of 22nd street, It. goes without saying that the contingent of rooters f rom this sec- the Gth Corps Area*.team, and they will have plenty .of. opportunities to cheer, for' the army team is a hard- riding, spectacular performing coin- bination boasting tbree of the flash- iest stars in the game. That the 6th Corps Area four will. unleash a fine dîspiay of individuai and team play is a ssured in advance. Their ace, Maj. C. C. ,Smith. better known as "Square. Smith," is back *again aftier a brief, leave of absence during. whiich hie helped Win a na- tional championship. for an armny team in the east. Along with Capt. C. A. (Wiky) Wilkinson, also of the 6th Corps Area,,he was a iember of the ail-U. S. Army team which swept opposition before it in the early spring of 1931 during an in- vasioni of the Argenti ne. M ai or Smnith, equaliy brilliant on attackl, defensive play and as a field general, also piayed on the Oid Aiken teami which i ast summer. -de-feated the Argentine inva dersii the>itra tional series, at Onwentsia club. Supporting these two -stars. wili he~ Capt.* C. E. (Stubby) Davis, who likewise lias enitered the polo "hall of 'famé'e within the past two seasonls. Thé' fourth nienîl)er of the team i the starting iineup ivill be either Capt. H-. L. Branson or Lt. G. S. Smiith, both of whion are veterani and bighiy efficient performers. Oak Brook likewise %will present an imposiing battle front in Paul Butler, Barniey. Balding, jamies A. Hantiah and M. L~ Stockton, a teain that is Yet to.experience its first defeat o.f the, season.- No two teams in this section of the country have built up. a, more natural rivalry, and, ho two are: hotter after title' honors, than the 6th. Corps, Area. an.d Oak Brook, 'so that plenty of thriils and some spilis arle in prospect. The gaine has been arranged by the Central Polo asso- ciation, under sanction of 'the U. S. Polo association. Ail seats. in the stacuIum, me enViI York road, just Chicago. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTLSERS AcRich School Experience 'Th* Childr.n's School> under lb, direction of the, National Collège I of Education brings to parents !A Wilmett. and vicinity a peculiar opportunity. Childr.n bore'are'off.red 1 he best possible education under tMe, direction of a na ionally known college. of education. Nursery school, kindergerten and, seven grades ère available. Automobile service and noon mmiil if desired. Special attention to health needs. Visit the school and se. the equipment. Classes imifed.. Clara BelleSakeri Director, Dept., W-4 Sheridan Road; (i Evanston, 111. Te. Greenleaf -O2i, Rogers Park 1807. The Children s Scho.ol NationlColge of.,Educat*Ion and: V -8 cylincler Lincoins, as welI as an interesting display of those mechanical features which make pos- sible the precision craftmnanship for whichi the Lincoln. is famous. show Inner Mechaiism For instance, there is a cut-away chassis of the V-8 and also of the. V-i. Lincoln, with skeleton bodies showing the inner. construction of the car. Transmission units showing aàl working parts, as Well as a free wheeing unit, are on display. Another interesting part of the exhibit is a V-12 crank shaft mounted, on-stand- ards in, such a way thiat, the action of an electric fan causes it to rotate. Viewing the Johannesen gauge ex-m hibit which is a 'part of the display, is worth anyone's time, whether the person is interested in the purchase of, a car or not. Xith these instru- mnentsý it is possible to measure as close as one-millionth of an, inch. Can Buy Direct With the opening of its newv north shore branch, residents of this section are now able to buy Lincoln cars di- rectly f romn the Ford Motor company.. of which the Lincoln Motor company is a division. Daniel R. Ganev, salesý manager of the -new retail sales and service; branc i in Evanston. said this week thiat "we are agreeably surprised at the reception accorded our unusual display. People have been coming in during the day as weII as iii the even- ing.", Mr. Ganey, on behaif of the Lin- coin Motor. coxnpany, bias. extended a cordial invitation to north shore residents to visit the display at ah'y tinme. Bill Shiernian, s on ot the Harold R. Shermans; 714. Washington ave- nue,.will be a student at Purdue uni- versity, Lafayette, Ind.,'.th'is year.ý W. H. CalIow, Principal Business College 1718 Shermnan Ave. iMAeMber Wdlmetto Ohaesber of Comme vo. Look Your Best With MIRACLEAN. Men,, it's just as easy to look your best on sport'$ play- grounds, as U is iii business. No matter how soiled you r g9ar- ments become, Miraclean wil freshen an~d pep them Up. Miraclean wiII remove every