on Deev st Sf ;V ANS TU1 Wilm.ft. 1100 Doue Br Expevts ~ Keepa Your OId Shoeis Like New!' AND HEELS -OR Genuine cak Ieother haIf-soles and e - sturdv rubber heels will be put on shoes of anv size. Workmanship and materials ffuaranteed. 9f omem's Rubber Hoelsr, 15s Wieboldt's, Basemnent--Evanston EC ONO0MI CAL The, Nu-Way Aufomatc Oil Burner for home heat- ng will solve your heating problems- for ail time. This is the ulfimate m'n 1 ï burn- 'ing equipment. ifs efficiency assures. I ow fuel consumption an, ifs s MaI motor uses. littie cur rent. We 7â would welcome an opportu- nify f0 explain this engin.gr- on ine ureat J.4KeS,"n til IU88UVI i spnding their yacation ii rte i~ Monday, August 22, word was rcie nrlirw(e ini the council beadquarters -to the éf- iy separated areas. f ect that the ship was at Mackinac Mr. Ryboît is taking bis vacation. islad, ich, an tht te Se Scutswith his family at the scouter's (for- were bound south for Manistique or merly f amily) camop in Wisconsin, across Charlevoix. the lake f rom Camp Ma-Ka-Ja-Wafl. 11Mr., McManus is touring the middle, This is the sixth cruise- for the west and near east, 'inspecting other schooner. ",Skipper" jack Demorest bas, scout camps. and just seeing the scen-' been in command.ail sumnmer and has ery -wbich 'they and their surroundirig been ahly assisted by bis mate and, chef,. areas provide. It seems the, globe. trotter "Sen."of the outfit is, Mr.'Boltz who went FoQllowing is a list of Sea Scouts and east to visit. friends and relatives in leaders who, are aboard: John Betak,, New York -and New England. skipper, Lewis Birdsall, Walter, Mc- The office secretaries spent their va- Quire, Motley, Bryant, Bob McQuire, cations close to home., Thev'll ail be Walter T-aas, Fred Leason, Jim Mc- back soon ready to make the fali pro- Namee and- Harry Keator. gram. "pop." North Shore Boy Scouts Appreciate Good Books As in former years,. the Highland Park lilrary sent 122 good books to Camp Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan tbis last season tog supplemet the cam p ibrary, wbich operates each summer for the conven- inêoLthe campers. George Hinn wa-s camp librarian and vouches for the ex- tensive use tbat thiose and ail books gtat camp thissummfer. If anybody bas any books thlat he wvould like, to send to camp, he may leave them. at the -Highland Park hçed- quarters. 21 'North Sheridan- mail, Fighland Park. Per-sons wishing to bave the books called. for,, phone Highland Park 629, Radio Troop Is Taking Wisconsin Cainoe Trip Scouts of "Troop One-Eleven of the Air" ieft last Saturday for M,\arlanits, Wi. where they hegan their longed-for camoe tnpl down to Rhinelander. Gettipg a good start on Fence lake Su'id.y morning, tbey padIed'their way down nhroug.h a chain of lakes to Tomahawk. They arrived in Tomahawk on Wednes- day and started down the Wisconsin river. 'rhev expect to arrive in:Rhine- lander on Friday evening and t-) return to the nortb shore on Saturday. EXECUTIVE SEEKS MUSKIES Banjo, King Invites Scouts f0 Big Rally Eddie Peabody, the banjo king, who ivas on the stage at the Uptown tbeater last week, invited, ail scouts and scout-, ers to a scout rally at that, theater on Monday, Aêagust 15., Approxim ately fifty north shore scouts attended. 1Wý%heni they, left the theater after, a fine shiow%, they al feit that they bad had a splendid morning. Mr. Kiplinger, the.regional e xcuttive, Mr. Finnteil, dep- uty regional executive, "and bis brother, and Eddie Péahody with bis banjo, and Tom andi Hank, trick riders and rope rs,, took part in the prograni. EddiePea)o.dy is regarded as a very entbiusiastic scouter, leing actively cOn- necte(1 with ýten troops tlhrtoug!u)t tthe United States and Canada. A tenderfoot investiture Curemonv wvas conducted on the stage fior Tom and Hank McFarland who prepared themselves as tendlerfoot scouts between "lacts." Many Long to GO: Beck to Camp Ma-.Ka-Ja-Wan, Wgheron al sies, "'Gee, 1 sure wisb 1. was back at camp.", It's.ail over -and so quickly. However, the more the scouts* miss camp af ter tbey bave b)een there the quicker tb.ey are to re- turn. The reaction is not without. rea- son and any red-blooded .boy is always eiararn*to go back" to scout camp HUFF RADIAHEAT BOILER, SALES CORPS 1463 Sherman Ave.., Evansfoin GREenleaf Winnetka 44J CUBSWORTENysSCOUTS D)ry 9Go48sStore v .fIIfL )Meu sStore ;148Wlimette Ave. 1192 Willîette Ave. i I I