Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Aug 1932, p. 20

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fbisn muni iSe * Me 8itu DyS1lF n S Doon t imuealp1>arance ln 1curnt Issue.. RenoIutions of côndoiene, carde of thanku, obitu- Bf.., notices of entertalumenta or otbér affaire where an admittance charge la publushed. wiII be charged at regular advertfrhig rates. IGrade Sepatation Will Save Life Letoi -Hasten the Day! Notbing.wil make the bome-owner so, happy andl strengtben bis confidence that better timnes are approacbing as lower taxes. owr The thought of a 50 percent. re- Lower(lUction ini taxes such as seems Taxes! probab~le in Indiana is a tbought ,Taxes that causes the ordinary taxpay er to become ecstatic. Only a f ew minutes ago we talked witli a' widoW. of advanced* years who bas plenty of that sort of property',tbat is connionlv called "réèa!," but very littie cash mone. Her taxes bad been so huge that lier only pros-, pect seenied to be tbe county poor-house. What ,a blessing- to ber, 'if she- lives long enougb, will be tbe return. of, lower taxes! It is indeed béartening, to learn of the :ef- f orts. made by north- shore, governmetsto c) reduce budgets and, thus open the wav f or lower taxes. Vpters, in the Ne-wN Trier towNN-1sip1 vil- lages bave been reniinded that no0 one cati vote .iin the presidential election Ini Must Register, Novenîber w 1it b o ni t registering. Registra- to Vote tion will take place at t lh e regular polling' places in eacbl precinct on two days, Satur-, day. Octoher 1, an(l Friday. October 14, iai annunc(l.Thepoils will be Open on -these two (lavs f or the purpose, of registration f romn 6 o'lock in thie.iiorninig until 9 o'clock at night. Voters expecting to l)e out of towu ýiion the. two registration dates should wtrite to the Election commission, Counitv building. Chicago, stating the facts. They will then receive a formi which can be filled out and filed according to the nmost necessary duties of the property owner is the cutting down of ragweed and Canada Humble thistie on bis property. It may Humble seem that bis other duties are Duties of so mucb more. importance. tbat-the elimination of tbese- noxious weeds need flot beý considered.1 But. those -wbo bave looked into the matter and, bave establisbed the fact that- ragweed and other-pollen-bearing .weeds are tbe cause of bay-fever insist justly tbat Public and private forces :jon in the cutting down *of tbese Plants. Those wbo are f ree f roni tbe atta-cks, of bay fever and similar maladies 'cannot1 appre- ciate the, inconvenience and suffering of tbe .%ict*limsof these diseases. but let sucb pe rson s study at close range, and *over a long period of time tbe. history of tbese unf ortunates and be will surely conclude tbat any steps tbat, c an. be ta.ken to belp thein are well wortb taiking. Cut down the ragweed oi vour propertv at once! W~e IstiII believe, that most auto accidents cain be ýprevented l)y the use of .a moderate amnount of intelligence and forethought. AI- tbougb the detailed account of most accidents cannot in the' nature of the case be given, stIl we rnust cQncl(le on tlhe basis of wbatever f acts we get. that if d1rivers' go a littie more slowly at critical points. if thev obey stop- and-go lighits. If tbev kepl in their own lanes on crowded highiways. if tbev are considérate <'if the other f ellow. they *willl probahlv n.iiot -get into, acci(lentsý. The. MVilmette, Board ,of, .14ducaipn hi las (levise(l a iplanito J)erflhit'the ol)eflinigof our puiblic schools oâ sc.ledule Septeniber 17. It is to be hop* ed that the',.plani,. as. onjtItined ini thisise. il find iminediate. resl)olse with the parents of sehool chil- dren as wvell as ail other citizenis. We nunst not permit such a .catastrophe as closed scbool doors to befali ,ùr coin- Oprie thev their hearts' deep chalice 7'o her understanding gaze; Teil her secrets of their neighbors- Pirds, and becs, and elves ami fays. ANow she listenls. siiilipg zwisely,. Lifilng high her goldein .head, Rut she.'s.never tbld u. nmortahç '4113' ord the roses $aid! I.iltle:Sister tM the Roses WVaves "good, bye" and gocs Io play. Put the roses bloom m. ore sweetly Çince shc'passcd along their way. WÎI Wonders Never Cease? Perliaps the most ambitions project ever recorded ini any north shore paper-or in any publication wliatever, for, that matter-is heralded 'in the fol- I1oxvinig excerpt f romi a story in IEvanstoin Review: TO HIKE ACROSS LAKE A lake, steamer,.trp to St. JQseph and Benton Harbor., Mtch.. willI be the oùtlng of thé e.anston 'Valking club this week-end. Quite ail outing, we'd say. A bunch of. hikers escorting a steamner across the lake wotild niake a trans-oceanic 'flig4& look as. tame as. a game of croquet. Now that vacation is over, we're living on hani- hurger sandwiches - and.memories: Took a cruise over the ýWorlds Fair,, 1r ot;nd-, in" the Goodyear blimp, "Puritan," and the- ride, wvas so smootb and enjoyable that it wvas no "Pli- gr im's Progress." Got to thiinkinik...as we peered' down, thiat no niatter hbw conceited à person may be, he looks prettv small f rom 'way up in a blimp. But we got to feeling even smaller wben. we realized that a- person on terra firma couldn't see us at ail. Some. of the. old confidence. returtned. ho%-ever, when ýwe, found. that we were. able to look downy on.i skyscrapers. 'Twas, sweet ýrevenge for the 'stiff 1 eck we uised to acquire wvhile, looking. uip f rom the sidewalk and trying *to -counit the nuniber of stories .in the towering buildings. Llie is* a stern, teacher. we learnied during vaca- tion. This time a pinching bug taught us a lesson in. Star City, Ind.-pop. 400. We were standing hefore thie onlv light in town at 10 o'clock. (ves. irs, wa s iyj supported by good and sufficient reasons. To insist upon this immediate pay- ment' in spite of existing conditions and to insist upon it ini a way that came close to actual ,physical compulsion miust bave seemed puffing The days are approaching when tbe suin rhythmi y grew f mer prodigals will be returning. Let us greet pipe w tbem not wt irritation and ill-concealed night." e nvy but ýwith a spirit of gracious welcome. away at oulr pipe. seemed to blend.; inter, the music ýnt out- just, as the JUSt about perfect, idnce during vacat ion. Sradio one nigbt and noke rings and music Mben the smoke rings came softer, and the flnoüncer said, ."Cood e thought. -.NIGHT EWITOR. -J

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