Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Aug 1932, p. 24

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LTW. 4and LVI. Jonn rratbcis Porter of Noblesville, Imd. *The, cerenlon y was performed at 4:30 o'clock by Dr. Horace G. Smitb of. the Wilmette Parisb Metbodist church. The bride wore a simple white georgette frock and whitemitts. She« carried a large bouquet' of roses and garden flowers.. Her only attend-' ant was, ber -snall nicce, Suzanne ' TiI- ton of Evanston, whose dress was.also white georgette. Miss Lois Porter of Marion, mud.,. was an- out-of-town guest. Only members of the, family were present at the ceremony and the informaI wedding suýpper that followed later. The bride and groom will spenid their honeymoon at Moosehead Lake,, Me., whence they bave gone by motor, and will make tbeir home in Nei York, City. Mr. Porter is a member of the faculty. in tbe School of,. Sacred Music at- Union Theological seminar*.________________ %~ JL lie the aitillal ladies' race sh D. A. R.. Chapters da afternoon, dAuuki 13,' Mrs, to Visit Great Lakes. Maxr Hayford of Wili 'nette, zvife of thc club commodore anrd prcsi- The nortb shor'e chapters 'of the dcnt of the arlav skippcred Daughters of -the American Revolti- the. ihîtto b ils first iictory in, a tin vll1 be represcnted by their >otai ioeiPrat '* members at Great Lakes today.. For the twolieli's chantpionîship for thé' many years a day in August bas beemi wà~r. set aside for theni to visit thue sta--- tion. Luncheon ,is served at noon She liad plenty of competition f ront; followed b'y a tour of the grounds, the other fair 'skippers and, only cap- and tben a dress parade and drill by tured first place by a te'x-second inar-I the Navy boys.'. gin over Mrn. Harold Reeve, who %vas The Skokie Valley chapter of' at the stick of Glider. wbkch Mrs, Charles S. Jackson of Froni the crack of the starting guti Wiinetka is regent will sen'd several it 'was a thrilling race and thte men who members, as will the Glericoe chap- shipped along as crews came in full of ter, Mrs. Francis S. Grahami, regent, praise for the women's sailing. 'The and the Kaskaskia chapter of Eva n- Wet Smack was first over the starting ston, Mrs. John F. Dille,, regenlt. ' hue, witb Mrs. Burt Ellis at tbe tiller - and Mr. Ellis and Charles' Pajeau of Glcncoe as crew, and kept a long lead Married' for most ofthe race until she lostout Miss Marion Ristine, daughter of On a shift of the wind. Mr. and Mrs. John D. Ristitne' ,Of Loues by -Ten Seconds Evanston, and Franklin, B. Poes The 'first five boats came down the son of'-Mr. 'and Mrs.-Fredcrik. M. l'ast leg in 'close' pursuit wif b Glider Bowes, 1140 Greenwood avenue, Wil- adding some, spice by runniîig UP mette, were quietly married in the from fifth place and failiiîg by just chapel of the First Congregational ten seconds to overtake Twinkle Dit-, cburcb 'of Evanston Monday eveninçr. t- Mrz-U qxrfnre,.t"... l - The flrst dance hcld oi *proved such 'a success that executive board and tbe e committee of tbe club de bave.' a second * one just opening of scbool, and* the ning a series, of fo ur sticb season. S The prîvilege bas. agai, cordcd Miss Pocoek by i-t to. invite aIl the mem> Roycemore: and junior fort attend the party on Septer Activities, of Speecý Zeta Phi Eta, national the Scbool of Specb at Nq university, bad a meeting,1 ,August 10,' at the borne of1 Weber in La Grange. On1 August 17, the convention !X orgatiization met for lunchg home' of Hope 'Summers iti for the purpose of making tbe national convention of tl wbicb wili be beld ncxt Jt Nortbwcstern campus. Mrs. Aurci Burtis Kuhn %vill entertain active and alun bers of tbe chapter Septer luncheon and a fashion re that time a