right frocks for .very occasion et pr in the reach of .v.ry purs.. Modela type: junior, miss ead matron. Three Dresses Tyýbical o This Group Sketcled at Left (A). Brown ýcrin kie crepe makes a sports type dress. Noteworthy are the tiny white collar and unuistal seaminq to produice th ie ew silhoett. ..t$1 .75 <B.) A black crinkie crepe that accent- mfates. its raglan shouldcrs with -Ulnes of fagoting. The fuller sleeve and drapced neckli,îe arc nezt'....$ 10.75 (C) A usa bic supper drcss cmploys blaék transparent velvet set off with white flowers at the beit., The cape fastcn.l tcith brilliant clas ps.... $ 10.75> In flie -p pare! Sectiont-LORD'S-Second Floor Every.frock i these tiwo groups -is an ap.. proy.d fashion for Fait, 1932. Ail the new fabrics are included; every smart fashion trend, is .skown. Eniveon your summer-weary. wardrob. with one of the. dashing frocks. 515.00. Dresses That Look Like Twice Their Price Tags I the Apparel Section-LORD'S-Second Floor .very "v k QUALITY wilmeife 3700, Fountain Square 1 LORD'S LORD'S