Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Aug 1932, p. 14

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*closing programns of the two local playgrounds Friday of last week. The Vattman park progran. began at .2 o'clock and the VýiJage Green prograin at 3:30 o'clock. Each plaY- grounld had a prograni of gaines. races and novelty numbers, in addi- tion to Mr. Johnstou's addrëss wlîich he concluded lw awarditiniedais to, children 'who hiad won the miost points during the*summer. Each playgrounid displayed au e x- hibit of bandicraft work, acconi- piished during the summer, and par-, ents of the playground'children wver'e invited to inspect the display before the programns began. The ýVillage Green program çonsisted.of a play- let."The Three Trees." and an -ex- hibition bail gaine between the se- nior boys.and girls.> The Vattmnan Park program was as follows: ring gamnes by the little children: shoe scranible for inter- mediate boys: waltz clog tap) lw the ju nior girls; grounld tulnihlilg.' se- lected group, girls; bailoon race, ju- iiior boys and girls; soft shoe tap number. oldergirls; sack race, boys and girls.~ trapeze-exhibit, seiecte'J grotip. girls; Dresentation of awards. and hall gjames between boys and girls. Children who received niiedals were: Dorothy Davis. Vattman park, 64 points; Blanche Kreusch. Village Green, 58 points-, Eric Samnuelsonl. Yattman park. 53 points: Howard Bail. Vattman park, 50 points; Nancy Henderson. Vattman park. 43 points;, .Marion Schneider, Village Green. 42 points-, Marcia Anderson. Vattmian park, 41 points; 'Rav Smiall. Vattnian park, 40 points; Albion Pientka. Vil- lae Green. 38 points; Jinmv Steen. Vattman p)ark. 38 points.~ Mary Ruth Fanckboner, Vattman park, 37 points; Dor-othv .'Ortegel.* Village Green, 34. points; Peter- Schaefier, Vattman. Park. 33 points;, and Ray Tripicchio. Village Green. 32 Points. Reecation Leaders Have Chance to Play discovered thie foliowing paragraphs ini a copy of an address made by Lewis E. Lawes. warden .of Sing Sing prison, and sent them to Daniel M. Davis, Wilmiette director of. recrea- tion. who hlas, submitted then, for, publication. The parag'-raphs, -re- printed. frorn the -New York Times magazine of Juiy 31, 1932. are sig- nificant in that they show the im- oortance of proper recreationaL pro- grains in the curbînig of juvenile de-* lincuency. "The More Properly Managed Clubs and Piaygrounds ýWe Shall Have' the Less Police Stations WTe Shahl Need." is the caption 'of the followiniz article:. Educatorq are generally agreed that the function of the sehoni does flot end wlth the close of the school day. Ifis almi la to Influence the social outlotnk "bf Its pupils. the school, m'ust concerin itself In a large measure with the so- cl.01 life of its wardm. What does th-" child do wlth Its lelsqure? Where does it play and how? What are 1t., pref- erenesq in comipanlonship? What are ts inclinations? The sehool Is interested because the klnd and eharacter of a rhld's use of timie after 'sehool hourýý àoects behavior. its attitude toward au- tbority and itudy and has an Intlimate relatlonshlp to retardation and truancy. $uÙpervlsed Play Ess4entiali In. this pr)eticular. field the -chooi miuat conipete with. those unidesirýabie( associâtions that, are, formed in po.'l roonîs and oin street corners. The ade- ciuately equipried boys' club and kkm- .rlred organizations. the supervised play- zround. are as essential as the class -on to rounding out the education. of the youngster. Wholesomne leisure iiakes for good eharacter. "Chlldren ,tvll folo' leadership." is the coinment of the New Yor k school report, "and uipon the character- of that leadersliu ta a large extent depends what type of' !n*rperly, nîanaged clubs ami play- erouindg ire have. the less police sta- tions ive shall need., ..It 1$ e-, sad commentary on the wealth and foresight of rnot;t of our. great centers of. population that onIv about 20 percent of, their children of school age can