new associate met C*arey Culbertson. presiden Women's University club cô *will be introduced. Officers elected. last spring for the n( alumnae group of Zeta Pli Hope Stimmers of Evanisi dent; jean Burns of Evans~ president; Mrs. Martin SI tEvanstoîî, se.cretary-treasur Mrs. John Bycrast of' Cbica I3etrot bal Mr. and Mrs. Herniun Central avenue, Wilmette. the engagement 'of their Ellen, to James Loeb, Jr.,.sc and Mrs. James Loeb of 5 Sheridan road, Highland Pa tlic clui a lu -eiAiworin, %v 41no se m ar iaC UJ ria- 'bé furnisbed son Norman Clark of Evanston took 'chestra, and. place last Saturday, wore a cbarming weatber per- two-piece original Patou white suit of imported chalk crepe for the ceremony, >n August, 5 which took, place in Grace Episcopal the wonian's church of Grand Rapids. The beauty entertaiment o>f the dress wvas brouglit out by tbe etermined to simplicity of thé tailored French diago- Sbefore the nal niecklPne wbhich formed tbe new ey are,,plan-7 high waistline. Tbe skirt.was lovely, partiesAiîext ..panclcd in front and back With bias cut flares on either side,, and the *en semble in l)ecn ac- was complcted. by a graceful elhow tbe spotisors Iength circular cape colla.r wbich belted ers of lier in tightly at.the waistline, and a white tniglitlies to chalk.crepe bat. rnbr ~ The Rev. Lincoln 1). Vercue read the service at 4:30 in the afternoon, with a réception following at the Higb- 'e. Vatied land(s Country club. soroÎt) of Mrs. Willis, Harrison Litteli of soroity ' lanston (the former Lucile Tatham orthwcstern of, Glcncoe) who was tlhe bride's ma- Wednesdav, Mrs. Frank tron of honor and oily attendant, wore Wcdnesdav. -à suit of pastel blue cbalk crepe f ash- oad f leioned Similar to -the wedding .f rock, -icon at the witb' a blue crepe hiat and blue acces- n Evanston sories. ,plans for Roh ert Nelson of Kenilwortlî served he sororitv as hest mian for Me. Clark, Who is the [une at .the son of Mr. apd Mrs. Norman G. Clark' of Chicago. Mr.: and -Mrs. Clark. Mr. and Mr s.' mhae mcmn- George ,Wendel, Mrs. Carol Cheney.' ,nbcr "10 at Mrs. William Schiustcr, Miss jtîiliet eview. At Schuster, John McFadden, and WT. H. nîlber, Mrs; [itteil of Evanston, Mrs. Wells Sum- it of the morts of Kenilworthi, Miss Franices f Chicago, Clark of Oak Park, Robert Rogers Of Wvho werc Wilrnette. Miss Eleanor Btidrig of orthi shore Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bridges ii Eta are of Chicago, Miss Edythe Dixon, Miss oit, presi- *Holly Shivély of Chicago, A. J. Bruit, ston, vice- inig of Evansville, blid., and Mr. anîd losson of. Mrs. C. C. Bruning, and Miss Betty rer;. and Bruning of Detroit, Mich., werc amongt ago. social oQut-of-town gucsts at the weddinig. Mr. and Mrs. Clark sailcd vestcrday, - tô boncymoon in Bermuda, andupon their returu ýwilltniake their -'home at Katz 5151010 Hitnti avenue.. Evanston. anno'unce _Mrs. Clark isa graduate of, North- daughter,. Western univcrsity, and ýa member of on of Mr, Kappa kappa Gatlima sororit.v. Mr. 5.35 Soutii Clark is a graduate of Brown uiniver- trk. Miss sity and a member of Phi Kappa Psi cw Trier fraternity. Connecti.. sbie willEn gem n A non d vatory of E ggmn none assistant Mr. and Mrs. A. Starr Best, 828 twestern Michigan avene lmft. - T.Lester ai le tast circle ,opal cburch. will be Mrs. Mrs. F. W. le will an,, 924 Y, Au-, gust, ak- - 1u 5WLfI One compet couple, that 7G s4au. vVC session count for ung-wîtn for . each prizes. ..-.uay Augu 18. »aroara Jane, being tbe Ycoungest member of the Austin branch of the faniily, 'had ber Picture taken by a Chicago newspaper photographer as she. signed ber -naine for the first time in the fanîiily-register.. i

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