craig. Ralph H. Durhani. J. R. Harper. Mrs. Eunice. S. Henderson. George _E. Leal. Frederick A. Lind.. F. A. Cushing Smith.' Report No New Contagion in Wilmette. This Week No new contagious disease cases were reported by the Wilmette H-ealth department for the week end- ing August 20. One old case of wlioop- i a campaign go meciately a er more tax a Miss Wilson Receives Honors at Camp Osohia. Miss, Elizabeth Wilson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Wilson, 801 Forest avenue, has returnied to Wfil- mette, after spending part of the 2m11Note:* Economy Shop 'is conductd SeI by theWoman's club of Wilmette. Proceeds go to charity.. WANT PARENTS' TO LOAN FUNDS Board of Education Announces Series of- Meetings to Dis- cusa Proposition' Wilmette public schools will flot open for the ý coming school . yeaù without the immediate help of al parents ofý Wilmette school children. At, a meetingý of the Winmette, board -of educationi Monday evening of this week, numÜerous ways for attçmpting the reopeniflg, of the, 7c 1-oo s on the. scheduled 'date of Septemnber 19 ýwere discussed, and, the following plan 'adopted: The schools will flot open unless enough money is in silht tô, ruin for the first term of five months. Thé parents of every child in. the schools will be asked to lend, to the schools $10 per month. as part payment toward the expense of. that child. Thus a loan of $50, to be made in five monthly instaîl- ments, is asked for each child. Pay lastalimnt Now The first instalîment is to be paid at once. This ainounit does flot pay the full cost of every child, but people who bave no children in school will be. asked to niake up the difference. In 'both cases the school board will issue its legal obligations, which can be applied on tax bis, or if held until taxes are collected will be paid in cash. If thýe plans for the' first terni of five mon ths . are successful, . the scbeme will. be repeated for the second .term.. In ôrder to accomPlish this pro- grami there vill be a series of meet- ings of parents called by fhe Board o f Education, beginning next week. HOME FROM TRIP Mr. and Mrs. George H. Beaudin of .726 1Elmwood avbnue returned recently. from a two weeks' motor trip- through Wisconsin and Minne- sota. They visited friends at their summer place at Mille Lac, Min,,. ,ise to o du,

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