Guaranteed Coats! 1932-33 Models at About One-HaIf Pricer Vogu, v . sau.. uch as we've nover known in 49 yedift experiencel Luxcurlous palis, comple. sz. ranges for women, rnism *s *,junors,. and .v.ry ilmpeifant fur ;çoat mode* OnIly by g thes. stunnng coats, kandflng lk.m, fryig flî.m on can you fully appre4àfe, this opportunify. The Furs --* Noathern Sad. (Dyed Conep) Dark Muahr« Silver Muskm0 Mendoza Bpe (Dyed Coney) Comnantiof 1Muskra.t The T rms Russn Fa tch Cwrnmn i btch Blue Foir Ermine Beige Ermine. .Summer Ftmine Americun Broadiail airport in one week this month. Two of the ships were Gypsy Mollis, one of which was purchased by the Moth 1Fiying club of Chicago and the ot ber by two business men froin Galesburg. The North Shore Airways of, Wau- kegan bought *a Curtiss-XVright Junior. Othe'r ships sold during the record week inclu4ed a. Challenger Robin to Frank.Shoblaska of Mani- towac, Wis., a Curtiss.-Wright Gypsy Tramner to Stover Deats of- Grand Is- land. Neb., and a.Loening amphibian to. Lloyd Laflin of .Lake, Elgin Watch companiy officiai.. Cur- tiss airport officiais also report a- number of new storage custaniers this morith. Who said -business mit picking up? Autogiro to Take Part in Airport.Dedication. Duncan Hlodges,' manager of Pal- Wiukee airport, plans to take the Pitcairn autogiro which he' brought here fromi the east several weeks ago to Decatur today ( Thursday ') to take part in the dedication of the Decatur airport. Last Sunday Mr.: Hodges took the autogiro to 'Rockford for demonstration purposes. Letters coirn-0e to Pal-Waukee each week froni fly, ing fields near Chicago and elsewhere asking that the autogiro be brougbit. to these airports to carry passenge rs or for demonstration. There is room only for the pilot and one passenger in this particular type of auitogiro. Monocoupe Is Entered in' Cord.Cross-Country Race -A Moniocoupe owned by Williami Lear of the -Lear Developinent coni-q pany and pilotedby C. L. Clabaugh . of the North Shore airways,' \Vau- içegan, will be one of the' entries in the Cord cup handicap race, which is to l)e a feature of the National Air races starting Saturday, Augusçt 27. The Cord event is to bie a cross-coun- try affair. The eastern ]eg of thei rac.e, in which Lear's plane will take p art, will. sta rt at Washington. D. C.î es 0On Davis Street Wiliete1100 Post commanders and delegates representing 45,000 war veterans of Cook' and Lake counties met last Friday night at the Great Northerii hôtel in Chicago to hear Paul Amni- strong, commander of the Cook counity council of the Amnerican Legion, outline plans for the benefit air show to ýbe, held Sunday Septem- b)er1 i at Sky Harbor airport . Commander Armstrong said, "Planl- ned as an answer to the *We * Man t Work*- cry of ,selfý-respeétine Legion members and fellow-veterans, the show affords remunerative enîploy -. ment to those-willing to work for its success.. The exe cutive committee- directing the show is headed by, Capt. B. B. Lipsnier, under whose supervision the postofficeë department inaugurated the air mail system. Maj.,R. W. Schroe- der,prsdn of Skv Harbor, Inc., former chief test pilot of the armv' air corps and'world's altitude recordl holder, is doniating the. airport and bis services as director of events. 'Major Schroeder will be asslste(l 5Y America's foremost stunt aind rac- ing pilots who are volunteering their. services without charge to the Legiloi. The major is leaving. this week -for .Cleveland to. invite the star perforn- ers at the national air races to ap- pear, in the Arnerican- Legion iiet, at. Sky Harbor on Septemiber 1l, one week after the close of the Cleve- land mieet. AI-Dy Prograni The extensive programn plaiiied for the Amiericani Legion show. at Skv, Harbor will open at 1) o'clock in the. m-omning with the National Ouitdlor Airpiane Model contest, cont iningiic throughout the day with. every phase of aerial entertainniein. There will: be sportsmen's races, professional stunt and speed competition, ýpara- chute jumpls, an aeriall)omhardinent. a night air raid- and a'fire%%orkls <is- play to close the meet in thc evenling. 'rrophies for.the different events are offered by the v arious Chicago iievspapers. Tickets for the rneet nav be ob- tained in the four New Trier towli- 1posts m on a tour of the coun-. school chums and friends cities. Hils last stop be- ng at Curtiss field was e, Ind. He files a f qur - Bellanca acYruCke PÇoWere« WItn al tore arrivii Wasp. motor. He made the trip uin Terre-Haut about two. hours and fifteen minutes. place Bird.