flnd accommodation' in playgrounds and clubs iduring the lomn; summer vacation. Hloweverý else bud- gets are restricted. in ther depart- meints. this feature of our educational nrogram inust.be enlairaed. Furnish the. cotupetitor in therPlaygi ecreatiop board's. sui pitching" plavground nmer1 bal The tejim lost only one game dur- ing tbe seasoni winning a total. of nineteen games. The victorious team iras also chamPion of'the pl1averoiud h)all leaâgue fast vear and at the 1p res- eit, timp is leading the: field in the 'soft pitching". league this summer with a total. of seventeen victories and two defeats. Kenilworth Ice finished fil second fflace in the "fast . pîtching" league and Ridge Pharmacv had second ffiace' in- the "slow o.itchingz" league at-the beginningr of, the iastý week, of nlav. The "fast initching" league fin-, ished the schedule Iast,,Friday 'eve- "nIW. while Ainal games in the other lacrue ivili he piayed tomorrow eie- I Lea gue Garmes- f Resuits of recent garnes in the Men's Playground bai lélague eollow : Lynani's Texàeo's (10) methocNsts (i5), G. Jones W. Roger4î F. Horn E ero'l R. NMorra'n T. Wheele r J. Iverson C Nordberz P. Jones V. Wyle B. Berndston F. Schrnitz R. Horn ..J., ver.son C. ilIB. Llndsley P. nels G.Geppert A. BoVajiln G. Stone B-. Waters T. Schfiiler- B:, *Braun. S. Thalmainn G. Bleser S. Kraft H. Marquardt' P. Wintersz F. Schaefc'r P. Kaspa r H. Boll R. Hoffmnan Washington Parks (11) G. Ludwig H. Sieren P. Bleser IF.,Ingraim B. Ferrarini B. Hurdm EBrammer D, Chester ,Washington Parks. (8) G. Ludîvi, V.* Huî-d T. Sèhinler E. Bleser T. Schopen G. Bleser H. Sieren W. Ferrarini D. Lynch nis championship Monday evening by defeating jane Krier, 7-5, 6-3, 6-2, in the final match. Both the new champion and the runner-up had won their semi-final matches with large margins. Miss Paterson defeating Kay Naper, 6-4, -6-3, and Miss Krier defeatinig lsie Thelen, 6-2i, 6-3. The consolation tournament in, the woien's- diviion is still ini the semi- final round with matches scliedule<l between Betty McCann and Dor- othy Bersch and betwveen PC,, Y Walker and .Dôrothy Schinler. Twin brotbers.Wayne and Stan-. lev Cochran, won ail the pr.izes ni the boys' tournament. with Wayne taking the gold. medal for winning, the tournament and Stanley -the sul- ver' medal for finishing first ir; the consolation tournament. Quie semfi-final, match remains. to he 'plai-ed 'befare the championsliis gaines. in. the men's tournamient. Il wil he between Georsze Thelenl and Harold Schaefgen. The winine-r of that match will meet Clifford Daî-1iing in th e final match to.determine the WiIniette .chamhnion. C. B. :Cochran! and Charles MNfc- Can wil célash in the final match of, th.e consolation tournam.eiit this week. If. Peters l) i. Miller J. Miller C. Grater R.. Waters A. Bauier T. Schtlnlcr V. Davis H-. NMaroiuardt I. Burhans J. Cýicchlni Hi. Peters J.. Hloffmann E- Brenier S. Keil A. Schacfer H. Marquarldt D. liuck J. Hires J: Moore Tigers (9) Ralp)h Iloffulhan F. Schaéei I. Bal R. Wenter B. Streif J. Krieil) R. Borre M. Kneh) P.KaspDar Texacots (10) J. Iverson E. Horn P. Joncs. G. Joncs R. Morani J. Bagnaîl G. Iluck D. Huck A. Boyajian -aato in -h-.a-o- will reniain the antagonism that wil vacaton i Chicgn. ei exp)ression In dublous, adventure- Mrs. Gertrude F;anckboner, plav However willhlnz the Police may be--Ifs zround instructor at Vattman park Crime Pre-vention bureau. la a splendi(- this summér. Plans to spend lier va- eamp,1eof its coonration-lt cannol lead. It can ônlv threaten. It cannnt cafe-.n in Wii'rette after a yisit with nýrovide the leadership that. will hold he sct~rin Drtr the Jimagination of the yputngsteýr, S., WeI« R. Sweet J. Kraft S. Çqt' pbell S. Woodhead J. Pahînian, .A. lic R.c J. Sel E. BI R. E L. BE Hloffmian Florists Kenilworth Ice St. Joseph Ankola Coffee A. C. Schultz & -Nord Wilmctte Tailors WVest ]End Florists St. john«S'. Lost 1 5 7 7 12 14 18

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